Movie Review on "Crucible Movie Review"

Movie Review 3 pages (1193 words) Sources: 0

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Crucible Movie Review

The Crucible

b) the evils of jealousy, greed, and ambition can be more powerfully destructive than any supernatural evils. Arthur Miller's original play has been altered in this film version; but still, the bottom line is that hysteria stirred up by religious passions can be very destructive. Those in the church congregation called together by Reverend Parris at the opening of the film heard him say that witches are "hateful enemies of God...and he may well find signs of Lucifer" when Mr. Hale (who is supposedly an expert on witches) comes to town. It was like, the die is cast; whether or not real devil spirits are here, we'll need to identify some in order to justify all this rampant emotion. And there are those like Rebecca, who had a more reasoned approach; "let us blame ourselves rather than the devil." She, in time, is among the accused.

As Salem citizens begin to discuss whether or not there is witchcraft among them, opinions vary widely about whether or not God was pulling strings in terms of who loses children to an early death. There is among several of the citizens' very strong ambitions to be the leader in the fight against the devil. So strong it causes irrational behavior. I'm not sure it is just "greed" but it is jealousy of youthfulness and in a way, jealousy of sexual activity by Abigail, too.

People say rude, ridiculous things in their misguided approach to what is Holy and what is evil. "You think it was God who caused you to not lose a grandchild and I have lost all but one," a woman said to Rebecca. "God never spoke in my ear," said John Proctor, a reasoned answer to the bedlam that has pe
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rvaded the tow.. "I can't think of anyone else he's done the favor for. Hale, who has ambition to be seen as a wise research, said: "I mean to crush him utterly if he has shown his face." Citizens look in awe at Hale, because he comes with a reputation and a stack of thick books. When Hale gathers the girls together who were part of the silly dancing in the woods that night, he casts his own spell on them by saying, "You can save yourselves by telling me who it was" (who was leading the dancing). When Abigail confesses that it was the Haitian slave who "made her do it," the full power of this cruel investigation is now in play.

When Rev. Parrish begins whipping the slave (Tituba), the viewer by now feels that religious emotions have turned from a belief in Christianity to something devilish; it is like the church community is in a trance, feeling guilty and yet lashing out irrationally. Tituba confesses because she is being lashed. "He has you by the throat this very moment, doesn't he," Hall says. Tituba admits that "he" (the devil) does indeed. Then when all the girls began "confessing" that they saw the devil too, the story is swirling out of control. Emotions are flying out of control, and tempers.

When the judge arrives in Salem, his telling statement (that rings of Senator McCarthy's absurd vendetta against alleged communists) is that "...His majesty's government is now determined that the devil shall not rule over one single inch of Massachusetts." Clearly the point of the British government searching is to keep citizens in fear by laying blame. The finger pointing and paranoia totally grips this story. People are driven by ambition to either wriggle out of being accused,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Crucible Movie Review" Assignment:

The Crucible -

John Proctor: Daniel Day-Lewis

Abigail Williams: Winona Ryder

Judge Danforth: Paul Scofield

Elizabeth Proctor: Joan Allen

Reverend Parris: Bruce Davison

Directed by Nicholas Hytner. Screenplay by Arthur Miller, based on his play. Running time: 115 minutes. Rated PG-13 (for intense depiction of the *****witch trials).

Question 1: This film, which is based on Arthur Miller's play, examines several important themes in American religion. Pick one of the following themes and show how the movie illustrates it:

a) those who claim to speak for God are very often furthering their own ambitions or have the most to hide;

b) the evils of jealousy, greed, and ambition can be more powerfully destructive than any supernatural evils;

c) passive acceptance of injustice may be the greatest evil of all.

Question 2: Do you think John Proctor was essentially a good man? Explain your answer using details from the movie.

Question 3: Select one of the other characters in the film, besides John Proctor, who made a strong impression on you. Describe what you learned about the character and how your learned it.

Question 4: Miller meant this play to be an allegory of the 1950s Red Scare. Can you think of any contemporary issue that leads people to act irrationally. Are there any "modern" witchhunts going on?

Question 5: What was your overall reaction to this film. Be honest.

How to Reference "Crucible Movie Review" Movie Review in a Bibliography

Crucible Movie Review.”, 2006, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Crucible Movie Review (2006). Retrieved from (2006). Crucible Movie Review. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Crucible Movie Review” 2006.
”Crucible Movie Review”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Crucible Movie Review”,, 2006. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Crucible Movie Review [Internet]. 2006 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Crucible Movie Review. Published 2006. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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