Essay on "Problems of Sex That Leads to Undesirable Situations"

Essay 4 pages (1328 words) Sources: 4

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debated issues for parents of children attending high school is what should be the role of sex education? As high rates of teenage pregnancy continue to rise and the incidents of venereal disease among teens increase as well, it should be obvious that some form of education is necessary (McIlhaney). Historically, the responsibility for educating children about sex fell upon the shoulders of the parents but parents in modern society cannot or will not teach their children about sexuality so children have begun to rely upon their peers for such information and there is considerable evidence that this has resulted in adolescents developing a distorted view of sexuality.

Among Western industrialized nations, the United States has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy, and within the United States, teenagers have the highest rates of gonorrhea, syphilis, and Chlamydia (Lawlor) Furthermore, teenage sexual activity has become more common. The age of at which teenagers begin acting out sexually has steadily declined, and the number of sexual partners that one might have before the age of 18 has also been increasing. Surprisingly, only one in five young Americans remains a virgin by the end of their teenage years.

As indicated earlier, the family was historically considered the main source of sexual information (Miller). The decline in the importance of family, the proliferation of new family forms, and the decline of the two parent family are all considered to be factors in what appears to be a growing problem among teens and their relationship with sexual issues.

The impact of family environment on the development of sexual attitudes and behaviors has
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been well documented. The emphasis of most of the studies that have examined this issue has been on the configuration of the family and the effect of family involvement. The results as to the effect of family structure have established that children from intact two parent families not only delay the beginning of their sexual activity but also engage in less overall sexual activity than children from martially disrupted families.

There is no doubt that the family provides the individual child with structure and guidance. Through the family, children are provided with a system of socialization that, in turn, provides them with both values and norms that they carry with them through the rest of their lives but not all families manage to convey these values and norms in the same manner. Although two parent families generally provide more guidance and stability, the measure of how this affects the sex development of the individual teenager is dependent upon the level of control exercised by the parents. Parents who exercise higher levels of supervision and monitoring of their children's activities tend to raise children who engage in sex at a later date whereas parents with less stringent rules in this area can expect children who will involve themselves with sex at an earlier age.

The factors that come into play regarding the level of supervision vary but there are some generalized factors that occur that have their impact. For instance, divorce reduces the number of parents in the household. This development makes supervision more difficult and also serves to make direct involvement of the parent with each child more difficult. Additionally, divorce may also force a situation where both parents are now forced to work which further limits the time that a parent may spend with the children. Finally, many divorces are quite acrimonious which results in a situation where one parent does not support the views of the other. Each of these events serves to reduce the level of a parents' influence on the child, decrease the level of respect that the children have for their parents, and correspondingly, increases the child's dependence on the comments and advice of their peers. Often times, remarriage may serve to counteract some of these developments but, in most cases, stepparents are never afforded the same measure of respect as natural parents.

The development of new family… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Problems of Sex That Leads to Undesirable Situations" Assignment:

4-5 pages *****"problem/solution*****" paper that talks about problems of sex in today*****'s society. *****"As time goes on, people are learning about and engaging in sexual activities at a younger age. This is a problem because it leads to multiple UNDESIRABLE SITUATIONS such as teenage pregnancies and sexual diseases and etc...*****". what can we do to fix it?what are the solutions? and provide 4 academically credible SOURCES for support.

this is a MLA format paper: INTRO(sex in old generation and in today*****'s generation) and THESIS( problems of sex in today*****'s society that lead to undesirable situations) in 1st page.

define the problem and causes of sex in today*****'s society in 1.5 page.

provide solutions and what can we do to fix and prevent the problem in 1.5 page.

finally a conclusion in 0.5 page.

How to Reference "Problems of Sex That Leads to Undesirable Situations" Essay in a Bibliography

Problems of Sex That Leads to Undesirable Situations.”, 2011, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Problems of Sex That Leads to Undesirable Situations (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Problems of Sex That Leads to Undesirable Situations. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Problems of Sex That Leads to Undesirable Situations” 2011.
”Problems of Sex That Leads to Undesirable Situations”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Problems of Sex That Leads to Undesirable Situations”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Problems of Sex That Leads to Undesirable Situations [Internet]. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Problems of Sex That Leads to Undesirable Situations. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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