Essay on "Project Management Disaster Recovery"

Essay 8 pages (2422 words) Sources: 8

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Disaster Recovery Plan

XYZ Retail

Life Safety and Disaster Recovery Procedures

Location Name: Cobblestone, Store 456

Location Address: 1234 SW 18st, Miami, FL 12345

Location Phone [HIDDEN]


Police, Fire, Medical Emergency call: 911

(After you call 911, Call [HIDDEN] XYZR911)

Urgent Facilities, Loss Prevention, Alarm Issues: 1-888-RETAIL11

Shut off valve locations

Domestic water shut off valve location: Loading Dock

Fire Sprinkler water shut off valves:

Riser Room 1: Loading Dock

Riser Room 2: Fine Jewelry

Riser Room 3: Second Floor bathrooms

Riser Room 4: Young men's stock room

Main shut off valve location: Entrance 1 near facing the parking garage

Within the retail environment, factors, beyond the stores control will undoubtedly occur. It is through this uncertainty that an emergency procedures plan should be used. This plan is designed to provide the reader with a comprehensive overview of common emergency occurrences and how to effectively deal with them. This guide is meant to provide a step-by-step process to ensure the safety of both employees of XYZ Retail and its subsequent customers. The following scenarios are meant to be a guide that is flexible enough to provide elasticity in regards to its implementation. As such, the executive in charge of the building must use his or her best judgment to act in a
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prudent and unbiased manner to ensure the safety of all personnel involved. Below are common scenarios that an executive of XYZ retail may encounter (Fairley, 2004).

Scenario 1 and Scenario 2

There is an outage that is expected to be short-term in nature. This outage could be related to interruption of power supply, disruption of building availability, or other factors that prevent normal operations on an expected short-term basis.

Power Outage

Power Outages will periodically occur due in part to the location of stores within the south Florida region. The region is characterized by heavy rain and wind. Occasionally this rain and wind my cause temporary power outages that may temporarily halt business activity. The occurrences or power outage is exacerbated during hurricane season as the prevalence of high winds and rain create a more profound effect on power. In the event of a power outage the store manager is to follow the procedures below (Dobson, 2003).

Executive in charge:

The executive in charge first calls the Utility Company to find out the status of the outage and ETA for recovery. The store contact information is located near the end of this manual along with the Utility Contact information.

The Executive is then required to call [HIDDEN] XYZR911 and report the power outage problem to the regional office

The executive should call Mall management offices to see if the mall and other mall tenants are also impacted.

Check for elevator entrapments. If there are indeed entrapments follow the entrapment procedures located after this section

Call 911 if emergency services are needed

Follow the evacuation procedures if required to evacuate the building by local emergency personnel or if the store has insufficient lighting to allow customers to remain in the store during the outage (Petroski, 2003).

Elevator Entrapment Procedure during a power failure

As eluded to above, it is possible for both customers and personnel to become entrapped within an elevator during a power failure. This experience is likely to be unpleasant for those particularly fearful of tight areas. In order to insure all personnel and customers are safe during a power failure, elevator entrapment procedures must be present. It is the responsibility of leadership to ensure a timely and orderly elevator exit for customers and employees. The time should take no longer than 2 hours for those entrapped during a power outage to be rescued. This time however is contingent on the circumstances present during the incident. Below are guidelines and instructions to guide the executive in his leadership.

Executive Team should make verbal contact with the trapped individual and assess their physical condition. From this conversation, appropriate action can subsequently be taken. Below are basic questions the executive should ask to properly ascertain the elevator situation

How many individuals are with you inside the elevator?

Are their currently any injured individuals within the elevator?

Are any women inside the elevator pregnant?

Any health concerns or issues?

Next, the executive team must assure all individuals trapped within the elevator that the appropriate steps are being taken to ensure their safety.

Notify both loss prevention and the highest level executive of the elevator entrapment and provide all relevant information.

Executive in Charge procedures for Elevator Entrapment

Call 911 for emergency services if there are any entrapped, distressed, or injured personnel.

Next, call [HIDDEN] to report the entrapment to the facility management team call center. The facility management call center will subsequently dispatch the appropriate personnel to help alleviate any of the technical concerns regarding the entrapment

Again make verbal contact with the entrapped personnel. Use this time to reassess any further updates on injured personnel. Also use this time to once again assure those in the elevator help is indeed on the way.

Assign any available employee to stay in contact with those entrapped in the elevator while the technical support arrives.

If technical support doesn't arrive after a predetermined time determined by the executive in charge, call 911 for assistance in freeing all distressed individuals entrapped in the elevator.

