Research Paper on "Dfps Texas Child Protective Services"

Research Paper 3 pages (1069 words) Sources: 1+

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DFPS Texas

Over the last several years, the issue of child abuse has been continually brought to the forefront. This is because of concerns about the safety of the child in abusive households has forced states to react by: investigating and in some cases physically seizing the children. In the State of Texas, there were a total of 264 thousand case reported for 2010, with 231 thousand turning into actual investigations. (Burstain, 2012) These statistics are showing how the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is playing a vital role in addressing these challenges. To fully understand their responsibilities requires: providing a description of the agency, examining the organizational structure and evaluating its performance. Together, these different elements will offer the greatest insights as to how the DFPS is able to achieve its objectives.

A Description of the Agency

The Department of Family Protective Services is focused on protecting those individuals, who are considered to be the most vulnerable in society. These include: children, the elderly and the disabled. In some cases, these individuals are living at home and are receiving the assistance of caregivers to include: parents, nurses and nannies. Moreover, the authority of the DFPS extends beyond the home and will cover facilities that are looking out for these individuals. These include: assisted living facilities, day care centers, schools, state facilities and registered family homes. As a result, the official mission and purpose of the agency are to, "Protect children, the elderly, and people with disabilities from abuse, neglect, and exploitation by involving clients, famili
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es and communities." ("About the Texas Department of Family Protective Services," 2012)

This means that the intended target population of the agency are: children, the elderly and disabled. At the same time, there will be a focus on going after anyone who is abusing these individuals to include: parents, teachers, coaches, health care workers and any person who is in a position of authority. There are no particular ethnic groups that are targeted. In the case of age related factors, various clients will fall into one of three categories they serve. The sources of funding are through: different federal and state grants. However, specific counties have been going beyond these levels by providing additional funding. This is to ensure that there are sufficient case workers for their region. ("About the Texas Department of Family Protective Services," 2012) (Burstain, 2012)

The DFPS was created with the passage of House Bill 2922. It implemented these new changes on February 1, 2004. This was designed to improve the enforcement of existing laws (which was previously allocated through the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services). The services they provide include: to investigate and protect individuals from being exposed to continuous amounts of neglect or abuse. At the same time, the agency will license / monitor caregivers who are working in state and private facilities (such as: nursing homes, assisted living facilities along with day care centers).The combination of these factors is illustrating how the DFPS plays a unique role of protecting the interest of the most vulnerable in society. ("About the Texas Department of Family Protective Services," 2012) (Burstain, 2012)

Organizational Structure

Region 3 (i.e. Arlington, Texas) is ran by Andrea… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Dfps Texas Child Protective Services" Assignment:

Instructions for Assignment: APA format

TOPIC: Overview of (DFPS) Department of Family and Protective Services, Texas

Targeted Population: Children Protective Services (CPS) *(Go online to home page for information)

Title of Paper: Agency Analysis Paper

A. Description of the Agency

a. Name and physical description of the agency

b. Official mission and purpose of the agency

c. Intended target population (This will be CPS)

*Is there a particular group of people to which services are directed? Age group? Ethnic group? Geographical location

d. Funding sources

e. History of the agency

f. Services provided

B. Organizational Structure- *(who heads up the region #3)

a. How is the agency governed?

b. How is the agency organized?

c. How does social work fit into the organization? (Where are social workers in the organization structure?)

C. Evaluation of the Agency

a. How well does the agency seem to be fulfilling its mission and purpose?

b. Based on observations and empirical data the agency can provide, how well is the target population being served? You may need to review program evaluations, client demographic data, community assessments, etc. to draw appropriate conclusions.

c. How do funding sources influence the way in which services are provided?

d. How does the governing and organizational structure help or hinder service delivery?

e. In your opinion, are there other significant problems or challenges for the agency (i.e. Public opinion, political influences, and board issues?)

*****¢ Outline Paper with the 3 above headings ( Description of the agency, Organization Structure, Evaluation of the Agency)

Information and Material for assignment:

Here is link below to the Data Book and Annual Report to find interesting information for my paper that will allow you compare Region 3 to other similar size regions in the state of Texas or will give you a sense of how CPS is doing statewide. I can tell you there were 50 child deaths in our Region alone with 30 in Dallas County. and 8 in Tarrant county. That*****'s up from 2010 (Dallas had only 17) How does state account for this? You can also go to TexProtects, The Texas Association for the Protection of Children web site to see what they are focusing on to strengthen CPS.


How to Reference "Dfps Texas Child Protective Services" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Dfps Texas Child Protective Services.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Dfps Texas Child Protective Services (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Dfps Texas Child Protective Services. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Dfps Texas Child Protective Services” 2012.
”Dfps Texas Child Protective Services”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Dfps Texas Child Protective Services”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Dfps Texas Child Protective Services [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Dfps Texas Child Protective Services. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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