Book Report on "Crisis Economics by Nouriel Roubini"

Book Report 4 pages (1295 words) Sources: 4

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Crisis Economics" by Nouriel Roubini

In a word, Nouriel Roubini's book, Crisis Economics: A Crash Course in the Future of Finance, which was co-authored with Steven Mihm, is radical. The book is largely about the current fiscal crisis that the United States finds itself in. However, the author makes a point to spend a considerable greater amount of time tending to potential solutions -- and measures to ensure that similar fiscal crises cannot proceed -- than giving a history lesson about the critical time that was probably at its worse in 2008. In doing so, he suitably demonstrates that this crisis is not a "freak event" (Sunderland, 2010). The vast majority of the notions posed by Roubini are certainly radical by most conservative standards that still govern America -- and particularly those that are directly responsible for its pecuniary practices and economic regulations. Yet what makes Roubini's viewpoint and radicalism all the more intriguing is the fact that quite clearly, as a cursory review of the events of the past decade demonstrate, these are far from pedestrian times. It is this acknowledgement of the dire situation that America finds itself in, which is both acknowledged by the author and implicit in much of his monetary analysis and economic advice, that calls for (quite deservingly) radical measures to cure an intense financial dilemma.

Despite the fact that Roubini's book is far from a general history lesson that recaps the diverse collapse of industries that largely contributed to what is a global crisis, no amount of astute observation on the subject could completely avoid recounting some of the most salient of those details -- if for no other reason than to
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explain and contextualize many of the curative proposals Roubini advocates. In doing so, the author evinces a palpable congratulatory tone, perhaps because he was one of the few economists who presaged these financial conditions. For the most part, however, this tone and its deserved vantage point help to punctuate Roubini's perspectives with an air of authority that allows readers to trust some of his more unconventional notions. And it is ultimately this viewpoint of the author's that is at the heart of his beliefs for a completely revised financial system of running the U.S. economy, as the following quotation demonstrates.

The crisis was less a function of sub-prime mortgages than of a sub-prime financial system. Thanks to everything from warped compensation structures to corrupt ratings agencies, the global financial system rotted from the inside out. The financial crisis merely ripped the sleek and shiny skin off what had become, over the years, a gangrenous mess (Roubini & Mihm, 2010, p. 2).

It is with this unapologetic perspective of the fundamental processes that were responsible for the downfall of the real estate market, the collapse of Wall Street, and the great banking panic that had to be bailed out by the Feds that Boudini recounts these events, and ultimately proposes his solutions.

What is most interesting about Crisis Economics: A Crash Course in the Future of Finance, and what is far from surprising, is the role that the author places the federal government in regarding the current recession. The housing market debacle and the ensuing Wall Street difficulties directly led to the enervating of many investment banks, which in turn had to be financially bailed out with federal intervention. Although the author may be somewhat hyperbolic in his assessment that doing so prevented an even worse depression on a worldwide scale, he details several noxious effects of this federal action: not the least of which were the attempt to stimulate the economy via more spending which had the effect of "deficit-enlarging" (Barrett, 2010).

It is therefore far from surprising that many of the reforms that the author posits directly involves federal regulations and changes to various aspects of the economic industry. One of the most eminent of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Crisis Economics by Nouriel Roubini" Assignment:

The report can not exceed 4 pages has to be well organized and should include your own original sentences .

The book and author i will retype here to make sure you have right book again :*****"Crisis Economics*****" by Nouriel Roubini

Need ASAP due by the 14th no later than 7 or 8pm eastern standard time !!!!!

How to Reference "Crisis Economics by Nouriel Roubini" Book Report in a Bibliography

Crisis Economics by Nouriel Roubini.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Crisis Economics by Nouriel Roubini (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Crisis Economics by Nouriel Roubini. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Crisis Economics by Nouriel Roubini” 2012.
”Crisis Economics by Nouriel Roubini”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Crisis Economics by Nouriel Roubini”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Crisis Economics by Nouriel Roubini [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Crisis Economics by Nouriel Roubini. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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