Literature Review on "Disaster Response Lit Review Technological Transformation"

Literature Review 9 pages (3137 words) Sources: 9 Style: APA

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A greater many number of people can be reached very fast through the social media in the eventuality of a disaster. This fast and direct communication enables early warnings to be delivered to potential victims, know locations of stranded victims during and after a disaster and communicate efforts of relief and rescue to the affected people.

Shyne Adamski, Senior Manager of Digital Engagement of the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. (2013) stressing the importance of social media in disaster response in a statement states that that a message can be spread among thousands and thousands of people with just a click of the mouse or a swipe of a smart-phone screen where such information transfer has a very tangible effect (Adamski, 2013).

In the United Kingdom, the London Fire Brigade was the first in the world to launch a twitter feed in December 2012. Text-based communication among the adults of UK was more than the actual phone call communications between adults in 2012. This is of great consequence and formed the basis of the fire brigade going for a twitter account where residents could tweet in emergency calls in cases of disaster.

Early Warning Systems and Disaster Response

Over the years with the development of technology several early warning systems about disasters, especially natural disasters, have been developed. The development of such early warning systems has also helped the disaster response teams to lead rescue operations before disaster strikes. Bila, Mansor and Mahmud (2004) described the project titled Emvimon- a project that was started by the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland in along with the National
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Research Institute for Earth Science, Japan. Creation of varied environmental monitoring systems is the primary aim of the project (Bila, Mansor & Mahmud, 2004). Built as primarily a disaster information and monitoring system, Envimon provides real time monitoring of impending disaster and provides solutions for responding to the disaster. Data from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is used by the program to predict and assess disasters. The system works primarily as an early warning system but also can be used for post disaster management. The program has been used for floods and landslides that can be detected from changes in topography. The program sends alert messages pt the public after it detects a threat from the analysis of topographic data from SAR. Being a user friendly system, Envimon has a large reach and eve the layman can make use of it through web application and thus can be a source of mass early warning system.

Another important early warning system that uses sophisticated technology for disaster response is the Sahana Disaster Management System. Islam and Chik, (2011), who have worked on the issue in Bangladesh says that the system was designed with the aim of creating an institution-based framework and state of the art information communication system (Islam & Chik, 2011). This was started after the devastating tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004. Like the Envimon project, this is also a web-based system and can be accessed by everyone. It has an open source software and is useful in minimizing problems that are related to coordination of relief work and supplies, relief camp management managing of volunteers and help find missing people. The design of the system has several components where each component has a different function and caters to a particular coordination problem in disaster response (Islam & Chik, 2011). Elements can be added and deleted to the system which can be easily set up anywhere. The design of the program is such that it can be used both on the large scale or the small scale. The smaller version of the system is just like an application that can be downloaded and clicked for execution.

Role of Early Warning Systems in Disaster Response

According to D.C. Seng (2012), the use of early warning systems can save a lot of lives during a disaster, especially the natural disasters. "Several countries have significantly reduced deaths by developing effective early warning systems," says D.C. Seng (2012). Citing example of the Cubas Tropical Cyclone Early Warning System, Seng claims that the system has helped reduce incidents of deaths dramatically in cases of natural disasters like tropical cyclones, storm surges and related flooding. Talking on the same issues Rogers and Tsrikunov (2011) claimed that there had been just seven deaths in five subsequent flooding events (Rogers & Tsrikunov, 2011).

Islam and Chik, (2011), indicate a similar 48-hour early warning system operational in Bangladesh. This early warning gives a chance to the people of Bangladesh to evacuate the flood prone areas and move to a secure location till the storm was over (Islam & Chik, 2011). This has helped reduce deaths in a most significant way and has been a very important tool for the disaster response teams. The duo substantiated their claims by presenting contrasting statistic where they say that that in 1970, 300,000 people died after Cyclone Bhola hit the coastal region of the country and just 3,000 casualties were reported in 2007 during Cyclone Sidr.

Though human lives can be saved to a substantial degree, early warning systems have very little effect on reducing financial losses. J Zschau and A.N. Kuppers (2003) says that financial losses can be prevented to a certain degree by early warning systems in case of slow progressing disasters but almost nothing can be done for sudden disasters (Zschau & Kuppers, 2003). Preempting a disaster days and even months before it actually occurs is possible in a few cases and in such cases substantial work can be done to secure financial losses when the disaster occurs the time given by the early warning system is used by disaster response teams to plan and reduce losses in a disaster.


The advancement of technology has had a great impact in the everyday lives of people. Technology has not only made lives of people easier but at times they are even saviors of life. This is also true for disaster response and disaster management. Communication is of prime importance in case of an impending disaster or during the actual disaster. Disaster response entails that maximum communication possible is maintained during this period. The development of mobile phone technology has enabled keeping in touch before, during and after disasters quite easy. Technological advancements have even been made to keep in touch in places where there is no mobile network. These advancements are being used by disaster response personnel to save lives.

Another important tool for disaster response is early warning systems. In the last decade, there have been several large scale natural disasters. This has prompted the development of some user friendly early warning systems for common use. Such early warning systems enable people to know about an impending disaster and take necessary precautions. Examples have been shown where these early warning systems have helped drastically reduce loss of life during disasters. It is also a very important tool for the disaster response teams who can have time at hand to plan, strategize and implement evacuation and relief plans. However early warning systems, though effective in saving human lives,, cannot be effectively used to reduce financial losses during disasters except for slow developing disasters.


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Disaster Response Lit Review Technological Transformation.”, 2015, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Disaster Response Lit Review Technological Transformation (2015). Retrieved from (2015). Disaster Response Lit Review Technological Transformation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
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”Disaster Response Lit Review Technological Transformation”, Last modified 2024.
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1. Disaster Response Lit Review Technological Transformation [Internet]. 2015 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Disaster Response Lit Review Technological Transformation. Published 2015. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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