Term Paper on "Diffusion of Innovation Diffusion Research the Internet"

Term Paper 9 pages (3226 words) Sources: 1+

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Diffusion of Innovation

Diffusion Research

The Internet

Daisley, L. (2007). How the Internet Changed the World. The Morning News.

URL: http://www.themorningnews.org/article/how-the-internet-changed-the-world

Tags: change management, innovations, modern innovations, the "modern" world

Summation: In many ways, the reason the Internet changed the world so much was that it changed the way people performed day-to-day tasks. Communication was by phone or letter; research was done at a library, purchasing at a store, and to compare prices, one had to drive to each individual store. Information was limited, but accessible in certain areas, but it was not immediate. Instead, finding information quickly has become commonplace; knowing which information to embrace or discard still remains a problem.

Chapter: 5 Diffusion Research

Personal Computers

Citation: Manes, S. (October 20, 1999). The Machine that Changed my World. PC World.

URL: http://www.pcworld.com/article/13377/the_machine_that_changed_my_world.html

Tags: change management, innovations, computers, first computers, computer hardware

Summation: It is difficult to imagine a world without Smart Phones, Laptops and Personal Computers. Memory and storage in early computers were so precious that programming was not very sophisticated. Now, research can be done, many items can be published at home, and interactive machines with thousands of times more memory now cost just a few hundred dollars. Not only has
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this changed the way we work, but more why we work. And, as information becomes more valuable as a commodity, new technological innovations will continue to inform and guide the public.

Chapter: 5 Diffusion Research

Mobile Phones

Citation: Meek, J. (November 10, 2002). Hi, I'm G2. The Guardian.

URL: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2002/nov/11/mobilephones.electronicgoods

Tags: telephony, cell phones, smart phones, telephone innovations, digital technology

Summation: Almost everyone in the United States and the EU own a cell phone, and every 6th person in the world owns one. Each day, thousands of new users access digital technology and become new users of cell phones. Legal clerics in Islamic countries now must rule whether chat via cell phone constitutes viable legal communication. Along with the internet, the mobile phone has changed society because it allows for relatively instant gratification. We cannot wait to think about a letter, we must respond NOW. Telephony has even changed the languages in many countries: not simply due to talking, but more to changing the language for texting, etc.

Chapter: 6 Typology

DNA Testing/Sequencing

Citation: Rimmer, L. (May 30, 2011). 5 Ways a DNA Test that Can Change Your World View.

URL: http://www.abroadintheyard.com/ways-dna-test-can-change-your-world-view-human-origins/

Tags: Medical innovations, medical equipment, worldview, genetics

Summation: We now know definitively that modern humans are almost genetically alike, Because of genetic sequencing, we have a greater understanding of genetic information, race, ethnicity, and the origins on modern mankind. We know what it is that contributes to making us individuals, and what information is simple "there" for reasons we cannot understand.

Chapter: 6 Typology

Fiber Optics

Citation: Harris, R. (October 6, 2009). Fiber Optics, Imaging Pioneers Win Physics Nobel.

URL: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=113527362

Tags: Science innovations, innovations that changed the world, innovations with light, nobel winners

Summation: Fiber optic cables make our modern world possible, carrying huge amounts of information to and fro rapidly and without issues like los calls, lost television signals, etc. In addition, because of range of distances that information now must travel for it to be viable, fiber optic networks are a must. This innovation is also an example of crossover issues; as information technology required more and more outputs, this technology evolved to handle that same information in a synergistic manner -- the more information that needed to travel the more companies would innovate to ensure compatibility.

Chapter: 6 Typology

Genetically modified foods

Citation: Melnick, M. (September 20, 2010). 6 Genetically Modified Foods That Changed The World.

URL: http://healthland.time.com/2010/09/20/6-genetically-modified-foods-that-changed-the-world/

Tags: genetics, genetics and food, genetically modified foods, modern food production

Summation: Despite many scare tactics; modifying certain crops has the potential to change the world to a point in which hunger is not as much of a problem for Third World countries that are heavily dependent upon certain agricultural products (e.g. rice). The idea is to modify certain portions of the genetic code in plants to code for certain pests, or to allow for drought or other unseasonable conditions. The theory is that if more products make it to harvest, some of the world's food issues and hunger problems will be resolved.

Chapter: 7 Bias and Blame

MRI Imaging Technology

Citation: Butterworth, T. (May 24, 2007). Fifteen People Who Changed The World. Forbes.

