Term Paper on "Demise of the Soviet Union Resulted"

Term Paper 8 pages (2619 words) Sources: 9 Style: MLA

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demise of the Soviet Union resulted in the emergence of 15 independent republics that, in turn, entered a soul-searching period to survive and prosper. At stake were the identities of nation-states whose political and cultural legacies were buried by 70 years of communist rule. Some states like Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania fared better than Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. States like Ukraine and Belarus suffered both politically and economically. Tajikistan was mired in civil war that preoccupied its supranational leadership. The smallest three republics in the Caucasus; Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, fared far worse, in part because severe dormant ethnic tensions were revived. Moreover, civil wars in Georgia especially areas like Abkhazia and Ossetia, as well as a territorial dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabagh enclave, meant war. The two countries Azerbaijan and Georgia later also moved on the path to democracies.


Azerbaijan is bounded by Iran on the south, where the Aras (Araks) River divides it from Iranian Azerbaijan; by the Caspian Sea on the east; by Russia's Dagestan Republic on the north; and by Armenia on the west. Azerbaijan occupies the western ranges of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus and the Kura River valley.

Politics & Democracy

The country has seen problems because of rulers like Gaidar Aliev who ruled with impunity. The country has suffered because of rules of previous tyrant governments. However, Azerbaijan has survived the test of times.

Azerbaijan is a nation of eight million that has raised itself from the ashes of Sovi
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et totalitarianism into a vibrant and pro-Western democracy. Azerbaijan's transition from a satellite state of the Soviet Union a mere 15 years ago to a democracy allied with the West took another major step forward on November 6, 2005, when the people of Azerbaijan went to the polls to elect their representatives to parliament.

Azerbaijan is different from other Muslim states because of its firm dedication to secularism that has even enabled it to maintain diplomatic relations with Israel. The culture of the country is such that religious minorities in Azerbaijan are able to practice their faith. Azerbaijan has not allowed its Muslim heritage to be hijacked by clerics.

Azerbaijan has also remained a steadfast ally of the United States. This strategic partnership strengthened after the tragic events of September 11. Today, Azerbaijan stands side-by-side with America in the global war on terrorism. As a result a close relationship between the two countries has evolved. United States now supports the democratization process in the country and foresees a strong bond on this basis between the two.


Azerbaijan's economy relies on agriculture the Kura River valley is the region's chief agricultural zone. Wheat, barley, corn, fruits and vegetables, wine grapes, and potatoes are the leading food crops, and cotton, silk, and tobacco the foremost industrial crops. The subtropical land produces tea and rice. Among the chief manufactures are petroleum products, oilfield equipment, steel, chemicals and petrochemicals, and textiles. The old craft of carpet weaving is still alive in the country.

Country's Apsheron peninsula is one of the richest oil regions of the world.

There are greater prospects of a substantial rise in oil and gas revenues from Azerbaijan's huge resources in the Caspian. In Azerbaijan, the Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline was inaugurated, thus connecting the landlocked Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. This geo-strategic pipeline will allow the littoral states of the Caspian Sea to export their oil and gas reserves to markets world-wide, thus enhancing global energy security at a time of volatility in the Persian Gulf region.

Problems in the Business Environment: The country's economy has been firmly under governmental control. To do business there, one must either pay bribes or become part of the regime's support structure. Many people, including refugees from the ongoing war with Armenia, who constitute 12% of the population, are struggling just to feed their families. Nearly 20% of the population has immigrated to escape poverty. Meanwhile, the president and his family, in power for almost 10 years, became billionaires. Corruption and bribery are rampant in Azerbaijan, from police officers on the beat to the government's top offices. The number of police per capita far exceeds internationally accepted standards, making the country a police state in the truest sense of those words. The police used to do the president's bidding, including kidnapping political opponents.

Emphasis on Tourism: Reforms to promote the country's huge potential in tourism are also under way. In addition to the creation of a new Ministry for Tourism, Youth and Sport efforts have been made to clean up the capital, refurbish its museums, public buildings and roads and eliminate unlicensed traders. Efforts to reopen the city's famed cafes along its seafront boulevard and in areas such as Fountain Square have been underway, along with other measures to revitalize public parks and urban transport. The Azerbaijan Entrepreneurs Association has also been organizing seminars for tourist companies in the country to raise standards and to help promote the country abroad.

Education Sector: Despite problems improvements have also been seen in the education sector which is a key area to move the country on the path of economic progress. The republic's educational institutions include Baky Univ. And the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences. The current government is trying to bring a positive change in their education sector in order to stir the progress of the economy.


