Term Paper on "Disaster Preparedness Plan Safety"

Term Paper 9 pages (2610 words) Sources: 4

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Disaster Preparedness Plan-Safety

Disasters included/Excluded from Consideration

Personnel and Their Duties: Authority and Responsibility

Personnel Internal and Response Team

Interfaces to Persons both Internal and External to Your Operation

Response Plan and Procedures

Scenario of Events

Requirements for Response Team Activities

Communication and Documentation

References to Supporting Literature

This work will demonstrate the disaster preparedness plan for Asamado Airport, located on the outskirts of Anyname, Illinois, a rural airport in a largely agricultural community adjacent to the Chicago suburbs which house thousands of meeting sites as well as many homes and other destinations. Asamado is currently a non-towered airport with two paved runways that is experiencing increased traffic patterns due to the increasing dependence of the American public on General Aviation, as apposed to commercial flight. Asamado will also expand significantly over the next two years, extending the length of one runway and adding a third runway, in addition to the construction of a tower, to improve Asamado's ability to serve a proposed air taxi system currently in development by the GA field and NASA. ("Freedom of the Skies:" 37-49) The expansion is pending local government, pilot association, NTSB and FAA approval and will also encompass added manned hours for the airport as well as improved services, i.e. The building of a tower, the runway expansion and the added runway, a remodel of the current terminal wit
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h expansion to provide minimal retail offerings to passengers, pilots and crews such as a small lunch counter as well as a small retail shop, with local goods and services as well as convenience travel items. This work will describe a plan that encompasses the pending expansion of services at the Asamado airport, including existing and new staff and services. Tower construction will be the first to begin, slated for groundbreaking in the next three months and tower staff will be hired and trained through funding from the airport pilots association yearly fees and airport flight fees, and be housed in current facilities until slated tower completion in August of this year with all other expansions expected to be complete by December the following year.

Statement of Problem

As a result of the congestion that can be seen with regard to the large hub airports and large commercial carriers a new emphasis has been placed upon regional and small airports for use by those who wish to utilize a more convenient form of air travel, that is secure but does not require hours of lines and delays. The recent emphasis by the FAA and other air and travel organization on the need for security and safety at small airports reflects this and other fundamental changes in air travel after 9/11, in the age of heightened awareness of malicious terrorist intent as well as after recent natural disasters that left the whole country reeling and could potentially be effected by security and preparedness in previously unlikely aviation locations, such as small airports. Prior to 2001, and the global realization that security and preparedness are issues even for the smallest regional airports, most emphasis for such airports was limited and relatively informal.

St. John 96)

Yet, current FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) and DHS (Department of Homeland Security) regulations as well as the realization that there will likely be a greater emphasis on such airports in the future have combined to demonstrate a need for formal preparedness plans for disasters of both the manmade and natural kinds.

Karber 781-785)

Kaplan-Leiserson 66-69) Additionally many local and regional airports are disaster meeting locations for entire communities, hubs where everyone meets to determine the best coarse of action for regional and local evacuations, relief supplies such as food and water distribution locations, medical supplies and sites for airlifting critically ill or injured individuals as a result of disasters and must therefore be well staffed with properly trained individuals to respond to such incidence.

Disasters included/Excluded from Consideration

Disasters that are likely to occur include natural disasters such as regional, onsite or aircraft fires and/or collisions, power failure, individual medical emergencies (including one or more people) floods, earthquakes, heavy winds and biochemical and/or chemical hazards, such as spills are included as well as those that must be accounted for but are less likely to occur such as hijacking, terrorist attack and/or infiltration or intentional biochemical or chemical attacks either originating at this airport or as an attack on it.

Rationale for Included/Excluded Disasters

Included disasters have the real potential for occurrence at the airport, as some have occurred historically at either the airport or in the community, including floods, high winds, fires and regional power failure. Several other threats, though they have not occurred historically must be accounted for with regard to potential for occurrence, regardless of how remote, these include chemical and/or biohazard spill and high jacking or other terrorist activities.

