Essay on "Critical Thinking and Application Problem Identification Mark"

Essay 6 pages (1667 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Critical Thinking and Application

Problem Identification

Mark Williams graduated from college with a degree in business five years ago and he found it rather difficult to get a job. The need to find a position was imperative and immediate and given by the fact that unless this happened, Mark would have to return to his home village, as his family had no opportunity to keep him in the big and expensive city. As his worries amounted, he received as telephone call from UPB Consulting to ask him in for an interview. He got the job and felt that the employer was his savior. Mark dedicated his full attention and commitment to proving his worth and becoming better at his job. Which he did. He became fully integrated within the organizational culture and made great friends with his colleagues as well as becoming a reliable employee for the managers.

Last year, the first problems began to be noticed within the organization. UPB Consulting was owned by two associates, who shared different, and at times even conflicting, views of how business operations should be handled. One of the owners was focused on creating a pleasant working environment that offered development opportunities for the staff members. In implementing his view, he often granted salary raises, bonuses and numerous incentives to stimulate employee performances. The second owner found the first to be wasteful with the company's hard earned money and was seeking to implement more restrictive policies in the treatment of the employees. Since the views of the owners were so opposite, the conflict could only be resolved with the withdrawal of one of the parties. The first manager left and his departure
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dissatisfied virtually all employees in the firm.

Throughout the one and a half year that passed since the organizational modification, Mark Williams witnessed numerous situations that dissatisfied him -- despite his sustained efforts, his salary remained the same and he was not offered any bonuses; he was not sent to any training programs; he was not offered the expected promotion; about 30% of his colleagues switched employers. Advised by his close ones, Mark sent out some resumes and was made a job offer. The ethical question relies in whether or not he should switch employers himself. He feels guilty about living the organization that believed in him when no one else would and he would miss his colleagues. On the other hand, he is extremely dissatisfied and feels that he can no longer perform in the current environment. The ethical question is then: should Mark follow his interests and disappoint his 'savior' or should he stand by the organization and be unhappy?

2. Research

The first step in offering a question to the posed ethical question is that of conducting research in order to see how the specialized literature deals with the issue. The problem is however that the ethics literature is often generic and refers to the entire palette of problems, without offering specific solutions, but the statement that one should choose what is right to do. In terms of the ethics of changing jobs, Dean Geuras and Charles Garofalo identify the main source of ethical problems as the possibility that the switching of employers could involve conflicts of interest. An example of such a situation occurred in 2004 when a former Pentagon official resigned and moved to the Boeing Corporation. She was accused of ethical violations due to her acceptance of a job that would be in conflicts of interest with the previous position. The conflict of interests in the case of Mark Williams relies in that the first company has formed him as a professional and that when he lives, the organizational investment will move to another company. Other issues of potential ethical interest could be offered by the answering of the following questions:

1. When would and should Mark inform his colleagues and employers that he had decided to leave the organization?

2. Does the new job have the ability to place him is positions and situations that might hurt the interests of UPB Consulting and/or its customers?

3. In case conflicts of interest occur between the two firms, is it possible for Mark to be left uninvolved? (Todd)

3. Analysis of Potential Solutions

In the given situation, it is clear that only two solutions are available -- the first one is that of remaining with the current employer, whilst the second sees that Mark Williams change jobs. Each of these solutions has numerous implications upon both Mark, as well as the colleagues, the clients or the management -- in all, the stakeholders. The following lines will reveal some of the most important implications:

Effects of remaining with UPB Consulting:

For Mark: no change, which implies additional time to adjust; ability to continually work in the familiar environment; frustration with the situation at UBP

For colleagues: maintained levels of job motivation and the ability to continually work with Mark and share his expertise

For clients: satisfaction and stability from working with the same UBP consultant

For management: ability to benefit from the years of training

Effects of changing jobs:

For Mark: the ability to leave behind something that dissatisfies him; the thrill of something new; the ability to learn more; sense of guilt from leaving the company that has formed him professionally

For colleagues: sense of loss; low levels of morality; they might interpret it that it is in fact time to leave the organization as no improvements are to be seen in the coming future

For clients: dissatisfactions due to the fact that they have to switch consultants

For management: lack of ability to generate a return on their years of investments in training; reduced costs due to the need to replace Mark

4. Application

Making a final decision is a tough chore and the simple presentation of the implication might not be sufficient to help Mark Williams decide on leaving or staying at UPB Consulting. In order to the best decision to be made, it is advisable to look at two ethical theories and identify the best answer from their angle. The consequentialism, or utilitarism, theory sees that in the process of making a decision, the individual should use arguments from the future, of the consequences each available course will generate. The first main focus in this theory is that of getting what one wants. In light of this theory then, Mark Williams ought to switch employers.

