Term Paper on "Current Events Explained, Analyzed, and Perceived Social"

Term Paper 5 pages (1465 words) Sources: 1+

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Current Events Explained, Analyzed, And Perceived

Social Science Disciplines - Analysis

Current events may be explained through the disciplines of social science. Social scientists analyze events and issues based on scientific observations and the perceptives that are assigned to these issues and events in the world around us. These perspectives inform about the world that surrounds and fill the present experiential environment. New phenomenon in society may require that changes in the structuring of social sciences take place in order to fully and fairly analyze the issues and events that social science is based upon.

The objective of this research is to take a current event, which will be the issue of quality in educational institutions. This work will then attempt to, through three different perspectives of the social sciences, explain and analyze the issue or event and to then understand what this issue or event has informed and/or been intended to inform the world about and why perhaps the restructuring of social sciences are needed to explain events and issues culminating in the present and that will occur in the future.

Educational Goal Setting in Relation to Quality

The Issue of Quality Education

In the work entitled "The Rhetoric of Quality" the author Robert W. Tucker writes in relation to the quality that is accredited to colleges by the professors of those colleges. He states of how "in polite circles one does not ask for actual definitions of quality" but that "these officials had little to say beyond the usual can't tied to faculty credentials and library holdings." (Tuck
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er, 1997) Not only do the observations of Dr. Manning give illustration to the problems inherently inclusive in institutions of higher education but these observations speak for a set of problem existing in society as well. One of which is omission and restating of reality based on the desires held by the individual in achievement or status. However, this is costly since as of the time of Tucker's work in 1997 "accredited colleges and universities will expend over $200 billion to educate 15 million students and they will do it with institutional standards and practices which operate on vague and largely self-serving notions of quality." (Tucker, 1997)

It is stated by Tucker that it is the "academics who are especially remiss" as they are "intellectually well prepared for the responsibility. Quality management practices in the educational systems are "wildly out-of-control" according to Tucker (1997). There exist several conceptual criteria in educational quality perception. Within the conceptual realm there exist the criteria of:

1) Clarity

2) Consistency

3) Comprehensiveness

4) Scrutability

5) Importance, and 6) Proxy value.

Empirical Criteria consists of 1) Usefulness

2) Congruence

4) Generalizability

5) Precision; and 6) Durability/Ruggedness.

Tucker states the following which is partially summarized and partially quoted:

Conceptually speaking the category of clarity is explained through the questioning of the definition as to whether if employs clear and "unambiguous language and terms (especially processes, outcomes and objects of benefit)." (Tucker, 1997) the Risks and other issues are stated as having "lofty" although "unmeasurable ideals, harmless half-truths, vagueness, and that permits redefinition out of public view." (Tucker, 1997) Next in the conceptual arena is consistency which is the defined as that which is consistent with established language systems, models, institutional practices, etc."

Comprehensiveness is defined as that which subsumes which addresses a broad range of educational quality considerations of relevance to many constituents. E.g. quality defined as "workplace impact" is likely to be more comprehensive than quality defined as "writing test scores." Scrutability is in relation to how open and inspectable the elements of the definition are. "Socially aware adults" is a less scrutable definition of quality than is voting behavior." Importance: This is pertaining to the issues addressed by "one or more constituents." Proxy Value is pertaining to the definition and whether it leads to "measures that stand in or substitute for things that are more important but are not feasible to measure." (Tucker, 1997)

In the Empirical perspective usefulness is the empirical counterpart of importance which asks if the definition of "academic quality leads to the production of information that can be used to improve programs and services." Congruence is in relation to the factual premises and elements of the definition and the whether the definitions either build on or vitiate one another." (Tucker, 1997) Generalizability asks if the definition leads "to evidence that generalizes well or… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Current Events Explained, Analyzed, and Perceived Social" Assignment:

Use the social science disciplines of:

government, politics, and sociology -to understand a current event.

Find a current (within the past 3 months) example of an issue or representative event in the United States that relates to social sciene in two of the following sources (the same issue in each source):

NY Times - http://www.nytimes.com

Los Angeles Times - http://www.latimes.com

San Francisco Chronicle - http://www.sfgate.com/

Chicago Tribune -http://www.chicagotribune.com/

or Washington Post- http://www.washingtonpost.com/

-and the same in one source English-language newspaper using the newspaper links at http://www.world-newspapers.com/.

One source from text: Social Science by Elgin F. Hunt and ***** C. Collander (12th ed.)

Address the following points:

· Introduce the issue/event, including what it was, where and when it took place, who was involved, what its outcome was, and other relevant information, including where you got your information on the event (the newspapers you used, URLs, dates, *****s, etc.).

· Present each of the social science perspectives on the issue/event separately.

· Present an integrated analysis of the issue/event by bringing together all three or four of the social science perspectives you used. Based on this integrated analysis, what is your conclusion about the issue? How does addressing the issue from the different social science perspectives help you to understand the issue?

· Discuss how an approach such as the Gulbenkian Commission might impact how these issues are studied in the future. How do you think the social sciences might be used or restructured to better understand events or phenomena in society?

· Summarize your discussion.

How to Reference "Current Events Explained, Analyzed, and Perceived Social" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Current Events Explained, Analyzed, and Perceived Social.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/current-events-explained-analyzed/8285086. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Current Events Explained, Analyzed, and Perceived Social (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/current-events-explained-analyzed/8285086
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Current Events Explained, Analyzed, and Perceived Social. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/current-events-explained-analyzed/8285086 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Current Events Explained, Analyzed, and Perceived Social” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/current-events-explained-analyzed/8285086.
”Current Events Explained, Analyzed, and Perceived Social” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/current-events-explained-analyzed/8285086.
[1] ”Current Events Explained, Analyzed, and Perceived Social”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/current-events-explained-analyzed/8285086. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Current Events Explained, Analyzed, and Perceived Social [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/current-events-explained-analyzed/8285086
1. Current Events Explained, Analyzed, and Perceived Social. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/current-events-explained-analyzed/8285086. Published 2005. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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