Thesis on "Disaster Plan"

Thesis 3 pages (1020 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

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difficult step in responding to an attack using biological weapons is identifying the incident for what it is. This requires alert clinicians and medical staff who are able to identify cases of disease that can be attributed to conscious and purposeful infection by an enemy agent (Gerberding et al. 2002). In the given scenario, there is abundant evidence that something is wrong, and the hospital staff recognized the sudden influx of patients with respiratory complaints as the possible beginnings of an epidemic, and the concentration of infection centered on the convention definitely suggests a deliberate act of bioterrorism. There are many possible causes for the upper respiratory infection that is the most common complaint from the attendees at the convention. Given the previous use of anthrax in terrorist attacks, the fact that it is easily aerosolized, and the increased fatality of the agent when it is inhaled (making it a more effective weapon for the terrorists), it is likely that Bacillus anthracis was the particular biological agent of choice in this scenario (Gerberding et al. 2002).

There are several ways to test and ensure that a biological attack had indeed occurred. Anthrax spores would be found in the air ducts where they were released, which would confirm both that the attack occurred and the method used (Center for Disease Control and Prevention 2009). Cultures can also be taken from patients to confirm the agent used and, in many cases, even to identify the specific strain and the possible origin of the agent used (CDC 2009). Despite this, there are few reliable methods for detecting and diagnosing biological attacks, largely due to the lack of real-world data with which to develop
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such systems (Bravata et al. 2004). If it is indeed an anthrax attack, antibiotic regimens should be given immediately to all persons who had been present in the convention center, regardless of symptoms (Snyder 2003).

The first response must be to quarantine the convention center and have a team comb through all possible areas and systems by which the agent could have been introduced. Halting further spread of the infection and determining the precise agent is of paramount importance in forestalling a possible epidemic (Gerberding et al. 2002). All patients already in area hospitals should be isolated as much as possible, and medical staff and other patients closely monitored for symptoms of the infection. This will prevent further spread of the disease while efforts are coordinated to determine the details of the attack and (hopefully) identify and apprehend the perpetrators. The details of the scenario suggest that the infection is not highly contagious without direct exposure, or an increased number of convention attendees and medical staff in hospitals would be reporting symptoms, therefore the movement of people not directly exposed to the agent should not be heavily restricted (CDC 2009).

Quarantine of the convention center and the people in attendance during the convention, however, should be enforced using whatever appropriate law enforcement units are most readily available, from local police to the National Guard, if necessary. Using this… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Disaster Plan" Assignment:


You will pull together what you have learned during this course to analyze a bioterrorism scenario and develop a comprehensive disaster plan.

To Do

Review the scenario below.

Review the reflection questions below.

In light of the reflection questions, your own experience, and current developments in the field, write a three-page paper laying out your disaster response plan. You should include at least five citations of current literature in the field and use in-text citations in APA format with a page of references at the end. (Your page of references at the end should constitute the fourth page of your submission.)


Terrorists have recruited five cells of two persons each. The individual cells have no knowledge of the existence of the other cells. The terrorist leadership has selected targets based on population density within a confined space. All five of the targets are either conventions, sporting events, or high draw concerts. Although the National Intelligence Agencies have reported a slight increase in the level of chatter among known terrorists, there has not been enough hard intelligence to raise the National Threat Level. The security planned for the convention is in line with the current threat level. The selection of the Episcopal Diocesan Conference being held in Montgomery as one of the targets, coincides with the height of the cold and flu season for your region of the U.S. The two terrorists arrive in your state on the evening before the convention starts via commercial airlines after having been routed through two foreign countries separate from their country of origin. The aerosolized substance is introduced into the convention center*****s HVAC system at approximately 10:00 a.m. on the first morning of the conference. By the third morning of the convention, there is a noticeable thinning of persons in attendance. At approximately noon on the third day, the state regional health district receives a report from Baptist Medical Center South and other medical facilities in the city that their in-patient census is climbing substantially from what appears to be a higher than anticipated number of upper respiratory infection patients. The state regional health district then passes this information to the State Public Health Department.

Reflection Questions


Is there enough evidence to suggest something is wrong?

What are the possible causes for the respiratory illness?

Are there laboratory studies available that can confirm a biological event has taken place?

What are potential treatment options?

What could be done to gain control of the situation quickly?


What is your first decision?

What is your course of action?

How do we integrate the information we have to develop situational awareness?

How do we prevent further spread of the disease?

At what point do you want to consider restricting the movement of people?

How do you enforce the restriction of movement?


When and how do we inform the public?

How much sensitive information do we release?


How do we preserve the integrity of a potential crime scene?

At what point do you request federal assistance?

Would you recommend mass prophylaxis with antibiotics?

What do you do with those who refuse the antibiotics?

Should we request a push package of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS)? If so, how would you mobilize this resource?

What disposition will be made of the deceased since this may be communicable?


What, if any, additional precautions would you recommend be taken when there is a large convention, concert, or sporting event being held in your jurisdiction? *****

How to Reference "Disaster Plan" Thesis in a Bibliography

Disaster Plan.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Disaster Plan (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Disaster Plan. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Disaster Plan” 2009.
”Disaster Plan”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Disaster Plan”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Disaster Plan [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Disaster Plan. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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