The second theory is called Aristotelianism, or the virtue of ethics, and it is based on the efforts made to be the best person possible. Finding a solution with the aid of this theory depends directly on the type of person each individual is (Brown). Mark Williams is a committed, responsible and obliging young man, and in his perspective, he wants to be perceived as reliable and honorable. In this order of ideas then, he would decide not to take the new job. Still, this would bring about sorrow and frustrations.

5. Decision Making

Having arrived to this point, it is necessary to identify the solution which is the more ethical of the two alternatives. According to the previously assessed theories, each course of action can be justified. Yet, the decision to remain within the company is the most ethical decision that Mark Williams could make. Not only that he desires to implement and live by the principles of ethical virtues, but also as this decision generates the least negative effects upon the stakeholders -- colleagues, managers and UPB Consulting clients -- remaining within the company is the most ethical decision.

6. Evaluation of Chosen Solution

Once the most ethical course of action has been selected, it is now important to assess it and reveal its implications. The following lines detail on the positive and negative effects of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Critical Thinking and Application Problem Identification Mark" Assignment:

1. Identification (10 points possible)

Define the central ethical problem to be resolved. Distinguish the central problem from other ethical

problems. Use details and examples to explain your response.

10-8 points 7-5 points 4-3 points 2-1 point(s) 0 points

Identifies the main idea or

problem with numerous

supporting details and

examples which are

organized logically and


Identifies the main idea

or problem with some

supporting details and

examples in an

organized manner

Identifies the main idea

or problem with few

details or examples in a

somewhat organized


Identifies the main idea or

problem poorly with few

or no details or states the

main idea or problem

verbatim from the text.

Does not identify

the main idea or


2. Research (10 points possible)

Gather information relevant to the central ethical problem. Use outside sources to gain a better

understanding of the problem and potential solutions. Explain relevance of information found. (Your

instructor will provide specific details regarding appropriate sources and citation format).

10-8 points 7-5 points 4-3 points 2-1 point(s) 0 points

Insightfully relates

concepts and ideas from

multiple sources; uses new

information to better define

problem and identify

options; recognizes missing

information; correctly

identifies potential effects

of new information.

Accurately relates concepts

and ideas from multiple

sources; uses new

information to better define

problem and identify

options; correctly identifies

potential effects of new


Inaccurately or

incompletely relates

concepts and ideas from

multiple sources;

shallow determination

of effect of new


Poorly integrates

information from

more than one source

to support final

solution; Incorrectly

predicts the effect of

new information

Does not identify

new information

3. Analysis (15 points)

Compare and contrast available solutions relevant to the central ethical problem. Using inductive or

deductive moral reasoning, clearly explain the ethical implications the potential solutions may have

on the stakeholders.

15-12 points 11-8 points 7-4 points 3-1 point(s) 0 points

Uses specific inductive or

deductive moral reasoning

to make inferences

regarding premises;

addresses implications and

consequences for the

stakeholders; identifies

facts and morally relevant

information correctly

Uses logical reasoning to

make inferences

regarding solutions;

addresses implications

and consequences for the

stakeholders; Identifies

facts and morally

relevant information


Uses superficial

reasoning to make

inferences regarding

solutions; Shows some

confusion regarding

facts, opinions, and

morally relevant,

evidence, data, or


Makes unexplained,

unsupported, or

unreasonable inferences

regarding solutions;

makes multiple errors in

distinguishing fact from

fiction or in selecting

morally relevant


Does not analyze

multiple solutions

4. Application (30 points)

Apply two ethical theories to reach a resolution of the central ethical problem. What would the central

principles of each theory imply is the morally right or best course of action?

A. Apply one (1) consequential theory (Act or Rule Utilitarianism) 15pts.

Apply one (1) non-consequential theory (Deontology or Contractarianism) 15 pts.

For each (A and B) you are to resolve the central ethical problem using the central principles of the

theory. You are encouraged to use the *****Steps in Applying***** the theories presented in Chapters 4 and 5.

15-12 points 11-8 points 7-4 points 3-1 point(s) 0 points

Excellent summary of the

theory. All important

principles are included and

explained. Central

principles of theories are

logically and

systematically applied to

the central ethical issue to

reach a resolution of the

main problem.