URL: http://www.forbes.com/2007/05/23/people-changed-world-tech-07rev_cz_tb_0524changers.html

Tags: science innovation, the brain, surgery, modern medicine, medical innovations

Summation: Using MRI (Magnetic Resonance Technology), we can now envision the body in three dimensions and find hidden information, particularly regarding the brain. This has enabled us to completely change surgery, since we can see what is going on with an individual's body without cutting. In fact, it has dramatically changed the manner in which we even understand certain parts of the body; for instance the brain, in which individual differentiation is not apparent to the naked eye.

Chapter: 7 Bias and Blame

Social Networking

Citation: Social Networks and How They Have Changed the World. (2010). All Things CRM.

URL: http://www.allthingscrm.com/crm-basics/social-networks-and-how-they-have-changed-the-world-of-business.html

Tags: social networking, modern society, change management, innovations that changed people

Summation: The modern world is different because of the manner in which Internet communication both enhances and detracts from the typical way humans dealt with each other for millennia. Contact management in business, for instance, was a chore, and took up a great deal of time -- now it is part of being linked in to the right contact software. Just in business social networking allows for dissemination of information about companies, generating new contacts, and opening up communication between customers and people who have the same lifestyle interests.

Chapter: 7 Bias and Blame

Online Shopping

Citation: Greenfield, R. (September 6, 2011). Amazon is Changing the Future. Atlantic Wire.

URL: http://www.theatlanticwire.com/technology/2011/09/amazon-changing-future-online-shopping/42107/

Tags: shopping, shopping innovations, shopping experiences, e-commerce, e-bay, amazon

Summation: Amazon.com, and others, have changed the way we shop. Instead of shopping for a specific item, we now shop for that item, and then, because of our interest in certain items, we are directed towards similar items or ancillary items that are part of a shopping experience. This is possible because electronic technology can now keep track not just of our purchases, but of the items we browse, how long we browse them, how our browsing habits change, and what we buy even from other retailers.

Chapter: 8 Recall

Opening up of China

Citation: 1972 in Review." (January 1973). UPI.Com.

URL: http://www.upi.com/Audio/Year_in_Review/Events-of-1972/1972-Election/12305688736666-2/#title

Tags: political innovation, world politics, china, globalism, political change

Summation: China, known as the "sleeping giant," has transformed itself from a rural, pre-industrial society to an economic and political powerhouse in just a few decades. Since 1949, through the Great Patriotic Revolution led by Mao Tse-Tung, China has literally moved from a feudal economic system to one of the world's fastest growing economies in the global environment. In 1972, while Mao was still alive but Deng controlling most of the upper echelons of political power, U.S. President Richard Nixon visited China, The results of the week long visit, most of it orchestrated by Henry Kissinger, were vast: a political agreement that there was only one China and an agreement to settle the Taiwanese situation; to open trade and commerce between China and the West; and to reduce tensions between the two countries. Nixon himself commented, "This was the week that changed the world, as what we have said in that Communique is not nearly as important as what we will do in the years ahead to build a bridge across 16,000 miles and 22 years of hostilities which have divided us in the past. And what we have said today is that we shall build that bridge."

Chapter: 8 Recall

Data Mining

Citation: Thearling, K. (2009). An Introduction to Data Mining.

URL: http://www.thearling.com/dmintro/dminto_2.htm

Tags: data mining, computer innovations, business innovations, computer data

Summation: One of the most promising developments in the field of computing and computer memory over the past few decades has been the ability to bring tremendous complex and large data sets into database management that are both affordable and workable for many organizations. Improvement in computer power has also allowed for the field of artificial intelligence to evolve which also improves the sifting of massive amounts of information for appropriate use in business, military, governmental, and academic venues. Essentially, data mining is taking as much information as possible for a variety of databases, sifting it intelligently and coming up with usable information that will help with Chapter: 8 Recall

Open Source Software and Platforms

Citation: Shimel, A. (March 25, 2011). How Open Source Really is Changing the World.

URL: http://www.networkworld.com/community/blog/how-open-source-really-changing-world

Tags: computer innovations, computer evolutions, software evaluation, software ideas

Summation: Political change in the 21st century is not being driven by the military -- these are tools of the old guard. Instead, the forces of change use technology to effect change. The internet, social networks, mobile phone, etc. are all being view by a new, more modern, generation… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Diffusion of Innovation Diffusion Research the Internet" Assignment:

Please find 3 articles for each chapter (chapter 5-6-7-8-9-10-11) of this book

*****"Diffusion of Innovations(fifth edition) by Everett M.Rogers*****"

so the total will be 21 article.

