Literature Review on "Islam and Democracy in Malaysia"

Literature Review 4 pages (1422 words) Sources: 3

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Democracy and Islam in Malaysia

In this short essay, the author will examine the issue of democracy and Islam in Malaysia with a topical literature review. To wit, we will consider whether or not democracy and Islam are compatible in a modern society. This will be considered in various different areas. Unfortunately, the results are mixed at best, with Islam heavily overshadowing the Malaysian social fabric, although the tension between Malays and non-Malays is a second important factor.

Western democracy and banking have made their way into Malaysia. In an article by Samal Abdus, his article examines the performance of Bahrain's interest-free Islamic banks and also the interest-based conventional commercial banks in the post war period after the first Gulf War. This with respect to profitability, liquidity risk and credit risks. He used nine financial ratios in the measurement these performances. His paper concludes that there is not a major difference in the performance between Islamic and conventional banks in the areas of profitability and liquidity. However, his study finds that there were significant difference in credit performance (Samad 2004, 1-2).

In an article by Tristan James Mabry, he reviews scholar Ernest Gellner's views upon the development of Western civil society and contrasts this dually with the failed Marxist

experiment and Islamic fundamentalism. Further, he reviews Gellner's views on nationalism and industrialization as the structural catalyst of the modern social orders. For Gellner, Muslim society is unique in how it synchronizes societal culture and Islamic faith. Islam is divided into historical and inte
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rnal divisions and into High and Low versions as they react to modernity by their generation of a High Muslim culture in as part of a worldwide nation of Islam. It further looks at the contradiction of the Islamic view with which ethnicity over religion in the development of a national identity. Finally, he considers the relationship of Islam to modernization in the rapidly industrializing society of Malaysia is in contrast to Gellner's model (Mabry 1998, 64).

The article by a.B. Shamsul consists of a critique of ethnicity theories that are based upon essentialism which have been adopted by historians in mainstream Malaysian historiographies in their efforts to explain the formation of "Malay-Malayness." He instead proposes that Malay ethnicity is not am innate, but rather a learned or constructed idea. Malay-Malayness has been created due to intersecting historical, social and cultural factors at a singular moment in a culture's life and history. For Shamsul, Malay-Malayness is a constructed a colonial memory and it has been subsequently adopted uncritically by historians in the environment of postcolonial Malaysia by both Malays and non-Malays (Shamsul 2001, 355).

In the study by Aziz and Shamsul, it is pointed out that Islam in Malaysia has gone through a long and complex process that was involved in an interaction with the three major world civilizations (Indian, Chinese and European) and two colonial systems (Dutch and British) during which many aspects of its practices were reconfigured. This paper provides a brief critical survey of the evolution of the said embedization process during which Islam

and the Muslims in Malaysia were moulded by a series of sociological realities, namely plural society, secularism and modernity. This has resulted in the creation of 'moderate' Islam in Malaysia that is quite different from the fundamentalist image of Islam profiled in the contemporary worldwide discourse on global Islam

(Aziz et al. 2004, 341).

In a study by Andrew Harding, the emergence of the Islamic party PAS as a political force in Malaysia, and its demand for an Islamic state has given rise to new debates about the nature of the Islamic state. It has also given rise to debate concerning the possible the article examines the growing the relationship Harding argues that a definition of 'Islamic state' is impossible. He goes on to outline the positive He that concludes that, while a peaceful solution to the problem of Islam and constitutionalism is by no means impossible such a solution is fraught with both political difficulty and intellectual confusion (Harding 2002, 154 -- 155)

In a study by Muhammad Syukryi Salleh, the Malaysian Pan-Islamic Party (PAS) -led government from Without political power, PAS believes, not only an establishment of an Islamic State is impossible, but the execution of the laws of Allah… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Islam and Democracy in Malaysia" Assignment:

Below are three books pertaining to Islam and Malaysia the could be helpful to write the review:

Hussin Mutalib, Islam in Malaysia: from revivalism to Islamic State? 1993

Joseph Liow, Piety and politics: Islamism in contemporary Malaysia, 2009

Gordon Means, Political islam in Southeast Asia, 2009 (see chapters on Malaysia)

here are the Instruction for the paper:

Research Project Assignment #2: Literature Review

Choose one of your research questions from RPA #1 and write a 5-7 page literature review. Your literature review should demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the scholarship addressing your research question. You should cover, at a minimum, 7 scholarly articles and 1 monograph (scholarly book). Remember, though, that you may need more than this number of sources to identify and analyze the main schools of thought on your topic. The literature review should demonstrate that you can provide an overview of the scholarly literature on your topic, organize and analyze this literature, and provide a rationale for your own research question. In your final research paper, the literature review will be central to addressing REC #1 and #2.

In organizing your literature review, you should pay attention to the following tips:

*****¢ Make sure to state your research question clearly and directly in the first paragraph or two. Although the wording and focus may change, this will be the question and topic area that you will continue to research for the rest of the course! Make sure to incorporate any relevant feedback from RPA #1!

*****¢ Organize your discussion of the literature by *****school of thought***** and discuss how different groups of scholars agree/disagree with one another and how they identify similar/different factors important to explaining your puzzle. You should aim to answer the four key questions discussed by Baglione in our textbook reading.

*****¢ The final paragraphs of your literature review should tell the reader how the literature has informed your own research in specific ways (e.g. in the refinement of your question, specification of concepts, selection of variables, etc.) and how you hope your final paper will add to the scholarly conversation on your topic.

Paper Formatting

Your paper should be 5-7 double-spaced pages in length (standard 12 point font, 1***** margins). Include your name, the submission date, the course number on the first page, and page numbers on all pages except for the first page. Remember to correctly cite sources wherever you refer to work that is not your own, using the Turabian citation format (see citation guide posted to Blackboard).

Submission Instructions

All papers should be submitted electronically through the course Blackboard site. To submit your paper:

1. Save the final version of your paper in .docx, .doc, .pdf or .rtf format

2. Make sure that the file name does not contain any spaces or non-alphanumeric characters, or Blackboard will strip away the attached file! The file name of your paper should be as follows: YourlastnameRPA2.docx

3. Click on the appropriate assignment in the *****Assignments***** section of Blackboard.

4. Upload your paper using the *****Attach File***** button in the *****Assignment Materials***** section. Remember - you must click *****Submit***** (not *****Save as Draft*****) to submit your paper!

RPA #2 IS DUE BEFORE THE START OF CLASS AT 9.00 AM ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27. The penalties for late work are discussed in the course syllabus. The Blackboard system will record the time of submission.


How to Reference "Islam and Democracy in Malaysia" Literature Review in a Bibliography

Islam and Democracy in Malaysia.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Islam and Democracy in Malaysia (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Islam and Democracy in Malaysia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Islam and Democracy in Malaysia” 2012.
”Islam and Democracy in Malaysia”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Islam and Democracy in Malaysia”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Islam and Democracy in Malaysia [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Islam and Democracy in Malaysia. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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