Good summary of the

theory. Most of the

important principles

are discussed.

Explanations may be

lacking in depth.

Central principles of

the theories are

applied, but may not

be logically consistent

or applied to specifics

of case.

A more shallow

discussion of the

theory and


Applications of the

central principles of

the theories may be

shallow, cursory, or

too general.

Little or no summary of

theory, and very little

discussion of principles.

Applications of the central

principles of the theories are

either missing or are not

connected to the central issue

and options in the case.

Does not explain

central principles to

the theory. Does not

apply central

principles to reach a

resolution of main


5. Decision-Making (10 points)

Select and defend the morally right (or most ethical) resolution to the central ethical problem. Using

facts and relevant evidence from analysis, thoroughly explain why this is the best solution.

6. Evaluation (10 points)

Identify and counter arguments against the option that you selected as being morally right (or

ethically best). What are the possible arguments against the resolution you chose? How would you

defend against those arguments?

10-8 points 7-5 points 4-3 points 2-1 point(s) 0 points

Insightfully interprets data

or information;

identifies obvious as well

as hidden assumptions,

establishes credibility of

sources on points other

than authority alone,

Accurately interprets data

or information;

identifies obvious

assumptions, establishes

credibility of sources on

points other than authority

alone, avoids fallacies in

Makes some errors

in data or



makes arguments

using weak

evidence; provides

Interprets data or

information incorrectly;

Supports conclusions or

solutions without evidence

or logic; uses data,

information, or evidence

skewed by invalid

Does not evaluate

data, information, or

evidence related to

best option.

10-8 points 7-5 points 4-3 points 2-1 point(s) 0 points

Thoroughly identifies

and addresses key

aspects of the problem

and insightfully uses

facts and relevant

evidence from analysis

to support and defend

potentially valid


Identifies and addresses

key aspects of the

problem and uses facts

and relevant evidence

from analysis to

develop potentially

valid conclusion or


Identifies and addresses

some aspects of the

problem; develops

possible conclusion or

solution using some

inappropriate opinions

and irrelevant

information from


Identifies and addresses only

one aspect of the problem but

develops untestable

hypothesis; or develops

invalid conclusions or

solutions based on opinion or

irrelevant information.

Does not select and

defend a solution

avoids fallacies in

reasoning; distinguishes

appropriate arguments

from extraneous elements;

provides sufficient logical


reasoning; distinguishes

appropriate arguments from

extraneous elements;

provides sufficient logical


superficial support

for conclusions or


assumptions; uses poor

sources of information;

uses fallacious arguments

7. Reflection (5 points)

Reflect on your own thought process. What did you learn from this process? What could you do

differently next time to improve the problem-solving process?

Writing/Composition (10 points)

Remember that this is a Gordon Rule writing assignment. 10 points of your grade will be based on the

writing skills you demonstrate in the paper. So organize your thoughts carefully, explain them clearly,

and proof-read carefully for errors in grammar and spelling.

10-8 points 7-4 points 3-0 points

Writing is clear, coherent, & wellorganized.

Very few grammar or spelling


Overall writing is acceptable, but

clear weaknesses in organization,

clarity, grammar or spelling.

Writing is unacceptable. Poor organization,

meanings are not clear, and/or numerous errors in

grammar or spelling.

5 points 4 points 3-2 points 1 point 0 points

Identifies strengths and

weaknesses in own thinking:

recognizes personal

assumptions, values and

perspectives, compares to

others*****, and evaluates them in

the context of alternate points

of view

Identifies strengths and

weaknesses in own

thinking: recognizes

personal assumptions,

values and perspectives,

compares to others*****, and

evaluates them in the

context of alternate

points of view

Identifies some

personal assumptions,

values, and


recognizes some

assumptions, values

and perspectives of

others; shallow

comparisons of

alternate points of view

Identifies some



values, and


does not consider

alternate points of


Does not reflect on

own thinking

How to Reference "Critical Thinking and Application Problem Identification Mark" Essay in a Bibliography

Critical Thinking and Application Problem Identification Mark.”, 2009, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Critical Thinking and Application Problem Identification Mark (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Critical Thinking and Application Problem Identification Mark. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Critical Thinking and Application Problem Identification Mark” 2009.
”Critical Thinking and Application Problem Identification Mark”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Critical Thinking and Application Problem Identification Mark”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Critical Thinking and Application Problem Identification Mark [Internet]. 2009 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Critical Thinking and Application Problem Identification Mark. Published 2009. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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