Research Proposal on "Diary of Anne Frank"

Research Proposal 4 pages (1192 words) Sources: 2 Style: MLA

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Diary of Anne Frank in Film and Print

99281 the story of Anne Frank is one that is memorable whether it is read or viewed but upon careful inspection, there are some differences between the two that require a decent amount of consideration for reality. The book, the Dairy of a Young Girl, has proven to be an honest recollection of what occurred through the eyes of Anne Frank, a young girl who, with her family, hid from the Nazis during World War II. The film, the Diary of Anne Frank, directed by George Stevens, while it is based upon the novel, assumes certain things and does not seem to grasp the seriousness what is occurring outside. While we might believe that Anne is a young girl on the brink of womanhood that might be distracted with teenage feelings, it is difficult to believe that she is as happy and carefree as the movie depicts her. While the movie can relate certain aspects that a book cannot, it also takes liberties where it should not.

There can be no doubt that this movie is based upon the Diary of a Young Girl. However, what should be kept in mind while watching this film is the term "based upon" because the film does not follow the lines of the book and it has very few direct quotes from the diary. This should not detract from the quality of the film but should always remain in the background as one watches it. It is marvelous that the film was shot in the house where events actually occurred and this plays powerfully in the opening scene of the film when the father is thrusted into a flashback of where it all began. To the film's credit, the sounds of the bombing and the sirens in the background are compelling and conveyed excellently in the film. In addition,
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the soldiers marching through the streets is something that allows viewers to relate to the tension the families experienced not just one but on a daily basis. This single image reinforces the reason why the hiding, which becomes muddled as the film progresses. The way such scenes are contrasted with the childlike scenes, such as Anne trying on Mrs. Van Daan's coat is nice and realistic because it juxtaposes the young girl with the hiding Jew. The film may capture certain images about the experience but the book conveys them properly.

There are discrepancies such as the two families not arriving together and while this may seem minor, we must remember that this is not in line with the film. The film moves quickly through the experience and even the last scenes are far from what actually occurred. For instance, the diary was not found in solid form but rather in pages strewn across the floor. In addition, Anne is too sugary sweet for a teenage girl living in seclusion on the brink of destruction. The film does not go into all of the difficulty living in confined quarters and with limited food and water might bring other than a brief mention. Anne's tale encompasses the scope of a human experience that actually is beyond words because she is relating the experience of so many individuals. The lack of food and communication is best illustrated in the book when Anne tells us a "week's ration of food doesn't last for two days" (Frank 240). When we look at the book in this sense, we can see that it does serve its purpose more than the film does because it is… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Diary of Anne Frank" Assignment:

This paper must compare and contrast a novel and a film. My topic is the Diary Of Anne Frank. 4 pages double spaced, one inch margins, 12 point font. A minimum of four (4) paranthetical notes must be included in apper. These may be direct quotes from the book, the movie or an outside source such as a critic who reviwed either the book or movie. Must conatain a works consulted page in MLA format. Structure: Introductory paragraph clearly stating the purpsoe of this paper. 2.setting 3.characterization 4. plot 5. themes, motifs, symbols 6. other(advantages/disadvantages of telling a story in a book versus film. 7 . concluding papragraph . will fax paper requirments *****

How to Reference "Diary of Anne Frank" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Diary of Anne Frank.”, 2009, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Diary of Anne Frank (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Diary of Anne Frank. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Diary of Anne Frank” 2009.
”Diary of Anne Frank”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Diary of Anne Frank”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Diary of Anne Frank [Internet]. 2009 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Diary of Anne Frank. Published 2009. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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