Research Paper on "Health Care Workers"

Research Paper 7 pages (2251 words) Sources: 10

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Interventions to Deal with Depression

Employer Interventions

The development of programs to reduce work load, monitor hours, and give employees the perception of greater personal control and reduce stress can help minimize depression in the workplace. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programs have been used to reduce stress. MBSR is based on the concept of becoming mindful and present in the moment without judgment and utilize contemplation, meditation, and practical applications to daily issues at work. These programs have decreased the stress level at work and have reduced burnout and depression in health care workers (Mackenzie, Poulin, and Seidman-Carlson, 107).

Programs which offer a conflict-management training to decrease potential stress for employees can be useful in decreasing depression in health care organizations. Such programs can decrease work-related stress and depression by creating a positive environment through personal empowerment of employees. Employees that have been exposed to such programs have demonstrated a significant reduction role overload, interpersonal strain, depression. Employees also found that conflict-management training assists them to manage the demands of their job. Providing opportunities for counseling or outlets to express concerns in a sanction-free environment can also help lessen burnout and depression. These findings also indicate that by making available even brief interventions for health care workers can reduce conflict, reduce stress, and increase the perceived sense of control that workers experience which would increase job satisfaction (Haraway and Haraway, 11-17).

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oyee Interventions

Health care professionals can engage in several activities to avoid becoming depressed: 1) become educated about depression and its symptoms; 2) check themselves regularly and consult another professional, especially if they find their morale decreasing or feel constantly drained; 3) evaluate coworkers and discuss concerns; 4) take time each day for relaxation; 5) get regular exercise, nutrition, and rest; and 6) confide in trusted colleges and friends to develop a support system that will lessen the chances of becoming depressed or allow for one to recognize potential warning signs (Wallace, Lemaire, and Ghali 1718-1719).

It is clear from the research that depression is a major concern for health care workers; however, there are simple interventions and precautions that can be observed to recognize the warning signs and conditions that foster depression and to avoid its occurrence.

Works Cited

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Quoted Instructions for "Health Care Workers" Assignment:

Topic: Depression among Health Care Workers.

These are some of my ideas:

1 What are the signs of depression in the Health Care.

2 Why working in the health care can make some workers become depressed, like working too many overtime hours to help out short of staff.

3 How does depression among workers affects the quality of care to patients.

4 Can depression consider to be a work related injured.

5 What can employer do to decrease depression and to help those employees who are depressed in the health care.

6 What can an employee do to prevent themsleves from becoming depressed.

class requirements are: include a graph. Use 10 sources for the paper, 5 must be from peer-reviewed journals. Also include a reference page.

How to Reference "Health Care Workers" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Health Care Workers.”, 2011, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Health Care Workers (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Health Care Workers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Health Care Workers” 2011.
”Health Care Workers”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Health Care Workers”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Health Care Workers [Internet]. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Health Care Workers. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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