Research Paper on "Denver Climate Action Planning Project Carbon Dioxide"

Research Paper 20 pages (5470 words) Sources: 10 Style: APA

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Denver Climate Action Planning Project

Carbon dioxide emissions, the most common greenhouse gas, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports, increased by 20% from 1990 to 2005. One recent climate action report projects the projected 19% increase in emissions between 2000 and 2020 will contribute to an array of environmental crises not only in the U.S., but also in countries throughout the world. If business-as-usual continues, increases in greenhouse gas emissions could skyrocket in places like Denver, Colorado, the city for the focus in this Capstone.

A current primary goal of the City and County of Denver, noted in the Denver Climate Action plan, purports to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Denver. Through city support of alternative transportation, the plan involves either incentivizing and/or searching for other ways to utilize alternative transportation. Consequently, in the interest of additionally enhancing the understanding or the critical need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, this Capstone determines to disclose common characteristics of the successful plans other cities have incorporated, and to some degree, evaluate the costs of implementing each program. The researcher utilizes the case study methodology, a form of qualitative descriptive research which the researcher utilized to address the primary research question, which queries: "What plans can the City and County of Denver, Colorado implement to reduce Green House gas emissions in Denver?."



The best plan is, as the common proverb has it, to profit by the folly of others""
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Pliny the Elder (A.D. c. 23-A.D. 79)" Pliny the Elder, as cited in Bartlett, 2000).

Context of the Problem

Currently, the United States merits the distinct embarrassment of qualifying as the world's largest producer of greenhouse gases. Researchers predict that U.S. greenhouse gas emissions will continue to increase during the next decade, with increasingly somber consequences. Elena Fagotto, and Mary Graham (2007), point out in "Full disclosure: Using transparency to fight climate change; an essential first step in any effective climate change policy is to require major contributors to fully disclose their greenhouse gas emissions" that a recent climate action report projects the projected 19% increase in emissions between 2000 and 2020 will "contribute to persistent drought, coastal flooding, and water shortages in many parts of the country and around the world" (¶ 5). If cities, counties and states continue to conduct business-as-usual, Fagotto, and Graham warn, the increase could skyrocket to 30%. Carbon dioxide emissions, the most common greenhouse gas, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports, increased by 20% from 1990 to 2005. "Emissions of three more potent fluorinated gases, hydroflu-orocarbons, perfluorocompounds, and sulfur hexafluoride, weighted for their relative contribution to climate change, increased by 82.5%. (Fagotto, & Graham, 2007, ¶ 5). Although congressional leaders currently contemplate potential long-term-approaches to counter climate change, major proposals leave would not take effect for at least three more years. During the reportedly inevitable delay, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase.

Statement of the Problem

In consideration of the critical, contemporary concern regarding greenhouse gas emissions, a primary goal of the City and County of Denver, Colorado, noted in the Denver Climate Action plan, purports to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Denver. Through city support of alternative transportation, the plan involves either incentivizing and/or searching for other ways to utilize alternative transportation. Consequently, in the interest of additionally enhancing the understanding or the critical need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, this Capstone determines to disclose common characteristics of the successful plans other cities have incorporated, and to some degree, evaluate the costs of implementing each program.

Significance of the Study

The researcher perceives this Capstone to be personally and professionally significant as The bottom line:

Research Question and Sub-question

This Capstone, a qualitative study, utilizes the case study methodology, which proved helpful as a guide to answer this study's research questions. The primary research question for this study examines information/data to address the query: What plans can the City and County of Denver, Colorado implement to reduce Green House gas emissions in Denver? Sub-questions addressed during the course of this study include:

What are some current existing projects that incentivize the use of alternative transportation to reduce energy use, traffic congestion, and emissions of green house gases and other pollutants?

What are some of the common characteristics noted in successful projects or strategies?

What is the best way to approach the problem of Green House gas emissions?

What areas merit particular consideration and/or concern?

Organization of the Study

The following five chapters constitute the body of the Capstone.

