Term Paper on "Dave Chappelle Is Being Sued by His Manager for Breach of Contract"

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Dave Chappelle in Being Sued by His Manager for Breach of Contract

Within the documentation with regard to the verbal contracts associated with the Dave Chappelle v. Mustafa Abuelhiji court case, where manager Abuelhiji claims that Chappelle has failed to pay him promised commissions for his part in acting as Chappelle's personal manger and give producer credit to Abuelhiji for a movie he produced which was later sold to Focus Features. The lawsuit claims that regardless of the termination of Abuelhiji he is still owed $864,500 for commissions on work he assisted Chappelle with through a 10-month period, while he was acting as Chappelle's personal manager and has seen only $40,000 in a lump sum payment from Chappelle after Chappelle terminated Abuelhiji in 2005.

The difficulty of the case arises with regard to contract law in that the agreement was never reduced to writing, therefore falls under the guise of a verbal contract

Simpson 490) but entailed an agreement to pay Abuelhiji 5% of Chappelle's revenue derived from his personal appearances during Abuelhiji's tenure as personal manager and 10% of revenue derived from any entertainment deals executed by Abuelhiji during the same time and including any future royalty payments Chappelle received from said projects. The period of employment, as personal manager which lasted 10 months was preceded by several years of other employment by Chappelle of Abuelhiji in the entertainment industry, including a well developed professional relationship where Abuelhiji served many roles, beginning in 2001 and continued until termination on an almost daily basis to assist Chappelle in many tasks with regard to his suc
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cess as an entertainer. (see lawsuit at (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/1213052dave1.html) Verbal contracts can be difficult to enforce and range in difficulty depending on the situation in where the contract was made or not made depending on the rulings.

At one end of the scale there can be an express verbal promise, as when the promisor actually says 'I promise to go to York'. More common is the case when the promise has to be deduced or 'implied' from conduct or less formal language, or some combination of the two, as when one says 'Here we are then' to the girl at the cash desk in the supermarket, pointing to the contents of a wire basket.

Simpson 490)

In this case it is clear that a promise was made and that terms were met by Abuelhiji, that would entitle him to payment by Chappelle for the work he did.

Though the agreement for Abuelhiji to act as Chappelle's personal manager was never reduced to writing, as the lawsuit states the contract is valid in that it meets all the criteria for a legal and binding verbal contract, offer, acceptance and consideration.

Offer: The person making the offer in a verbal contract must communicate their intent to enter into a contract. A verbal contract is not considered valid if all parties do not agree to the terms of the offer. Also, verbal contracts are only valid for a specified period of time and not indefinitely.

Acceptance: A verbal contract is not valid until the offer is accepted. The acceptance of a verbal contract occurs when the person to whom the contract is offered voluntarily indicates agreement to its terms and conditions.

Consideration: In addition to an offer and acceptance, verbal contracts must contain consideration. This means that each side must give the other something of value for the agreement to be binding. In most verbal contracts, this is an exchange of money, such as a down payment. However, in some cases, it is not money but… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Dave Chappelle Is Being Sued by His Manager for Breach of Contract" Assignment:

Introduction to the Law and Contracts

As reported in The Smoking Gun, a Dave Chappelle is being sued by his Manager for Breach of Contract

Please read about the elements that make a contract valid. There are three elements relating to the formation of the contract that must be present for the contract to be valid (and enforceable) and three elements relating to performance that attest to whether the terms of the contract have been met. Your job will be to see which, if any, of the elements form the basis of the lawsuit.

So, what happened?

Lawsuit claims comedian welshed on Comedy Central, other deals - Click >here< to see the lawsuit in its entirety. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/1213052dave1.html

DECEMBER 13 2005--Claiming that Dave Chappelle has stiffed him for at least $864,500, the comedian's former personal manager has sued the star, opening a window on the performer's finances and his lucrative Comedy Central deal. In a breach of contract complaint filed yesterday in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, Mustafa Abuelhija claims that he and Chappelle last September entered into a management agreement, though the deal "was never reduced to writing." In late-June, upon his return from an abrupt and mysterious South African sojourn, the 32-year-old Chappelle fired Abuelhija during a meeting at a San Francisco hotel, according to the lawsuit, an excerpt of which you'll find below. During his 10 months as Chappelle's manager, Abuelhija contends that he played a crucial role in deals that earned the comedian about $10 million (and which potentially could earn Chappelle tens of millions more). Abuelhija, who began working as Chappelle's "jack-of-all-trades" in 2001, claims that he is owed a piece of the performer's "Chappelle's Show" deal with Comedy Central as well as a chunk of revenues generated by personal appearances, a future DVD, and the Michel Gondry-directed movie "Dave Chappelle's Block Party." When Chappelle re-upped with Comedy Central last year, press reports valued the agreement at $50 million, a deal that was largely torpedoed when the comedian abandoned the show this year after filming only a few episodes of its third season. According to Abuelhija, the cable network gave Chappelle a $4.5 million "nonrefundable up-front payment" when the deal was signed and agreed to pay him $275,000 per episode and about $25,000 per repeat (the deal covered 13-episode seasons in 2005 and 2006). The contract, Abuelhija noted, also guaranteed the star 50 percent royalties on "Chappelle's Show" DVD and merchandise sales retroactive to the show's first season. The DVD deal is particularly lucrative since Chappelle's program is among the best-selling television DVDs, with its second season compilation having set a record this June with the sale of 1.2 million units during its first week in stores.

The major issue in the case is whether Abuelhiga's contract was valid, whether Chappelle breached that contract, and the remedy that will judged to be fair if the contract was breached.

In effect, you have to build your case based on the following three questions:

(1) Was the contract valid?

(2) Did Chappelle breach the contract? Yes or No? Defend your position?

(3) What remedy is Abuelhiha seeking?

As you build your case (your defense of your position on the first two issues) make sure that you answer the following questions:

1. What were the elements in the contract that specify what each party was to do?

2. What were the elements of the contract that specify what would be consequences for the parties if they fail to perform?

3. Was a party in breach? Why? Or why not?

4. What type of damages are being or can be sought?

5. Was the performance of any party excused because the other party breached the contract? Why? Or why not?

To learn more about what took place and the summary judgment, you might want to run a google search using the key words [Mustafa Abuelhija Dave Chappelle],

How to Reference "Dave Chappelle Is Being Sued by His Manager for Breach of Contract" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Dave Chappelle Is Being Sued by His Manager for Breach of Contract.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/dave-chappelle-being-sued/811662. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Dave Chappelle Is Being Sued by His Manager for Breach of Contract (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/dave-chappelle-being-sued/811662
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Dave Chappelle Is Being Sued by His Manager for Breach of Contract. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/dave-chappelle-being-sued/811662 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Dave Chappelle Is Being Sued by His Manager for Breach of Contract” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/dave-chappelle-being-sued/811662.
”Dave Chappelle Is Being Sued by His Manager for Breach of Contract” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/dave-chappelle-being-sued/811662.
[1] ”Dave Chappelle Is Being Sued by His Manager for Breach of Contract”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/dave-chappelle-being-sued/811662. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Dave Chappelle Is Being Sued by His Manager for Breach of Contract [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/dave-chappelle-being-sued/811662
1. Dave Chappelle Is Being Sued by His Manager for Breach of Contract. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/dave-chappelle-being-sued/811662. Published 2007. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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