Term Paper on "Psychological and Non-Psychological Theories"

Term Paper 10 pages (2753 words) Sources: 4

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The purpose of this research is to examine a particular form of crime known as illegal drug use. Illegal drug use has a negative impact on society and is a major factor in many crimes committed. This research looks at two perspectives for illegal drug use. The criminal act of illegal drug use was analyzed with a detailed description and application of the psychological theories of Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytical Theory. James Q. Wilson and Richard J. Herrnstein Constitutional-Learning Theory, a non-psychological theory, was described and applied as well. Both theories make strong cases in describing why it is the more practical of the two theories in explaining the crime of illegal drug use; but after an in-depth analysis Wilson and Herrnstein's theory fits better in this specific argument.

Theories of Crime

The idea of crime always has intrigued people of all ages; look at how people flock to the movie theaters in droves to watch his or her favorite super heroes or good guys fight off the bad guys to save society. Society's fascination with crime has helped to create a multi-billion dollar industry in comics, movies, and television shows; everyone enjoys when Batman or Spider-Man come to the rescue and stop the evil doers of society. The fascination over the notion of a hero comes with the distinction that criminals do exist in modern society.

To have a better understanding of what a criminal act is, the definition of crime must be explored. According to the website freedictionary.com, crime is "an act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it for which punishment is imposed upon conviction" or
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in laymen's terms a person who knowingly or unknowingly breaks the law (2011, p. 1). Criminal acts or acts of delinquency can include excessive use of police force or brutality, mass murder, police corruption, homicide, shoplifting, computer hacking, burglary, theft, robbery, fraud, drug trafficking, violence, terrorism, gambling, arson, embezzlement, prostitution, assault, and many more.

The criminal act of illegal drug use will be analyzed with a brief history of criminology and its theories, a detailed description and application of the psychological theories of Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytical Theory. There will also be a description and application of the non-psychological (Constitutional-Learning) theory of James Q. Wilson and Richard J. Herrnstein Theory. An analysis be included describing the stronger of the two theories in explaining the crime of illegal drug use while discussing the implications of this theory in terms of how it could influence a crime-control policy.

Illegal Drug Use as a Crime

Illegal drug use and its consequences threaten citizens from every socio-economic background, geographic region, educational level, and ethnic group. It has been estimated that more than 12 million Americans over the age of 12 use illegal drugs on a regular basis (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 1995). More than 1/3 of all American have experimented with an illicit drug and another 1/3 has admitted to using cocaine or another prescription drug for non-medical purposes (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 1995).

Many people believe that illegal drug use is not his or her individual problem but when asked a majority of people stated that drug-use and drug-related crimes are one of the worst social issues facing the global world (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2009). Areas where illegal drug markets flourish are plagued by high crime rates and violent behavior.

Drugs relate to crime and criminal behavior in a variety of ways. Laws dictate that it is a criminal act to use, possess, manufacture, or distribute drugs (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2009). According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics "drugs are related to crime through the effects they have on the user's behavior and by generating violence and other illegal activities (2009, p.1)." Illegal drug use has caused a rise in crime over the last 40 years; the chart below demonstrates the rapidness of crime growth with the amount of drug-related arrests made between the years of 1970-2007 (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2009).

In 2009 there were almost 14 million arrests made and 1.6 million of them (almost 12%) were for drug-related offenses, the third highest behind property crimes and assaults. The second chart below shows the amount of arrests made in 2009.

Source: FBI, The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)

Estimated Number of Arrests

United States, 2009

Total Number of Arrests


Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter


Forcible rape




Aggravated assault






Motor vehicle theft




Violent crime2


Property crime2


Other assaults


Forgery and counterfeiting






Stolen property; buying, receiving, possessing




Weapons; carrying, possessing, etc.


Prostitution and commercialized vice


Sex offenses)


Drug abuse violations




Offenses against the family and children


Driving under the influence


Liquor laws




Disorderly conduct


Criminological Theories and History

Criminology was created as one of theoretical fields of social sciences because of this social phenomena and its effect on societies (Lerner, Lerner, & Cengage, 2006). Biological, moral, and psychological factors have been studied with connections to criminology (Lerner, Lerner, & Cengage, 2006). Over the years, a great deal of criminological theories has developed and has led to new scientific fields such as forensic science, criminal psychology, and analysis of criminal statistics (Lerner, Lerner, & Cengage, 2006). According to many psychologists the psychological theory of crime is contrived from the viewpoint that individuals behave differently, and that some individuals are more prone to commit criminal acts. Differences may arise from personality characteristics, biological factors, or social interactions.

Crime is an object studies across cultures and its meaning has changed throughout history. In the 1700s torture, destructions of cities, slaves, child labor, were accepted as norms in society whereas today are considered harsh criminal acts (Lerner, Lerner, & Cengage, 2006). As societies grow and evolve so do the moral standards and laws that become part of the cultural norms. Laws can only be reflective of the values they have obtained in a given historical period and these are ever-changing in a lightning quick globalized society (Lerner, Lerner, & Cengage, 2006). Criminological ideas and theories may be classified according to the time in history in which they occurred.

Some theories center on the psychological traits of criminals whereas others can be developed on the relationship between socio-economic contexts and crime rates, while others delve into legalities surrounding punishment and rehabilitation or preventing crime entirely (Lerner, Lerner, & Cengage, 2006). The major theories behind crime are the classical, positive, and the Chicago school (Lerner, Lerner, & Cengage, 2006).

The classical idea believed criminality occurred as the result of free will and individual choice and that all humans should be rational beings (Lerner, Lerner, & Cengage, 2006). The classical theory emphasized the social and legal aspects of crime; taking into consideration society's best interests and the role of law and government to protect the citizens (Lerner, Lerner, & Cengage, 2006).

