Grant Proposal on "Crisis Intervention the Crisis Facing Danville"

Grant Proposal 4 pages (1286 words) Sources: 3

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Crisis Intervention

The crisis facing Danville is, in fact, a cluster of crises. Thus, our intervention strategy needs to assess and prioritize the crises individuals are experiencing and then address the most immediate and most destabilizing crises first while offering direction toward dealing with secondary issues and problems in a timely fashion once the immediate crises has been resolved. This strategy will require a systematic, coordinated approach; collaboration between government agencies and external agencies and institutions; a trained and motivated staff; and a program evaluation component to ensure program success.

The Crisis Intervention Committee

The committee membership will include representation from a range of relevant stakeholder constituencies. The committee will determine the intervention program's overall scope, goals, objectives, and public relations. A small number of municipal administrative specialists will be reassigned to handle the committee's administrative needs (James & Gilliland, 2008).

The Crisis Intervention Task Force

The task force will include top field managers in the various local, and regional social, health, police, education, family, human, and volunteer services agencies. The task force will help create and grow interagency partnerships; coordinate outreach collaborate with the region's colleges and universities to recruit motivated and educated staff at low labor cost and non-financial, academic incentives; coordinate staff training; assign staff to intervention teams; participate in staff and program evaluations; and create a staff burnout prevention program w
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ith the help of triage assessment and primary intervention team leaders. The task force will create goals and objectives for the triage assessment and primary intervention teams and will initiate outreach efforts to relevant community groups and social institutions such as neighborhood associations and churches (James & Gilliland, 2008; Roberts, 1995).

Triage Assessment Teams

Triage assessment teams determine a client's crisis type and/or prioritize crises; intensity of crisis; and the client's emotional, psychological, physical condition, using triage assessment forms. They then direct or deliver the client to the appropriate primary intervention team or arrange the initial contact with the appropriate external partner agency when crisis intensity demands. Triage teams work in the fixed social services locations, staff telephone and online hotlines, and go out into the community. They manifest outreach partnerships with community organizations like churches and charity groups and with partner agencies such as health care agencies, the police department, and employment agencies (Roberts, 1995).

Primary Intervention Teams

Primary intervention teams focus on deeper assessment and more individualized intervention options in situations where the intensity of the immediate crisis is low. Here team members can counsel a client; help clients examine various options for resolving his immediate crisis, including appropriate referrals; create a plan of action with or for the client; and conduct follow-up meeting concerning the client's progress and the efficacy of the action plan. Intervention action plans will be time-limited and focused on the immediate crisis at hand (Roberts, 1995).

Client Services

Primary intervention teams will specialize in certain areas of critical need in Danville. The areas of critical need define service populations and form the organizing principle for intervention services.

Unemployed clients will be offered job and interview training, interview dress consultation and garments from thrift stores, continuing education and community college application assistance, and financial aid consultation and application assistance. Referral agencies in this need area include government unemployment assistance agencies, temporary employment agencies, community colleges, continuing education programs, and thrift stores.

Domestic violence victims will be offered victim assistance services such as temporary shelter and relocation assistance, victim advocacy counseling, and psychological counseling. Perpetrators of domestic violence will face jail time and/or anger management counseling, as well as substance abuse counseling as needed (James & Gilliland, 2008). Referrals may be made to pro bono legal services, women's issues organizations, law enforcement, and substance abuse control and prevention programs and services.

Clients who are being evicted will be offered conflict resolution help try and negotiate an agreement that satisfies the landlord and keeps the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Crisis Intervention the Crisis Facing Danville" Assignment:

Hi Kelvin, Do we have any of these course readings available? See what you can come up with

James, Richard K. Crisis Intervention Strategies, (2008). Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole.

Greenstone, J.L. and Leviton, S.C. Elements of Crisis Intervention: Crises and How to Respond to Them, 3rd edition, (2011). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Roberts, Albert, R. (ed.), (1995). Crisis Intervention and Time-Limited Cognitive Treatment. Thousand Oaks, CA: *****.

Many thanks Kelvin----You should at the very least be a partner at *****--Let me know what you think of this project------I hope the time alloted is OK?

Below is a description of a town that is in trouble. Your challenge is to work with a group of classmates to create a plan to develop a crisis intervention service center that takes into account the needs of your potential client population and the types of crises that they may face. After you read the description of the town and its problems, write a plan for the town supervisor that describes the types of crises that you plan to address, your potential service population, the services that you will offer, the agencies that you plan to use as referrals, your staff selection criteria, and the job tasks of your staff and their training needs. You should also include a plan to prevent burn out among your staff.

Be sure to provide a rationale from the course readings (use all the readings to date, from week one to the present) for any decisions that you have made about service design and delivery and staff selection and training. Keep in mind that you have a small budget and you must make every penny count. You need to focus on providing crisis intervention. Any other services should be offered through your referral network. Your plan should be double-spaced and three to five pages in length.

The details of the town are as follows:

Danville is a town of 20,000 people. It is situated on a river bank surrounded by farmland. Over the years, many of the family farms surrounding the town have gone under resulting in chronic unemployment for many people. The center of town was once an industrial center for the area but it has lost industrial jobs over the years. Recently, a large plant closed and many people were laid off. Over the years, the population has changed as African Americans moved in, seeking industrial jobs. Within the past year, a large influx of Spanish-speaking people from Latin America has moved to Danville. Now, the population is very diverse. Also, Danville is now the site of two homes. One home provides shelter for the recently deinstitutionalized chronically mentally ill. The other home is a residence for a group of developmentally disabled adults.

Since the latest plant closing, the police have been overwhelmed with calls to respond to domestic disputes, incidences of violence between tenants and landlords over eviction notices and poor housing conditions, and a rise in street crime. The closest mental health center is 45 minutes away. The local emergency room is being overwhelmed by clients who exhibit anxiety, suicidal ideation, and trauma from domestic violence and street crime. The staff are unable to respond to the increased demand for services. *****

How to Reference "Crisis Intervention the Crisis Facing Danville" Grant Proposal in a Bibliography

Crisis Intervention the Crisis Facing Danville.”, 2011, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Crisis Intervention the Crisis Facing Danville (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Crisis Intervention the Crisis Facing Danville. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Crisis Intervention the Crisis Facing Danville” 2011.
”Crisis Intervention the Crisis Facing Danville”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Crisis Intervention the Crisis Facing Danville”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Crisis Intervention the Crisis Facing Danville [Internet]. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Crisis Intervention the Crisis Facing Danville. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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