Research Proposal on "Detecting Deception From Nonverbal Cues"

Research Proposal 10 pages (2876 words) Sources: 10 Style: APA

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Detecting Deception

The Detection of Deliberate Concealment of Intentions and Deception

Psychology professor Paul Ekman pioneered the use of facial expression recognition for the purpose of detecting deliberate deception. According to a large volume of work by Ekman dating back to 1974 (Ekman, 2001; 2003) as well as collaborative work in conjunction with O'Sullivan and Frank (1999; 1991), human facial expressions are reliable indicators of deliberate deceptive behavior. The potential value of practical security applications of Ekman's principles and techniques in the contemporary climate of global terrorism and counterterrorism efforts is difficult to overestimate, particularly in light of contemporaneous evidence by Ekman, O'Sullivan, & Frank (1991), DePaulo, Lindsay, & Malone, et al. (2003), and numerous others reported in scientific literature (Stanovich, 2007) conclusively establishing the universality of human facial expressions and cues to deliberate deception and concealment of emotions and intent across all human cultures.

Within the law enforcement community, behavioral and verbal cues have already provided tremendous usefulness in the area of the dynamic investigatory interview

(Sandoval, 2008), written statements (Adams, 2002), and the comprehensive forensic analysis of both written and recorded statements (Adams. 2002; Granhag & Stromwoll,

2005; Sandoval, 2008). Since the inception of the Global War on Terror that was initiated by U.S. And international counterterrorism authorities in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, both domestic and internat
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ional law enforcement and counterterrorism agencies have incorporated the techniques developed by Ekman and others to increase the efficiency and probability of identifying unintentional and subconscious human behaviors consistent with the deliberate concealment of intentions and deception in furtherance of terrorist acts.

To date, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency

(CIA), various components of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and state and local law enforcement authorities have included specific training in the detection of deception techniques developed by Ekman since 1974 (Ekman, 2003). In the future, it is likely that the same techniques will be further developed through their incorporation into sophisticated video surveillance technologies to enable their faster, more efficient, and automatic implementation, particularly in vulnerable venues associated with large volumes of public traffic such as airports and high-value targets of both domestic and international terrorism.

Fundamental Human Emotions and Facial Expression

The pioneering work of Ekman since 1974 demonstrated the degree to which seven specific human emotions that are universally associated with clearly recognizable facial signals: anger, sadness, fear, surprise, disgust, contempt, and happiness (Ekman,

2003; Ekman & O'Sullivan, 1999; Ekman & Frank, 1991). Numerous contemporaneous and subsequent studies have confirmed the specific mechanism responsible for this phenomenon in the involuntary patterns of movement of 43 different human facial

muscles corresponding to the emotional state of the individual (Stanovich, 2007).

According to psychologists and anthropologists, human beings naturally evolved both universal facial expressions as well as the ability to deliberately conceal their emotions, especially fear (Ekman, 2003; Stanovich, 2007), through natural selection.

Furthermore, a minority of individuals are naturally much better than others at concealing their true emotions and reactions to external circumstances (Mann, Vrij, & Bull, 2002);

likewise, a minority of individuals are much better at recognizing deception through the observation of facial features although in most cases, they are not at all consciously aware of how they do so (Park, Levine, & McCornack, et al., 2002).

Detection of Deliberate Deception Through Observation

In that regard, Ekman introduced the fundamental concept of practical training of law enforcement and security professionals in distinguishing genuine facial expressions consistent with the true expression of inner emotional state and the absence of any deliberate attempt to conceal or misrepresent emotions or intentions from the manipulated or falsified expression of outward facial cues (Ekman, 2003; Ekman & O'Sullivan, 1999; Ekman & Frank, 1991). According to Ekman and others (DePaulo,

Lindsay, & Malone, et al., 2003; Mann, Vrij, & Bull, 2002; Park, Levine, & McCornack, et al., 2002; Vrij, Edward, & Bull, 2001), facial expressions deliberately designed merely to mimic the facial expressions commonly associated with the emotions (most typically of happiness) are clearly differentiable from genuine expressions corresponding to inner emotional states by virtue of characteristic differences in muscular contractions and in the different patterns of muscular invocation.

In principle, the facial mannerisms consistent with deliberate concealment of emotional state and intention are merely one component part of the full spectrum of evolutionary adaptations in the realm of deceptive behavior that also include elements of body language and vocal intonation designed to achieve the same purpose (Park, Levine, & McCornack, et al., 2002; Stanovich, 2007). Observations of both body language and numerous elements of speech patterns also betray true sentiments and intentions among humans as well as among myriad other nonhuman animal species. The range of deceptive displays include feigned displays of boredom such as through yawning to conceal fear in primates and many other mammalian species and artificial displays of maximum physical size, such as by exaggeratedly erect posture and expansion of the chest compartment to communicate imposing physical stature and to conceal intimidation

(Stanovich, 2007).