As the store executive team is available when customers are freed to ensure appropriate customer service. Use your discretion in regards to gift cards, gifts or other forms of courtesy for the prolonged entrapment.

Finally, a customer incident report must be filed with the following information

Timeline and events during the entrapment.

Customer attitude throughout the entire ordeal and the potential possible legal action against the company

If courtesy gifts were provides to the customers- how much the gifts were and to whom were they issued.

Evacuation procedures during a power failure

If the outage is only affecting the Miami location

Conduct a site inspection to determine any obvious reasons for the power outage.

The Executive should periodically call [HIDDEN] XYZR911 to check the status of the outage

Place high margin, high priced merchandise in the safe and lock it.

Ensure the cash office safe is locked.

When the power is restored

Request maintenance and the operations manager check and inspect the facilities electrical system and equipment

Partner with the merchandising team to inspect all cash registers, phones, computers and other electrical equipment on the sales floor

Verify that all vertical and electrical equipment is operational.

Scenario 3

The company facilities (building, systems, etc.) have been destroyed or damaged by either natural or man-made emergency. The systems are down and occupation of the building in the short-term is not feasible. People resources (employees) have not been impacted.

XYZ retail is a global corporation. As such, the propensity for natural or man-made emergencies is increased due primarily to the global nature of the business. During such emergencies, store systems or operations can be temporarily disrupted. In the event this occurs management, or executives in charge must follow the procedures below. The scenario the follows is that of an earthquake. 46% of XYZ retails business is generated in California, Texas, and Arizona. These areas are prone to earthquakes that may result in a temporary halt of systems. It is the executives' responsibility to protect all personnel within the store and ensure an orderly exit. This process should take the executive no longer than 45 minutes.

Immediately following the Earthquake

Inform employees of the possibility of an aftershock

Quickly assess the building. If the building is structurally sound, the following instructions should be given to employees and customers either verbally or through an electronic mega phone or bullhorn from the maintenance stock room. During an earthquake the PA system may be down temporarily due to power failure. (if power failure has occurred, please refer to scenario 1 listed above) the electronic mega phone or bullhorn will be the executive's main form of communication as it is portable and it's not dependent on an outside power source.

Through the bullhorn or megaphone give the following announcement,

"May I have your attention please? All XYZ retail customers, associates, and personnel, we have just experienced an earthquake. Please remain inside the building, until management can determine that it is safe to go outside. Your safety is our primarily concern. Please do not venture outside until management has determined it is safe."(Repeat at least 2 times)

Periodically use the message below to update all personnel and customers located inside the building. If a power failure has occurred, use the bullhorn or megaphone.

"We are currently in the process of surveying the interior and exterior of the building. Until this survey is complete, please follow the instructions of designate floor wardens or management."

Call [HIDDEN] XYZR911 to report the earthquake and location status

Shut off all gas lines if structural damage has occurred

If an aftershock occurs

Duck and Drop to the floor

Take cover under a sturdy table or seek cover against an interior wall.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Project Management Disaster Recovery" Assignment:

You are a project manager for Superior Financial Analysts, a consulting firm that provides analysis and statistical information to many of the Fortune 500 financial firms. In addition to providing project planning, you are also an expert in disaster planning and have been tasked with developing a disaster recovery plan for your company.

Your disaster recovery plan should be broken out to address each of the four different disaster scenarios noted below.

Scenarios (two pages/scenario):

1. There is an outage that is expected to be short-term in nature. This outage could be related to interruption of power supply, disruption of building availability, or other factors that prevent normal operations on an expected short-term basis.

2. There is an outage that is expected to be long-term in nature. This outage could be related to interruption of power supply, disruption of building availability, or other factors that prevent normal operations on an expected long-term basis.

3. The company facilities (building, systems, etc) have been destroyed or damaged by either natural or man-made emergency. The systems are down and occupation of the building in the short-term is not feasible. People resources (employees) have not been impacted.

4. A pandemic or other people disaster has struck, and people resources (employees) have been impacted.

The disaster recovery plan for each scenario should include and address each of the following topics:

1. Identification of specific crises

2. Responsibilities during time of crisis

3. Action plans for recovery

4. Milestones and timeline for recovery

5. Guidelines for testing the plan

How to Reference "Project Management Disaster Recovery" Essay in a Bibliography

Project Management Disaster Recovery.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Project Management Disaster Recovery (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Project Management Disaster Recovery. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Project Management Disaster Recovery” 2012.
”Project Management Disaster Recovery”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Project Management Disaster Recovery”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Project Management Disaster Recovery [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Project Management Disaster Recovery. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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