Film Review on "Death Penalty Is Final Punishment"

Film Review 7 pages (2309 words) Sources: 7

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However, the life of Pierrepoint is affected a lot by the incident of hanging a woman.

Victims of Crime

The victims of crime and especially war crimes are hated almost everywhere. People do not support letting go the criminals that have been involved in grave crimes like rape, murder and terrorism. The war criminals are brutally killed, and the movie shows that the behavior towards the war criminals is even unfair and inhumane after their death. Many consider that it is the unfair treatment of the criminals, which is leading factor to abolish this practice throughout the world. The world is becoming more interconnected, and the differences between people of different nationalities are diminishing too. The people like to have justice but killing the war criminals is not the only way.

Personal Opinion

There are some practices that are inherently immoral and it is quite humanistic not to like these practices under normal circumstances. For example, war, killing and stealing. Even killing the killers is not something that is very easy. I personally do not hate anyone more than the serial killers and the rapists and want to kill them all in a second. Yet this is only the initial feeling. The rational I, the one who wants a society free of crimes, believe that there should be a fair punishment system where the gravest crimes should be given capital punishment, but those crimes are too rare. Killing someone and raping someone should follow most severe punishments, yet I would advocate that no one in this world should be 'mistakenly killed'. There are too many chances of killing an innocent soul through capital punishment (Colon, 2010).Continue scrolling to

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Punishment is a legal requirement, and it should not mean insulting human bodies, putting a person to a long series of pain through electrocution and hanging. Often people are not properly killed during hanging or electrocution, rather get their tissues damaged, and then die a very painful death after time of hours of even days. This is very in humanistic, and I think if the rightful executions are carried out, these will not be more than a couple during a decade. There are many discussions carried out worldwide to give or not to give the capital punishment and most of them end at a point that the capital punishment should be rare but not be abolished totally. This is because, there are some crimes that do not deserve a criminal to live like a terrorist causing pain and chaos in society.


Many people are against the capital punishment because it is not revertible. I believe that the capital punishment should be so rarely given that there should be no margin of error in it. Reverting life sentence is possible while reverting execution is not. Yet the system needs to be too strict that the chances of error should be minimized. I do not support the death penalty as a common practice as Pierrepoint executed over six hundred people during his tenure of service. It should be only for very grave crimes that are a threat for society as a whole of national security issue. Thus, it will be a warning for the citizens too and will minimize the inhumane practice of killing people. Like the lives of innocent people killed by a serial murderer cannot be reverted, the jury should not feel sorry for the serial killer too. But this rule cannot be generalized for all the crimes and all the criminals.


The capital punishment cannot be justified for every criminal and is given to only serial killers and the grave criminals which may not be more in number than a couple during a time of a decade. Yet, there are many innocent people executed because they cannot prove their innocence. Often even most advanced tests are insufficient to prove the guilt of an inmate. Hundreds of people are waiting their final decision in prisons and most of them have a deteriorated mental health because of pending death penalty. There are rights of criminals of death punishment also, and despite the death penalty, a human is a human. Killing people through painful and humiliating irreversible procedures should be limited, and the rights or criminals should be acknowledged.


Bandes, S. (2009). A closer look at victims, closure and the death penalty: An interview with Susan Bandes. Articles, 3, 6-7

Brasfield, P. (2000). The End of Innocence. The Other Side, 36, 10-3

Cannon, C.M. (2000). The Problem with the Chair - A Conservative Case against Capital Punishment. National Review, 52.

Colon, J.R.M.. (2010). A story for N.H. from Death Row. Witness to innocence, Death penalty information center, (2013), Description of execution methods. Data retrieved from

Delcour, J. (2011). Capital Punishment a Costly Option. Tulsa World

Sorensen, J. (2004). The Administration of Capital Punishment. ACFS… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Death Penalty Is Final Punishment" Assignment:

instructions/ format will be uploaded. Readings to be used will also be uploaded. The film will not.

the film to be used is "The Last Hang Man"

How to Reference "Death Penalty Is Final Punishment" Film Review in a Bibliography

Death Penalty Is Final Punishment.”, 2013, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Death Penalty Is Final Punishment (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Death Penalty Is Final Punishment. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Death Penalty Is Final Punishment” 2013.
”Death Penalty Is Final Punishment”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Death Penalty Is Final Punishment”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Death Penalty Is Final Punishment [Internet]. 2013 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Death Penalty Is Final Punishment. Published 2013. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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