The primary difference between facial expressions and other physical and behavioral manifestations of concealed emotions and deceptive intent in humans is that facial expressions are uniquely susceptible to the involuntary indications of their duplicitous nature through specific, objectively observable characteristic differences between genuine facial expressions and those that are deliberately contrived for the express purpose of deception (Ekman, 1991; 2003).

Transmission of Subconscious Intent Through Involuntary Micro-Expressions

Ekman's studies disclosed that fake human smiles typically use fewer facial muscles and rely primarily on the zygomatic major muscle, whereas genuine human smiles invoke the zygomatic major muscles in conjunction with orbicularis oculi and the pars lateralis. The practical significance of these distinctions arises from the combined observations that: (1) very few individuals are capable of deliberately manipulating the latter muscle groups; (2) the difference in muscular contractions attributable to those differences are readily observable in human expressions; and most importantly, that (3)

specific training in the recognition of such characteristic patterns and differences enables trained individuals such as law enforcement officers and security personnel to dramatically increase their rate of recognition and ability to identify and distinguish genuine facial expressions from deliberately deceptive facial expressions.

While it is possible for most individuals to deliberately conceal their true emotions and intentions to some degree, careful analysis of their facial expressions reveals that even relatively accomplished liars exhibit characteristic clues to their true thoughts in very subtle muscular contractions that betray their efforts at concealment.

Ekman (1991) coined the term micro-expressions to describe these minute involuntary muscular contractions that typically occur in less than one-quarter of a second and are, therefore, substantially imperceptible to most observers (Ekman, 1991; 2003; 2006).

Practical Application of Deliberate Deception Through Observation Techniques

In particular, researchers (DePaulo, Lindsay, & Malone, et al., 2003; Mann, Vrij, & Bull, 2002; Park, Levine, & McCornack, et al., 2002) have demonstrated the ability to detect deliberate concealment of emotional states and deception of intention by virtue of the observable objective differences in facial expressions, especially in smiles, as between genuine smiles (i.e. devoid of deliberate deception attempts) and forced smiles

(i.e. intentionally created for the purpose of deception or concealment of contradictory emotions). Ekman and others (Frank & Feeley, 2003; Leach, a., Talwar, V., & Lee, et al., 2004) have successfully demonstrated, both that trained police officers and untrained university students are similarly susceptible to deliberate concealment and deception but that with specific training in the recognition of micro-expressions, that reveal true emotions through extremely short-lived involuntary muscular contractions involved in facial expressions.

The immediate practical applications of the work of Ekman and others in the realm of human facial expressions and the ability to teach methods of increasing the ability to detect deliberate concealment of emotions and deception have profound implications. In principle, Ekman demonstrated that individuals can be very effectively trained in the techniques of recognizing characteristic signs of deception in facial

expressions (Ekman 2003) and that such training typically is capable of being accomplished in a matter of only a few hours. Already, such techniques have been extensively incorporated into the protection of high-value targets, such as by the U.S.

Secret Service (USSS) agency domestically, and by various Israeli security services, such as those responsible for screening airline passengers through dynamic interviews (Safir,


Limitations and Areas of Future Research and Practical Applications

The principal limitation in the use of facial recognition techniques in law

enforcement and counterterrorism is that a small minority of individuals are capable of more effective manipulation of their external manifestations of internal emotional state and intention (Ekman, 2003; Mann, Vrij, & Bull, 2002). The specific concern in the realm of counterterrorism is that as the law enforcement and counterterrorism community incorporates the techniques introduced by Ekman, the relevant literature and those techniques are equally available to terrorist entities. The natural concern is that, terrorists may begin dedicated training in counterintelligence techniques designed to teach operatives how to deliberately manipulate their facial expressions and other detectable behavioral mannerisms capable… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Detecting Deception From Nonverbal Cues" Assignment:

First of all I need to know if this is for sure an original paper as they will check it for plagerism. I wanted to do it myself as I have done all the research but the first draft is due tomorrow, 4/07/09 by 4:00 pm Central Standard time and I am having a sever organizational block! This is a social psychology literature review. The assignment looks like this:All Papers must:

Strictly follow APA Style guidelines. Your assignment grades will depend, in part, on adherence to them. You are nearly baccalaureate level psychologists and, in this course, you will write like psychologists write.

