Term Paper on "Curriculum the Educational Theorist Larry Cuban Separated"

Term Paper 4 pages (1335 words) Sources: 8 Style: APA

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The educational theorist Larry Cuban separated the concept of curriculum into four distinct areas, which were official, taught, learned and tested curriculum. The taught curriculum is that which teachers choose to teach, with the choice being independent of the state recommendations, which is the official curriculum. The learned curriculum is that which goes beyond the education revealed in test scores. This includes the knowledge and experiences acquired by the child through the classroom environment. The learned curriculum is largely based upon the processes modeled by the teacher, as the child will learn how to process information in certain ways, and appropriate behaviors to the classroom. The learned curriculum is therefore more inclusive than the taught curriculum, which does not take these extra influences into account. The outcomes of the learned curriculum are often not intentional, where both taught and tested curriculums are planned. The tested curriculum is that which is subject to testing, and is a limited part of the overall curriculum which is taught by teachers and learned by pupils (Cuban, 1995).

The relationship between the curriculums and how subjects are taught will have an impact upon student achievement, particularly if one curriculum is permitted to dominate the others. For example, the taught curriculum is often based upon the teachers' own knowledge, beliefs about how a subject should be taught, and interests in certain subjects (Joseph, 2000: 4). If this were allowed to dominate the teaching then there is the possibility that this would lead to some areas of a subject not being taught, either due to lack of knowledge on behalf of the teach
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er or personal preference. Allowing tested curriculum to dominate could also adversely affect the students' achievement, as students' may have poor understanding of the taught and learned curriculum and still achieve good test results if the emphasis is placed on tested curriculum. It is considered that tested curriculum is often meaningless unless taught and learned curriculums are also taken into consideration (Joseph, 2000: 4). Therefore it is important that the curriculums be integrated to achieve optimal results (Glatthorn, 2000: 133).

The presentation of learned, tested and taught curriculum may be illustrated through the curriculum at the school for sixth grade mathematics. The curriculum of the unit in which 'measurements' is taught will be examined, which spans six weeks of the semester. The presentation of the three curriculums is outlined in the following table:

Unit Component

Taught Curriculum

Learned Curriculum

Tested Curriculum

Standard measurement tools and units

Why specific units and tools are used to measure specific attributes

How the measurements may be used in real world situations - e.g. engineering

How to choose between different measurements which are available

Methods for measurement

Language relating to measurement

The units and tools which are used for measurement

Mathematical manipulation of measurements

Precision in measurement

The degree of precision in measurements depends on the tool used

Why there are differences between different tools

How to decide on whether precision is appropriate to the task

The degree of precision which is necessary given the situation

Specifying numbers to a given precision

Comparing relationships through ratios

Why ratios are useful

How ratios are used in the real world for comparing things - e.g. maps

What types of relationships it is appropriate to compare through ratios

How to write down ratios

How to calculate ratios

Amherst Public Schools, n.d.)

Section 2

The role and purpose of the Vermont State Board of Education is to ensure attendance of pupils at school and records of attendance are maintained. They are also responsible for ensuring that there are standards set for student performance and that all students meet these standards. The State Board of Education is also responsible for administering adult education programs, disbursement of funds to schools and ensuring equal access for all to education (Department of Education, 2007).

The strategic plan which has been put in place to meet these goals has five major points:

Support high-quality, innovative instruction to improve student achievement

Provide and promote high-quality educational… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Curriculum the Educational Theorist Larry Cuban Separated" Assignment:

Section 1

In a 2 page narrative essay discuss which your response to the following topics. Respond to the following assignment criteria.

-Compare and contrast the following types of curriculum: learned, tested, and taught.

-Discuss how student achievement might be impacted by the relationship between the learned, taught, and tested information in a course.

-Access a curriculum that relates to your professional setting. Identify a curriculum from one of the following: a) an education program that reflects a topic of interest, b) a topic taught in the military, c) a college-level curriculum, or (d) a state or district level curriculum in one subject area (Math, Language Arts, Science, History, etc.).

-Identify presentation of the following types of curriculum: learned, tested, and taught. Focus on one subject area. Limit your focus to a sequence of no more than two years.

Section 2

In a 2 page narrative essay discuss which your response to the following topics. Respond to the following assignment criteria.

This section will focus on the state of Vermont's Department of Education. Review the materials at the Vermont Department of Education: State Board of Education, and curriculum and assessment for Mathematics. On the State Board of Education page read through the overview, mission, vision and strategic plan. On the Mathematics page focus your attention on the 8th grade range and review: Mathematics Grade Expectations for 8th grade, Depth of Knowledge Grade Expectations Code, and Teacher Support Materials for Algebra only.





-Identify the role and purpose of the State Board of Education, describe the five aspects to their strategic plan.

-Describe the curriculum and assessment materials for Mathematics at the selected grade level by providing information on standards, objectives, evidence, learning opportunities for students, measurable objectives, and other information described in the curriculum documents.

-Analyze how the five aspects to the strategic plan may or may not be substantiated in the curriculum and assessment materials. Identify examples to illustrate your perspective. Determine to what degree the curriculum and assessment documents are aligned / map onto the five strategies. Are there any gaps? If so, do the gaps make sense?

-Evaluate whether the information between the strategic plan and the curriculum and assessment materials provide adequate "leadership and support to help all Vermont students to achieve excellence" as the mission statement claims in regard to standards for curriculum development. Give examples to illustrate your argument.


Use appropriately references and cite informational resources following APA format.

Each essay is to be 4 pages total (split into two seperate sections) pages in length.

How to Reference "Curriculum the Educational Theorist Larry Cuban Separated" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Curriculum the Educational Theorist Larry Cuban Separated.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/curriculum-educational-theorist-larry/94343. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Curriculum the Educational Theorist Larry Cuban Separated (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/curriculum-educational-theorist-larry/94343
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Curriculum the Educational Theorist Larry Cuban Separated. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/curriculum-educational-theorist-larry/94343 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Curriculum the Educational Theorist Larry Cuban Separated” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/curriculum-educational-theorist-larry/94343.
”Curriculum the Educational Theorist Larry Cuban Separated” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/curriculum-educational-theorist-larry/94343.
[1] ”Curriculum the Educational Theorist Larry Cuban Separated”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/curriculum-educational-theorist-larry/94343. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Curriculum the Educational Theorist Larry Cuban Separated [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/curriculum-educational-theorist-larry/94343
1. Curriculum the Educational Theorist Larry Cuban Separated. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/curriculum-educational-theorist-larry/94343. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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