Chapter I: Introduction

Chapter II: Literature Review

Chapter III: Methodology

Chapter IV: Analysis/Findings

Chapter V: Discussion, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Chapter I: Introduction

Chapter I, this study's introduction, introduces the Capstone's focus, presents the context of the problem, the problem statement, the main research question, four sub-questions addressed, and the significance of the study. The introduction also relates the research methodology the researcher used to address the primary research/sub-question(s).

Chapter II: Review of the Literature During Chapter II, the researcher presents information accessed from relevant studies and articles. This chapter explores literature which supports the research questions this Capstone proposes to answer.

Chapter III: Methodology

In Chapter III, the researcher expounds the research methodology, the case study methodology, a form of qualitative descriptive research which the researcher utilized to address the primary research question, and the four sub-questions.

Chapter IV: Analysis/Findings

Chapter IV explicates findings the researcher retrieved during this Capstone. In this section, the researcher relates specific suggested strategies for countering the increase of greenhouse gases.

Chapter V: Discussion, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Chapter V of this Capstone reflects a synopsis of relevant information and relates the researcher's concluding thoughts. In addition, the researcher notes answers for this study's primary question and researched sub-questions. Ultimately, based on researched findings, the researcher proffers recommendations to encourage future researchers, and recounts lessons the researcher obtained during the learning process involved in completing this Capstone.

Entering the next phase of this Capstone, the Literature Review chapter, the researcher asserts, that in addition to the proverb attributed to Pliny the Elder, that "the best plan profit by the folly of others" (" Pliny the Elder, as cited in Bartlett, 2000), another concept merits consideration. The best plan, the researcher contends, also profits from the knowledge others attribute.

The next chapter, as part of the researcher's plan for this Capstone, the Literature Review chapter, reflects a sampling of that knowledge related to reducing greenhouse gases.



Always design a thing by considering it in its next larger context chair in a room, a room in a house, house in an environment, an environment in a city plan"

Eliel Saarinen (Saarinen as cited in Simpson, 1988)

Introduction design of a study's search process, Auston, Cahn, and Selden (2004), stress, mandates that a researcher retrieve and integrate information during his/her gathering of research.

During this Capstone, this researcher identified a sampling of relevant literature relating to this study's focus and presents this information in this second chapter. The review of literature comprises a vital part of the case study, and constitutes an explicit, systematic approach to identifying, retrieving, and managing of credible information to locate information on a particular topic. For the design of this Capstone's literature review, the researcher considered the literature for review, as Saarien notes regarding a design: "in its nest larger context" (Saarinen as cited in Simpson, 1988). The larger context, as noted in the introduction for this study, encompasses the reduction of greenhouse gas emission. In relating considerations for this focus, the researcher chose to implement a thematic arrangement of the literature, which includes:

Existing Projects

Common Characteristics Noted in Successful Projects or Strategies

Approaches to Counter Green House gas

Programs Meriting Particular Consideration

Existing Projects

Existing projects that incentivize the use of alternative transportation to reduce energy use, traffic congestion, and emissions of green house gases and other pollutants include

Evaluation Data

Cost Data.

Characteristics in Successful Projects/Strategies

Approaches to counter green house gas

Emissions, as well as areas for concern

Public Policy-making

Research related in "Effectiveness of the mobility pass program in San Diego" supports regional transportation policy-making in San Diego, in comparable cities across California, as well as other U.S. cities. Based upon participation in a mobility pass program or Compass + Pass Program during late 2004, Louis Rea, and Sherry Ryan (2007), examine the mobility pass program's effectiveness on individual travel behavior, resulting from the utilization of combined car-sharing and transit passes. Primary findings indicate some level of latent demand exists for alternatives to the drive alone commute; particularly as an alternative in heavy peak hour traffic congestion. Program participants improved their perceptions relating to transit, Rea, and Ryan also found, when individuals participate in the Program.