Be between 15-20 pages in length. (I have ordered 10 pages, in addition to the pages I have written)

Reference at least 10 articles you find in the PsychInfo database.

Cite the Stanovich book that we use in this course.

I will send what I have written, please use it somewhere as it does cite the book for this class. Also, the book Telling Lies is one of my main references as I had to read the whole book for this assignment. Here is my original proposal.

Major Project Proposal

Do facial expressions give people away when they lie? Can we learn to read expressions to tell when someone is lying? When someone is trying to cover the emotion they are feeling when they are lying do facial muscles inevitably leak the truth? Paul Ekman is a psychologist who believes the answer to all of these questions is yes. He has been researching facial expression and body movements for over 50 years and he has been studying deceit for the last 30 years. The topic for my major project will center on Ekman*****s work and focus on lying and deceit. I would like to look at other researcher*****s works and compare them to Ekman*****s. I also want to explain why this is important and what Ekman is doing to train CIA, Homeland Security and law enforcement to recognize what he calls *****micro-expressions*****. The face is capable of betraying the deceiver and show hints of their true intensions, which the deceiver cannot control. I*****d like to explore any ideas contrary to Ekman*****s work and discuss how the skill of recognizing these micro-expressions can be learned and used by psychologists.

Book Proposal

Ekman, P. (1991) Telling lies: Clues to deceit in the marketplace, politics, and marriage. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.

Here is what I had written which is just part of the body somewhere and another random paragraph but it does cite the required textbook.

For the purpose of this paper the words lying and deceit are used interchangeably defined by Ekman (2001) as when *****one person intends to mislead another, doing so deliberately, without prior notification of this purpose, and without having been explicitly asked to do so by the target.***** Deception, whether through concealment or falsifying, is a fundamental part of human social interaction (DePaulo et al. 2003). Deception may refer to anything from small *****white lies*****, to grandiose fabrications of which the consequences if caught could be severe. Lying occurs between friends, students and teachers, parents and children, doctors and patients, husbands and wives, lawyers and clients, etc, and many times the only way to know that one is lying is if they confess to it. Many times someone acting as a human lie detector has to observe nonverbal behavior for clues as to whether one is being honest or deceitful.

In the last few decades much research has been focused on the detection of deception. These findings have shown that people*****s ability to detect deceit is relatively poor. A recent meta-analysis by Bond and DePaulo (2006) found that participants displayed 54% accuracy rate when identifying items as either truthful or deceptive. This means people are accurate at telling lies from truths at a rate only slightly above chance and would perhaps do just as well with a blind guess. Bond and DePaulo (2006) also replicated prior findings that individuals are better at identifying when a statement is truthful from when it is a lie. This could be due to Truth Bias, which is the tendency to judge messages, true or not, as truthful, and would thus make their accuracy for telling truths high

Research done in the 1980s did support the idea that people whose vocations gave them experience with deceitful people would be any better at telling liars from truth tellers. However, more recent studies have shown that there may be people who are good lie detectors. For example, Ekman and O*****Sullivan (1991) found that secret service agents achieved 64% accuracy; similarly, Ekman et al. (1999) found accuracy rates between 68% and 73% amongst groups with a special interest in deception detection. Ekman (2001) had obtained evidence that children who had been abused were more accurate than other children in detecting deceit. Humans adapt to survive: thus, although most people are not much better than chance at detecting deceit, there do seem to be some individuals who are better at it than others.

A lie catcher should always make sure there is more than just one clue to deceit since facial clues are usually accompanied by clues from the body, words or voice (Ekman, 2001). As Allyn and Bacon state, *****Most behaviors of any complexity are multiply determined. A variety of factors act to cause their occurrence***** (2007, p.147).

Here is a list of references I have. Some were for an assignment and others were added on after so they are not in the correct format. Most were found on PsycInfo. Please feel free to use others if you find better ones. I just need to include the Ekman Telling Lies book and the Stanovich How to think straight about psychology book.

I hope this helps, please let me know of any questions! *****

How to Reference "Detecting Deception From Nonverbal Cues" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Detecting Deception From Nonverbal Cues.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Detecting Deception From Nonverbal Cues (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Detecting Deception From Nonverbal Cues. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Detecting Deception From Nonverbal Cues” 2009.
”Detecting Deception From Nonverbal Cues”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Detecting Deception From Nonverbal Cues”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Detecting Deception From Nonverbal Cues [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Detecting Deception From Nonverbal Cues. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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