The positive theory was a philosophy created by August Comte (1798-1857) who was emphatically behind the scientific approach using hypothesis and observation to understand criminology better (Lerner, Lerner, & Cengage, 2006). The positive theory on criminology explained criminality as a human phenomenon that was caused via human nature and social determinants (Lerner, Lerner, & Cengage, 2006). An Italian physician Cesare Lomborso (1835-1909) believed that epilepsy and mental illness were driving forces behind the criminal mind (Lerner, Lerner, & Cengage, 2006).

The third and final criminology theory is based on society and social conditions causing individuals to commit crimes. This theory is known as the Chicago school of thought and believes that criminology occurs because of immigration, disorganized urban growth, economic struggles, and the industrialization boom (Lerner, Lerner, & Cengage, 2006). Criminologists and sociologist today still point to the same social issues that have created crime in many urban dwellings.

Psychological Theory

Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytical Theory argues that the most constant factor contributing to criminal behavior is a child lacking an identity with his or her parents (1961). The psychoanalytical theory states that the child's lack of socialization skills may cause a personality disturbance that triggers antisocial impulses (Freud, 1961). Outward impulses led to a child displaying criminal behavior (Freud, 1961). Freud's Psychoanalytical Theory blends in with both the positive and Chicago theories of criminology. The positive theory fits because of human nature and social skills and the Chicago theory fits with the disorganization of society.

In the case of Freud's Psychoanalytical Theory it is easy to understand why a child's lack of identity with his or her parents, lack of social skills would trigger impulses that may cause criminal type of behavior. In the criminal activity of using illegal drugs the antisocial impulses would aid in triggering an individual to make an ill advised decision. The choices of using an illicit drug may stem for outward impulses, thus leading the person to criminal behavior.

When an individual displays antisocial and outward impulses the criminal… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Psychological and Non-Psychological Theories" Assignment:

Project 2: Which Theory Works Best? (15%)

In this project, you will examine a particular form of crime and delinquency and analyze it in terms of the theoretical material we have covered in this course. Your paper will be based on material in the textbook, modules, and at least three peer-reviewed journal articles. DO NOT USE EXCESSIVE QUOTES.

For this paper, you will

Select a crime or act of delinquency from the Topic Choices below

1. excessive use of police force or brutality

2. mass murder (not serial killing)

3. police corruption

4. homicide (not mass or serial killing)

5. shoplifting

6. computer hacking

7. burglary

8. motor vehicle theft

9. robbery

10. Internet fraud

11. rape

12. drug trafficking

13. stalking

14. hate crimes

15. domestic violence

16. child abuse and/or neglect

17. arson

18. embezzlement

19. terrorism

20. kidnapping

21. prostitution

22. gambling

23. assault

24. illegal drug use

- research that crime or delinquency type to make sure that you fully understand its characteristics

- think about the various theories we have discussed during this course and select both the psychological theory that you think best explains this type of criminal behavior and the non-psychological theory that you think best explains this type of behavior

- apply both theories to the crime type you have chosen, and discuss exactly how the specific aspects of each theory fit the crime

- conclude with your assessment of which of the two theories does the best job of explaining involvement in the type of crime you have chosen (be specific, and use evidence from your sources to substantiate your opinion)

Organization of the Project 2 Paper

This paper should consist of the following elements, in this order:

- title page (APA format)

- abstract page (APA format)

- body of the paper (subtitled sections):

- introduction, in which you state the objective of the paper and the elements of your analysis (in the order in which they will be presented to the reader)

- description of the crime or act of delinquency you have selected for your analysis (be specific in your description)

- description and application of the psychological theory you have selected (describe the theory and show how it explains the crime you chose)

- description and application of the non-psychological theory you have selected (describe the theory and show how it explains the crime you chose)

- analysis (state which theory does the best job of explaining the crime type you have selected, explain why, and discuss the implications of this theory in terms of how it could influence crime-control policy)

- summary and conclusion (summarize what is in the paper and provide your conclusion)

- reference page(s) (APA format)

Technical Requirements for Project 2

Your paper must meet the following requirements:

*****¢ Length must be a minimum of 8 pages of text*****this does not include the title page, abstract page, or reference page(s).

*****¢ The paper must be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins all around.

*****¢ A References section must be included at the end, listing in alphabetical order all sources used. These sources must be academic, scholarly journals; books; or government documents. Online sources are acceptable if they are scholarly journals published online, or other acceptable sources. If you are in doubt as to whether or not a source is acceptable, please ask your instructor. The references must be in APA format. If you are not sure what APA format is, find the APA link on the course Web site.

*****¢ All pages must be numbered in accordance with the APA format. If you include tables or figures, place them within the text. If you include appendices, refer to them in the text and add them at the end (labeled A, B, C, etc., but not page-numbered).

It is not appropriate to quote extensively. Use quotes very sparingly, and only for emphasis. If you use a quote, be sure that the quoted passage is surrounded by quotation marks and cited with author, date, and page number/URL.

How to Reference "Psychological and Non-Psychological Theories" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Psychological and Non-Psychological Theories.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2011, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/crime-purpose/520786. Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Psychological and Non-Psychological Theories (2011). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/crime-purpose/520786
A1-TermPaper.com. (2011). Psychological and Non-Psychological Theories. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/crime-purpose/520786 [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Psychological and Non-Psychological Theories” 2011. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/crime-purpose/520786.
”Psychological and Non-Psychological Theories” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/crime-purpose/520786.
[1] ”Psychological and Non-Psychological Theories”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2011. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/crime-purpose/520786. [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Psychological and Non-Psychological Theories [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2011 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/crime-purpose/520786
1. Psychological and Non-Psychological Theories. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/crime-purpose/520786. Published 2011. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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