Write about the 21 articles, and you have to explain why is it related to what you have read and indicate the reasons why you have chosen this article.

the websites(articles) should be from a daily readings, such as news, magazines etc.They have to short for example one page articles. And easy topics. Below you can see more examples.

The articles have to be a unique contribution that exemplifies some feature of the books chapters. For each article, write 1000 characters(with spaces),Not 1000 words it has to be characters.You can also write less than 1000 characters but no more. Please write a relevant title for each topic. Also add 4 or more tags (terms which will help you to describe the reference and its relevance to the topic) Please include the each website link and the tags beside the titles.

This is an example of what I expect;


Title_ Diffusion Visualized: Nike+ City Runs

tags_ nike visualization interactive infographics installation communicationChannels time socialSystem innovation

_ This is a great example of how Diffusion can have a big impact and result in beautiful outcomes. The visualizations, from YesYesNo shows 365 days of runs by people using the Nike+ system in New York, Tokyo, and London. Specifically related to RogersÃÆ'¢ââ€A¡Ã‚¬Ã¢â€A¾Ã‚¢ ELEMENTS of DIFFUSION. The Nike+ system is an INNOVATION that drove DIFFUSION of the little known practice of *****"personal metrics*****". The Nike+ system was implemented in 2010, sparking a wave of excitement about the relatively unrecognized innovation of *****"personal metrics*****". In a short period of TIME Nike+ tapped into the tight and sometimes fanatical SOCIAL SYSTEM of exercise enthusiasts (runners, in particular). Although Apple and Nike have access to broad, powerful, and diverse CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION it was likely interpersonal nature of running, running clubs, and the *****"running lifestyle*****" that powered diffusion here. All together making the system a success, and driving new innovation in the form of this beautiful innovation.

More examples,


Magazine sales have been struggling. The reasons are varied, but INNOVATION took place in attempt to save them by creating online/Ipad versions, with magazines such as V, LOVE and The New Yorker getting involved. However, once the initial excitement wore off, sales dropped, implying that the DIFFUSION was unsuccessful. One would think with RELATIVE ADVANTAGES such as portability, vibrancy of images and ease of purchase that sales would be soaring, but their COMPATIBILITY to peopleââ*****šÂ¬Ã¢*****žÂ¢s wants of magazines was low i.e. the feel & price. Perhaps greater TRIALABILITY would boost sales, such as being able to flip through the magazine before downloading it, like in stores.


The AIBO was an example of INNOVATION at its best, literally aiming to replace real household pets with a cleaner, less cumbersome, obedient, allergy-free robotic alternative, perfect for the city dweller. However, these RELATIVE ADVANTAGES of the AIBO clearly werenââ*****šÂ¬Ã¢*****žÂ¢t enough for the product to go through the appropriate DIFFUSION to keep it afloat. Perhaps the most obvious reason being its low COMPATIBILITY with the markets, particularly western, due to attitudes towards ââ*****šÂ¬Ã‹A"real petââ*****šÂ¬Ã¢*****žÂ¢ bonds and ownership, which AIBO couldnââ*****šÂ¬Ã¢*****žÂ¢t replace. There was also limited TRIALABILITY with the AIBO, with potential buyers being unable to test it out. The robot seemed to be more successful in the Japanese market, however, probably due to a more positive HOMOPHILOUS attitude towards robotics in their SOCIAL SYSTEM. With an innovation as drastic as the AIBO, perhaps its success would have been more guaranteed had Sony allowed it more TIME to DIFFUSE amongst the population.

If you have any questions please ask them first. Thanks



How to Reference "Diffusion of Innovation Diffusion Research the Internet" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Diffusion of Innovation Diffusion Research the Internet.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2011, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/diffusion-innovation-research/710396. Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Diffusion of Innovation Diffusion Research the Internet (2011). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/diffusion-innovation-research/710396
A1-TermPaper.com. (2011). Diffusion of Innovation Diffusion Research the Internet. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/diffusion-innovation-research/710396 [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Diffusion of Innovation Diffusion Research the Internet” 2011. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/diffusion-innovation-research/710396.
”Diffusion of Innovation Diffusion Research the Internet” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/diffusion-innovation-research/710396.
[1] ”Diffusion of Innovation Diffusion Research the Internet”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2011. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/diffusion-innovation-research/710396. [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Diffusion of Innovation Diffusion Research the Internet [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2011 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/diffusion-innovation-research/710396
1. Diffusion of Innovation Diffusion Research the Internet. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/diffusion-innovation-research/710396. Published 2011. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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