Thesis on "Database Administration"

Thesis 11 pages (3489 words) Sources: 15 Style: APA

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Database Administration Today

In evaluating the current field of database administration, the areas of Database Management Systems (DBMS), Database Administrator (DBA) roles and responsibilities, the concepts of database designs, performance of databases, and data integrity and availability are all critical concepts that need to be covered. In addition, database security, so essential for any company to continue operating, as is evidenced by the many breaches of databases today, which happen nearly on a daily basis. The breach at social networking site Twitter is particularly troublesome given the rapid growth of that social platform and the information stored on its servers. Additional areas include database backup and database recovery. Each of these topic areas forms the foundation of a DBAs' many tasks in supporting an organization. The intent of this paper is to provide insights into each of these areas from a DBA standpoint, in terms of managing these areas as strategic concerns relative to the value of data in an organization. Critical success factors essential for the development of effective database management systems (Guynes, Vanecek, 1996) including thorough systems analysis and design, the development of security and fault tolerance plans, and the development of change management programs to ensure departments and employees the systems were created for, in addition to customers external to the company, can effectively use the systems designed. Database security forms the foundation of DBMS best practices (Jajodia, 1996) and also serves as the precursor to Service-oriented Architectures (SOA) and the use of DBMS taxonomies for the creation of Web Services as well based on the XML langua
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ge protocol (Erickson, Siau, 2008). All of these factors will be taken into account throughout the analysis of the factors presented regarding DBMS operation, optimization, management, security, scalability and future trending relative to SOAs and Web Services-based designs.

Database Management Systems

The evolution of databases from simple hierarchical structures to enterprise-wide DBMS platforms parallels their growth from being purely focused on IT tasks to being entirely focused on business and strategic processes and objectives. In order for this transition to occur, databases had to make the transition away from being purely hierarchical in design and adopt a more relational data structure that treated each data element as a logical, not necessarily, physical element of the database (Greene, 2008). In order for databases to become more aligned with the business needs of companies, the shift from hierarchical to relational and objective-based structures began decades ago and continues today. This allows for databases to be structured so they can also support logical table structures, records definitions and the defining of logical connections across multiple databases regardless of their location.

Corresponding to the growth of relational databases is the increasing sophistication of data modeling (Geiger, 2009) and the continued growth of constraint-based modeling through constraint-based analysis and modeling including the development of optimization routines to ensure high performance queries and related applications (Benedikt, Dong, Libkin, Wong, 1998). The development of query-based database logic in conjunction with constraint-based engines for database application development is leading to the development of configurable Web Services (Firat, Wu, Madnick, 2009).

The variation in data models has progressed rapidly, with the development of multidimensional tables that can pivot data sets to find additional insights not intuitively obvious from looking at the data itself. Multidimensional analysis of data using constraints and rules-based logic is also being applied to the more complex business applications including optimizing supply chains and creating more effective approaches to distributed logistics networks (Segev, Zhao, 1994). The ability to define additional data structures through the many languages that are used for creating, augmenting or increasing the performance of databases, and integrating them into enterprise applications, all are predicated on the structuring of databases to be more process-centric, not necessarily focused on purely functional areas (Post, Kagan, 2001). One of the primary catalysts of this process-centric approach to defining the role of databases as a strategic asset is the en masse adoption of XML as a communications protocol, as it has been continually improved in terms of security and scalability (Roth, Hernandez, Coulthard, Yan, et al., 2006). The role of XML is also critically important in the context of creating Web Services that have as their foundation the use of relational databases for enabling both informational and financial transactions (Erickson, Siau, 2008). The use of Web Services as part of the broader structure and framework of SOA architectures is also predicated on the use of databases that can scale over time, to align with the rapidly changing needs of an enterprise that relies on complex data analysis quickly done to get feedback on strategies and initiatives over time.

DBMS systems have progressed beyond just being repositories of data and have become knowledge systems that rely on enterprise data management and Master Data Management (MDM) approaches for aligning content, intelligence and knowledge to specific strategic needs (Reagan, Rowlands, 2007). DBMS is now more synonymous with strategic planning than ever before, and has become engrained in many of the planning, execution and monitoring processes of companies including strategic market planning (Weinberger, 2004).

DBA Roles and Responsibilities

For DBAs their roles and responsibilities are have significantly changed from being the support staffs that keep databases software and systems running to being more required to complete projects as part of broader teams or completely on their own. As a result the role of the DBA is now marked more by collaboration combined with problem solving and less about purely being focused on technology expertise. In other words there needs to be a balance of focus on collaboration, strategic vision of where the company is going and how databases fit in and contribute, and also how user preferences and needs can be translated into real-time data modeling (Konana, Gupta, Whinston, 2000). All of these requirements force the role of the DBA from single contributor to more of a focus on project management. As a result, the critical skill set of being able to continually manage and coordinate people, processes and resources to align with critical path timelines is one of the most important roles that any DBA can continually improve over time.

In conjunction with this essential role of being a catalyst of collaboration and communication the DBA must also concentrate on anticipating and responding to the need for making workflows as agile and aligned to both system user goals and internal requirements as possible (Smith, Smarkusky, Corrigall, 2008). As a result, DBAs' roles need to also concentrate on creating an exceptionally clear and strong communication series of processes between teams. This is also critical from the standpoint that many of them are involved in the development of internal applications that are highly dependent on databases as the means to make these applications deliver useful results. Obviously the role of the DBA must be focused on technical expertise yet there is also the need for being able to intermediate the purely technical with the ability to create significant value through strategies that impact the company positively over time. Studies have in fact shown that the ability to translate and teach technical skills is as important if not more important than the pure technical acuity. It is in the ability to teach others and assist them in getting to their goals as employees, while helping them see how their contributions make a significant impact on strategic initiatives and results (Smith, Smarkusky, Corrigall, 2008). The ability to DBAs to act as leaders of projects while coordinating and sharing responsibility for the attainment of strategic objectives is critically important as well. DBAs then must also have the ability to define roles in the context of projects, and then be able to create programs that can lead to more complex, shared objectives over time. The role of the DBA then as a strategic level of a project management leader also needs to have a high degree of shared accountability, responsibility, transparency, all aimed at earning trust as a leader over time. DBAs must also be able to nurture a strong sense of a shared objective and then keep teams motivated to accomplish longer-term goals as well. As can be seen from these requirements, DBAs are much more than just being technicians that keep systems working over time. They are critical members of strategic teams and provide useful guidance and leadership in the attainment of complex, cross-functionally shared goals and objectives as well.

Database Design Considerations

There are many design considerations in the context of database structural development and the continual fine-tuning of them to the needs of those departments and individuals that use them to do their jobs. The design process needs to be based on the Systems Development Lifecycle (SDLC) where the specific user requirements are first taken into account, followed by a review of each stage of the database development, from the structure of how data is provided to the structure of the graphical interfaces as well (Danahy, 2008). The SDLC process is used to ensure alignment of the database design to the unmet needs… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Database Administration" Assignment:

Please write a research paper on the topic of Database Administration with the following topics as I have them listed in my outline and in that particular order:

1. Database Management Systems

2. DBA roles and responsibility

3. Database design

4. Performance

5. Data integrity and availability

6. Database security

7. Database Backup

8. Database Recovery


How to Reference "Database Administration" Thesis in a Bibliography

Database Administration.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Database Administration (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Database Administration. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Database Administration” 2009.
”Database Administration”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Database Administration”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Database Administration [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Database Administration. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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