Thesis on "Current Events Elisabeth Bumiller's Report"

Thesis 4 pages (1496 words) Sources: 3 Style: MLA

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Current Events

Elisabeth Bumiller's report from the U.S. aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt is published on the 23rd of February, 2009, in the New York Times, under the title: From a Carrier, Another View of America's Air War in Afghanistan. Bumiller reports on the U.S. Navy supply of airpower from the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt, on the Arabian Sea, aimed at fighting and surveying Taliban strongholds and coming to rescue when U.S. And British troops need it. The author of the report points out that the U.S. airstrikes against the Taliban insurgents, over the last seven years have triggered public protests against the civilian casualties they produce. Those in charge with the airstrikes launched from the USSS Roosevelt answer the increasing protests against the civilian casualties with the argument that the insurgents use tactics to make them aim at populated areas and look bad. The U.S. Navy is taking overcautious measures before launching an attack and invited president Hamid Karzai aboard the aircraft carrier to witness the procedures of launching bombs. The U.S. Navy was asked to provide support for the terrestrial forces in remote areas in Afghanistan since last summer, but they are not making use of unnecessary force, dropping fewer bombs and flying more reconnaissance missions.

Currently, Afghanistan has one of the lowest living conditions in the world, while being world's largest producer of opium. Over seven years after the U.S. invaded the country that was providing shelter and development ground for Osama bin Laden, Afghanistan's chance to find stability is still hard to predict. President Obama has recently ordered 17,000 additional troops to Afghanistan and U.S. a
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ircraft carrier Roosevelt, in the Arabian Sea, launches two dozen combat planes that reach the southern Afghanistan region, every day. Since October 2001, the Bush administration was accused of having trespassed its initial plans of seeking and destroying Osamab bin Laden and his supporters and transformed the intervention against Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan into an operation of changing one regime with another (Gossman, 8).

Afghanistan is a diverse country, comprised of seven main ethnic groups and several minor others. It is a land of strong contrasts, rich in natural resources such as iron ores and yet living on an agricultural and pastoral economy of subsistence (Roberts, xv). The tribes living in Afghanistan are very individualistic and, over the years, they gathered and obeyed to the same regime only in major cases of foreign invaders. The major ethnic group in Afghanistan is formed of the Pashtuns, with 42% of the total population, followed by the Tajik group, with 27% of the total population (CIA World Factbook).

The Pashtuns used to live mainly in the southern part of the country, where the lands were mostly infertile and spread across deserts and mountains. Today they are living in different parts of Afghanistan, being known for their cruel laws that make revenge mandatory. Although the law of revenge, named "badal" made Pashtun families fight over several generations, the members of the ethnic group are also known for their kindness towards strangers, except for the case when the strangers attempt to invade their territory, of course (idem, xiv). "As a result of the Pashtunwali, persistent inter and intra-tribal feuding, and other socio economic factors, most Afghan males became acquainted with weapons in their early childhood and develop a keen sense of marksmanship"..."the Afghans have acquired remarkable mechanical and ballistic aptitude, which allows them to make the best of captured equipment" (idem). Afghanistan's history shows the Afghans as fierce opponents to any attempt to subjugate their country to foreign rule.

Between the withdrawal of all the Soviet troops in Afghanistan, in 1989 nad the years when the Taliban's rise to power, the international opinion gave little attention to the highly dangerous situation in Afghanistan. Different factions and parties led fights marked by murders and rape. The reasons were mainly: fight to take control over the country, religion and political ideology. The Taliban emerged in a country dismembered by fights between rival tribes, ethnic groups, factions and parties, on the verge of collapse. They were educated according to the fundamental teachings of Sunni Islam (Gossman, 8). The group was initially motivated by fighting anarchy and creating an Islamic state. Other groups and factions soon adhered to the original movement. The new members were coming from mujahideen groups from inside the country or abroad. Some of them were trained by Osama bin Laden's followers. Since The Taliban took control of most of the country, in 1995, Pakistan led its… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Current Events Elisabeth Bumiller's Report" Assignment:

To write this paper:

Locate an article that is interesting to you and is a significant news story,

Identify the most important or compelling aspect of this story. This will become

the thesis (and title) of your paper,

Research the deep history of this current event. How far back you go depends on the news story you choose; you must go back far enough to understand the issue you are addressing. If you have any questions, ask me.

Using books and the library data base, identify the historical factors that went into shaping the events that are discussed in your news story,

Analyze the events of the past and the present news story and extrapolate into the future what might happen with this current event. Do not state what you think should happen, but what you think will happen, based on what has happened in the past.

Remember, this is a research paper not an essay that just reflects your ideas, beliefs and prior knowledge. If you do not consult (and, therefore, cite) references, then you have not addressed the assignment

Technical Requirements for the paper:

1. Choose a story from a current newspaper or news magazine that is national or international in scope.

2. Write a 4-5 typed page (this does not mean 3 3/4 pages) paper that includes:

a first paragraph that is a summary of the story that answers who, what, when, where, and how or why at the beginning of the paper (BE SURE TO CITE YOUR ARTICLE),

the body of the paper, which begins with a transition statement that connects the present story to the past. This statement should be, in essence, your thesis statement.

at least three reference sources, telling the history of the situation and bringing the story up to the present. One reference may be a general reference book, such as a textbook or encyclopedia-like reference. YOU MAY NOT USE INTERNET RESOURCES ONLY DATA BASE RESOURCES.

your ideas about what might come next based on what has happened in the past and what, from your research, you base this on (remember, this is not what you think should happen, but what you think is likely to happen, based on how history has played out in the past),

appropriate quotation marks, citations for your references, and a Works Cited Page. Use the "MLA" form for citations.

Include a copy of your article.


How to Reference "Current Events Elisabeth Bumiller's Report" Thesis in a Bibliography

Current Events Elisabeth Bumiller's Report.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Current Events Elisabeth Bumiller's Report (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Current Events Elisabeth Bumiller's Report. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Current Events Elisabeth Bumiller's Report” 2009.
”Current Events Elisabeth Bumiller's Report”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Current Events Elisabeth Bumiller's Report”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Current Events Elisabeth Bumiller's Report [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Current Events Elisabeth Bumiller's Report. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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