Pass users in the San Diego mobility pass program received unlimited transit system access, along with limited monthly car-sharing privileges. The literature Rea, and Ryan (2007) reviewed relating to their study "demonstrates that mobility pass programs are a viable means for reducing negative impacts of drive alone travel behavior.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Denver Climate Action Planning Project Carbon Dioxide" Assignment:

This course is a masters capstone project in PUBLIC Administration (concentration in environmental policy). The final project needs to be a fully developed argument that is well supported by the relevant evidence and a scholarly literature. Should demonstrate a clear and concise summary of the essential points of the capstone project

All advanced seminar projects include a review of the scholarly literature relevant to the project. The actions undertaken in the project should be grounded in the scholarly literature. It is expected that the student will have reviewed prominent refereed journals in the field and relevant to the chosen project, such as Public Administration Review, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Academy of Management Review, and International Journal of Public Management.

Collecting and Analyzing Information

It is expected that the student will support project conclusions with evidence from qualitative or quantitative data. Students may use secondary data or generate primary data.


I am doing this project for the City and County of Denver one of their goal in their Denver Climate Action plan is to reduce Green house gas emission in Denver through city support of alternative transportation by either incentivizing or looking for other ways to use alternative transportation. Through this capstone I am look to find common characteristics of the successful ones and evaluate to some degree the costs of implementing each program:

What current projects exist to incentivize the use of alternative transportation in order to reduce energy use, traffic congestion, and emissions of green house gases and other pollutants? What are the common characteristics of successful projects or strategies? What is the best way to approach this problem and what are the areas of concern. I would like to examine 4 programs (car sharing, incentivize public transportation, business incentives for compressed work weeks or telecommuting as well as Congestion pricing as seen in London). I would like to identify the most successful programs and evaluation data as well as cost data. Throughout this project I will be also be examining the role public policy plays in reducing the green house gas emissions.

I intend to examine an incentive based program in Denmark where there was grant funded transportation program. This program was an initiative to get people to change their commuting behaviors. The premise of the program was to incentivize one thousand people who regularly drove to work, with a one month transportation card. I want to know if it really changed behavior or if this incentive was not enough.

I would like to look at is Car sharing program; I found a Berkley study looking at the cost impact of car sharing and pass using and the results of study.

I want to examine a congestion pricing program in 2003 started in London, charging fees to drive which has significantly reduced congestion as well as reduced personal travel in turn reducing GHG emissions.

Finally, I found various studies that address the different incentives that are given by companies or to companies in order to reduce commuting to and from their office. I also found an article that address the possibility that home commuting may increase overall emissions, because telecommuting significantly increases the expenditure of energy from households.

Robèrt, Markus, and ***** Bör*****on. 2006. "COMPANY INCENTIVES AND TOOLS FOR PROMOTING TELECOMMUTING." Environment & Behavior 38, no. 4: 521-549. GreenFILE, EBSCOhost (accessed January 28,2009)

Schmidt, Charles W. 2001. "The Market for Pollution." Environmental Health Perspectives 109, no. 8: A378-A381. GreenFILE, EBSCOhost (accessed January 28, 2009).

The second cited article is a study done on the impact of economic incentives to companies, response of business organizations to the administration's support for incentives and recommendations by the EPA to regulators.

There is a significant amount of research on the role of public policy in reducing green house gas emissions. I will include the public policy aspect throughout the paper and what role it plays.

Obviously this paper need to be formatted Intro 1-2 pages, background 1-2 pgs, literature review(2-3), methods, findings, conclusion, references, appendix...


How to Reference "Denver Climate Action Planning Project Carbon Dioxide" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Denver Climate Action Planning Project Carbon Dioxide.”, 2009, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Denver Climate Action Planning Project Carbon Dioxide (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Denver Climate Action Planning Project Carbon Dioxide. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Denver Climate Action Planning Project Carbon Dioxide” 2009.
”Denver Climate Action Planning Project Carbon Dioxide”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Denver Climate Action Planning Project Carbon Dioxide”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Denver Climate Action Planning Project Carbon Dioxide [Internet]. 2009 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Denver Climate Action Planning Project Carbon Dioxide. Published 2009. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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