Term Paper on "How Would Socialization Occur Differently Between an Mechanistic and Organic Organization Explain the Cvf Typology?"

Term Paper 3 pages (1383 words) Sources: 0

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A mechanistic culture exhibits many qualities common to a bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is typically characterized with clear and distinct role designations. In addition, bureaucracies have many layer and clear lines of authority. These layers typically create a culture of methodical, slow action, with little room for flexibility. Organizational roles are centered, primarily around narrow specifications such as "finance," or "accounting." Through these forms of mechanistic culture, departments tend to be loyal to one another within their direct reports. However, as the case with many bureaucracies, inter-departmental animosity may arise due primarily to allocation of capital or funds. A mechanistic culture often resists change as it is a deviation from the accustomed norms of the organization.

In regards to socialization, many of the above elements become more profound. For instance, socialization agents are typically supervisors or managers in which the individual reports directly to. These socialization agents tend to create clear expectations in regards to role responsibility and performance evaluations. In addition, supervisors tend to focus solely on the delivery of pre-determined metrics rather than the individual. During the pre-employment stage of socialization, individuals often focus on their narrowly define role, mentioned earlier. They tend to focus on observations of co-workers and other socialization agents. In a mechanistic structure, many of the prevailing attitudes, principles and though processes are similar to one another. As such, the pre-employment phase has the individual getting acquainted with these behaviors and characteristics. During the encounte
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r stage, a mechanistic culture often tests expectations of the individual. This comes in the form of supervisor socialization agents through performance reviews and feedback regarding expectations. The final stage of role management the individual may become better acquainted with his role and assimilate within the organization, or chose another role within the bureaucratic structure of the organization. If the latter option is chosen, then the entire process starts over in regards to socialization.

Now in an organic organization, the process of socialization is vastly different. In an organic organization, the departmental boundaries, hierarchy, levels of authority, and regulations are vastly diminished. The emphasis is instead placed on task completion, team work, candor, and the free flow of information. The culture emphasizes flexibility, change, and innovation. Socialization therefore tends to focus on individuals and the overall skillset they provide. Tasks are often multifaceted requiring new and innovative solutions. External competition is generally fierce, requiring the organization to adapt and change quickly. The socialization agents in this form of organization tend to have a more entrepreneurial culture that relies heavily on acquired divergent skills. An individual may be required to conduct financing activities while also being a sales consultant. Socialization agents are often working together for the common goal of the organization which results in very random occurrences.

Now, both forms of socialization do have similarities. For instance, both have some for authoritarian role and clear roles. In an organic organization, employees know and realize the CEO of the organization just as they would in a mechanistic organization. Both have socialization agents to assist an individual with becoming acclimated into a particular culture as well. These similarities and differences are displayed on the CVF typology below. Notice that the profit driver for organic organizations is that of innovation. Looking at the figure below, innovation is predicated on flexibility and external focus. Likewise, the profit driver for mechanistic organizations is an intense internal focus combined with strict control. This bureaucracy creates steady and dependable performance.

When merging two different organizational cultures together, there are four distinct strategies in which to properly do so. These strategies are enumerated below and consist of:

1) Assimilation: acquired company embraces acquiring firm's culture values

2) Deculturation: acquiring firm imposes its culture on unwilling acquired firm

3) Integration: cultures combined into a new composite culture

4) Separation: merging companies remain separate with their own culture

All the above mentioned strategies have their unique strengths and weakness. Depending on the prevailing circumstances, leaders will choose the most effective process in order to obtain synergy.

Assimilation occurs when employees at the acquired company willingly embrace the cultural values of the acquiring organization. This strategy works best when the acquired company has… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "How Would Socialization Occur Differently Between an Mechanistic and Organic Organization Explain the Cvf Typology?" Assignment:

There are 2 separate topics in this work:

1. Draw and explain the CVF typology. Locate where a mechanistic versus an organic lie in the CVF typology. How would socialization occur differently between a mechanistic and organic organization? Where would they be similar?

2. When merging two different organizational cultures together what are the four different strategies? When do they work? When do they not work? Explain at least four different ways that a leader can strengthen culture?

For the above 2 questions, you have to divided it into 2 parts. For the topic 1, spend 1 and a half pages. For the topic 2, 1 and a half pages. topic 1 and topic 2 not relate!

I will upload my notes. Please finish on time. *****


How to Reference "How Would Socialization Occur Differently Between an Mechanistic and Organic Organization Explain the Cvf Typology?" Term Paper in a Bibliography

How Would Socialization Occur Differently Between an Mechanistic and Organic Organization Explain the Cvf Typology?.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2013, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/culture-mechanistic-exhibits/8104326. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

How Would Socialization Occur Differently Between an Mechanistic and Organic Organization Explain the Cvf Typology? (2013). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/culture-mechanistic-exhibits/8104326
A1-TermPaper.com. (2013). How Would Socialization Occur Differently Between an Mechanistic and Organic Organization Explain the Cvf Typology?. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/culture-mechanistic-exhibits/8104326 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”How Would Socialization Occur Differently Between an Mechanistic and Organic Organization Explain the Cvf Typology?” 2013. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/culture-mechanistic-exhibits/8104326.
”How Would Socialization Occur Differently Between an Mechanistic and Organic Organization Explain the Cvf Typology?” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/culture-mechanistic-exhibits/8104326.
[1] ”How Would Socialization Occur Differently Between an Mechanistic and Organic Organization Explain the Cvf Typology?”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/culture-mechanistic-exhibits/8104326. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. How Would Socialization Occur Differently Between an Mechanistic and Organic Organization Explain the Cvf Typology? [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/culture-mechanistic-exhibits/8104326
1. How Would Socialization Occur Differently Between an Mechanistic and Organic Organization Explain the Cvf Typology?. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/culture-mechanistic-exhibits/8104326. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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