Personnel and Their Duties: Authority and Responsibility

The ultimate responsibility for the emergency disaster preparedness plan function implementation will fall upon the director of the airport, who will in turn compile said plan with the assistance of a nationally recognized security consultant team from Chicago, and then review said plan with the Anytown City Council and the airports own small pilots association, consisting of pilots who frequently utilize the facility with a representative of two local pilots voted chair and vice chair of the association, with the airport director as advisor., who will then vote on the plan and/or alter the plan as it sees fit, with regard to dependence on local emergency medical and fire teams as well as on sight improvements that need to be made to the facility to implement the plan. Additionally, tower staff, which will consist of a two man team, in house twenty four hours a day, supplemented by the director during the 7 am to 5 pm shift, will act as first responders, by calling appropriate on call personnel and/or local emergency response teams when needs arise for such a response and by calling in appropriate on site staff, in the event of a local emergency, when needed.

Personnel Internal and Response Team

The trained air traffic control specialists (of which there will be 6 to cover all shifts with an overlap of two hours on shifts to ensure continuity) and director will receive additional training in emergency response protocol for fire, flood, earthquake, chemical and biohazard spills as well as training in airport security, through a national security advisory team of consultants.

Tower staff will implement a search protocol for general aviation aircraft that will respond to suspicious activity through directed and/or random searches of aircraft and content under the provisions of the safety in the skies act, with the responsibility to document such searches as well as contact local law enforcement agencies when further action is required, i.e. when contraband or dangerous prohibited items or compounds are suspected or found, only one individual from the tower will respond on the ground at a time, when needed to ensure incoming flight safety, especially in the event of suspension of flights and diversions are needed. All general aviation pilots will also be carefully screened by the director to ensure that they meet the requirements of the FAA and the NTSB for private pilots, through a yearly certification as well as a new pilot screening, this work will be done through the GA pilots association screening documentation as well as required flight hours for use of the facilities and small pilot association membership documents, for which pilots pay a yearly fee for membership as well as individual flight fees. The small pilot school on site will also allow all applicants to be screened, including a criminal background check initiated by the director of the airport, with final approval for application being a shared responsibility of the school instructors and the director of the airport and the pilot's association. All towers staff, terminal staff, refueling agents, the reception staff and retail operators will also be screened through criminal background checks and trained by the consulting team initially to recognize and respond to potential disasters and will then be responsible for updating such training with continuing education credits received from local emergency response team training facilities, airport fire, collision and disaster drills or off site training meetings at the local volunteer fire station. Tower staff, reception, refueling staff and airport mechanics will also be required to attend at least one airport security conference, with the director and tower staff every other year and the director will be responsible for updating information through direct written communications with all staff of both the airport and the flight school when national threats and protocols change. All permanent staff including director, tower personnel, retail personnel, airport mechanics, flight instruction personnel and refueling personnel will be responsible for attending initial and continuing education training as their department requires documented by the completion of a training review document annually, to be reviewed by the director, the Anytown City Council and the airports own small pilots association,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Disaster Preparedness Plan Safety" Assignment:




Disaster Preparedness Plan

Your major assignment for AVN 560 this quarter is to draft and later submit a written Disaster Preparedness Plan (15 type written, double spaced pages). Note that the syllabus calls for an 8 page DRAFT by the sixth week. It will be edited and returned, you are expected to read and comply with the instructions in that edited draft. The objective of the project is to get you to think through the process of responding to a natural or human-induced disaster by preparing an effective response plan.

The grading criteria for the project are shown in the score sheet included later in this handout. The following is a list of general topics that MUST be treated in your plan:

REQUIRED Format of the Paper

The preparation of your paper is most important to successful completion of this course. Your paper MUST include a Title Page, a Table of Contents, and the following headings:



Disasters Included / Excluded from Consideration

Rationale for Inclusion and Exclusion


Personnel Internal to the Response Team

Interfaces to Persons both Internal and External to Your Operation


Scenario of Events

Requirements for Response Team Activities

Communication and Documentation


Subheadings of your choosing may be added, but these major AND MINOR headings are MANDATORY.

Focus of Your Paper

The plan should emphasize particular policies and procedures rather than general suggestions / recommendations. For example, instead of stating that all personnel shall be trained, you must indicate what training is required, who will do the initial training, whether certification of competency is necessary (e.g. CPR), and when recurrent training will be done, if believed to be needed (e.g. Emergency Medical Training).

Where possible, add references to solutions or additional information reported in the professional / literature: scientific journals, published meeting Proceedings, Government Technical Reports, and appropriate textbooks.

Statement of the Problem

Identify the reasons for having a plan and the rationale that was used for its construction. This can be short (less than a page and no more than two pages maximum). Identify the geographic nature of your operation and which locations are believed subject to which kinds of natural disasters (and why you think that is true: support that by evidence / reference to a primary source if you can).