Situated on the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus and in the Lesser Caucasus, Georgia is largely ruggedly mountainous. Nestled strategically between the Black Sea to the west, Russia to the north, Azerbaijan to the east, and Armenia and Turkey to the south, Georgia remains a blend of Western and Eastern cultures and languages. Years of conflict, neglect and abuse has left this fertile and friendly nation lacking the infrastructure required to sustain democracy, regardless of how badly the citizens seek a Western style of freedom.

Politics & Democracy

The problems of politics in Georgia were similar to Azerbaijan. This country also faced issues of corruption and faulty leadership. Georgia was ruled by Shevardnadze who was largely considered corrupt. There were complaints, that he allowed a handful of close relatives and cronies to profit from the privatization of state assets. It is alleged that Georgian officials and their business partners pillaged billions during his tenure.

People developed a certain dislike to the regime but move to show their dissent in a non-violent manner. In Georgia in 2003, the youth group Kmara invited veterans of the Serbian group Otpor to come to Tbilisi and provide advanced training in nonviolent action. From that flowed better planning and better execution in Kmara's sequence of graffiti, leaflet, and poster campaigns against corruption and for media freedom.. In Belgrade as well as in Tbilisi, massive protests demonstrated the lack of political legitimacy of old regimes and caused their disintegration. The Georgian revolution may be considered a model to dissolve dictatorships in other parts of the former Soviet empire, where the surge of freedom, started in 1989 with the collapse of the Berlin Wall

States that are democratic but only partly free are often those in transition from a repressive regime to more open forms of government. Georgia, which held free and fair elections in 2004 elected Mr. Saakashvili who received more than 80% of the vote in elections that were the most peaceful and transparent since Georgian independence. The Columbia University-educated Mr. Saakashvili became president, promising to lead his country away from centuries of domination by Russia. Since taking power, Mr. Saakashvili has sought to sweep out corruption left over from the Shevardnadze era and move Georgia toward the West.

The people of Georgia have demonstrated to the world that freedom and democracy are important to them by electing in the 2004 the 36-year-old president, Mikheil Saakashvili. To support the emerging democracy, the United States has provided millions of dollars in military aid in return for the few hundred troops that Georgia has supplied to the war in Iraq. More broadly, the U.S. Department of Justice has provided funds and staff to the new government to implement the rule of law through transformation of the historically corrupt court system.


As soon as the subsidies from the U.S.S.R. central budget were terminated, the collapse of the social security system, massive unemployment and hyperinflation followed and were further aggravated by total corruption and ethno-territorial conflicts. One of the effects has been the social polarization in this heretofore 90 per cent middle-class society, with growing numbers becoming poor and a few becoming rich. The middle class has ultimately disappeared and, as a result, the society lost its political stability and economic growth.

In the first post-independence years the inequality in incomes was not so striking. However, later the inequality became more and more conspicuous following privatization, government extortion and illicit profits made by a thin layer of nouveau riche against the background of a catastrophic reduction of incomes for the great majority. The salaried state sector professionals, with monthly wages were equally hard-hit,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Demise of the Soviet Union Resulted" Assignment:

This is a comparative paper, examining two countries - Georgia and Azerbaijan - on their progress toward democratization and economic prosperity throughout the years of independence and the results to which these two countries came.

It should consist of introduction, describing the main argument - main dependent variable of the comparison between these two countries; main body - the structure of which can be written in one of the two following versions (describing all independent variables of our comparison in country A, then describing the same independent variables in the country B or describing each variable in both countries one after another); and conclusion - in which we describe the major outcomes of our comparison.

Independent variables should be chosen from the following categories:

- public institutions in both countries (governmental, NGOs, IFIs, etc);

- social structure;

- culture;

- economy.

Dependent variable can be transition to democracy and economic development in both countries, how it differs and why?

The role of civil societies in both countries, Georgian Revolution of Roses 2003 and absence of such in Azerbaijan should be carefully examined in this paper.

Indexes of Freedom House and Human Rights Watch should be examined and cited too.

How to Reference "Demise of the Soviet Union Resulted" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Demise of the Soviet Union Resulted.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/demise-soviet-union/759433. Accessed 7 Jul 2024.

Demise of the Soviet Union Resulted (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/demise-soviet-union/759433
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). Demise of the Soviet Union Resulted. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/demise-soviet-union/759433 [Accessed 7 Jul, 2024].
”Demise of the Soviet Union Resulted” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/demise-soviet-union/759433.
”Demise of the Soviet Union Resulted” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/demise-soviet-union/759433.
[1] ”Demise of the Soviet Union Resulted”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/demise-soviet-union/759433. [Accessed: 7-Jul-2024].
1. Demise of the Soviet Union Resulted [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 7 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/demise-soviet-union/759433
1. Demise of the Soviet Union Resulted. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/demise-soviet-union/759433. Published 2008. Accessed July 7, 2024.

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