Personnel and Their Duties

Identify who will be involved in the execution of the plan, what authority they will have to act, and what their responsibilities will be, particularly those who will be a part of the disaster response team.

Also identify the appropriate positions / titles for Personnel Internal to the Response Team.

Suggest Interfaces to Persons both Internal and External to Your Operation. Consider who within your own organization needs to be notified and informed, and who external to your organization will need to be notified and informed. Consider who has the authority and responsibility for these communications tasks (internal and external) and what the content and format of such communications should be (verbal (in person, by telephone, *****¦) or written (press release, e-mail, etc*****¦)).

Response Plan and Procedures

This will be the hard part of the paper, since you can organize it several different ways. The content must include, at the minimum, a discussion of the following issues:

The anticipated Scenario of Events for the particular type of disaster, to include: pre-event preparations and warnings, activities to be accomplished during the disaster event (if any), and the post-event activities and follow-up.

Be sure to describe the detailed Requirements for Response Team Activities: who is to do what and in which time frame.

There will also be a need to consider Communication and Documentation. Communication will be needed to request special or supplemental supplies and equipment or technical /professional services (electrical power shutdown, gas turnoff, fire / rescue support services, police / medical assistance from the local community, etc.) if and when needed, coordination of activities may in some cases be prudent, and feedback on the effectiveness of requested services may be useful. Some form of documentation of activities will be needed after the fact, and recording facts so that can be done presents problems that need to be solved. Describe the nature of your recommended solution for getting the necessary facts documented without compromising the response team*****s effectiveness.

References to Supporting Literature

Your plan will be strengthened to the degree you can point to professional literature that supports your thinking / recommendations or more completely informs the Response Team about what to do or how to do things they are responsible for getting done.



Major Problems in Previous Student Papers

1. Not following directions

a. Paper format, content, and layout

b. Reference format / procedure:

i. references that were not cited in paper

ii. citations in paper not appearing in list of reference

iii. references not in alphabetical order by principal author*****s last name

2. No coherence from one section of the paper to another

3. Missing major points of the topic because not enough time was spent reading, thinking, and planning what to include / exclude.

4. Technical communication errors

a. Poor paragraph construction or run on-sentences and paragraphs

b. Poor sentence construction (especially: misplaced modifiers)

c. Spelling errors

d. Plural vs possessive (or vice versa)

e. Typos

f. Plural subject and singular verb form (or vice versa)

g. Wrong word is used:

"to" for "too" or "two"

"their" for "there" or "they're"

*****than***** for *****then*****

"effect" for "affect" (or vice versa): affect *****“ an influence on something / an input; effect *****“ an output / something caused to occur / a result, not an influence

"were" for "where" (or vice versa)

"weather" for "whether"

*****compliment***** for *****complement***** ( and vice versa)

--- and many others ---

b. Split infinitives: adverbs are supposed to come AFTER verbs

c. Redundancy

d. and many, many other writing errors not listed above: learn to edit / proof your work!

5. Few if any graphics in both oral and written papers



Disaster Preparedness Plan


Oral? ______


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Abstract 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____

Statement of Problem 10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____

Personnel & Their Duties 20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____

Plan & Procedures 30 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____

References 10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____

EVIDENCE OF PREP. 15 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____

GRAPHICS 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _

COMMUNICATION 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __

TOTAL (Total possible = 1,000) _____ _


NOVELTY/CREATIVITY (5-100 points Extra Credit) _____________

Start Time_________ End Time_________ Length______________




How to Reference "Disaster Preparedness Plan Safety" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Disaster Preparedness Plan Safety.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/disaster-preparedness-plan-safety-disasters/55805. Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Disaster Preparedness Plan Safety (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/disaster-preparedness-plan-safety-disasters/55805
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Disaster Preparedness Plan Safety. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/disaster-preparedness-plan-safety-disasters/55805 [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Disaster Preparedness Plan Safety” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/disaster-preparedness-plan-safety-disasters/55805.
”Disaster Preparedness Plan Safety” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/disaster-preparedness-plan-safety-disasters/55805.
[1] ”Disaster Preparedness Plan Safety”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/disaster-preparedness-plan-safety-disasters/55805. [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Disaster Preparedness Plan Safety [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/disaster-preparedness-plan-safety-disasters/55805
1. Disaster Preparedness Plan Safety. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/disaster-preparedness-plan-safety-disasters/55805. Published 2007. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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