Thesis on "Credit Risk Management"

Thesis 8 pages (2250 words) Sources: 5 Style: MLA

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Credit Risk Management

Oklahoma State Bank

The Oklahoma State Bank is a privately held company and is categorized under heading of State savings banks and is not federally chartered. Its main branch is located in Harper County, Buffalo, OK, with a branch office in Ellis County, Gage, OK. Current estimates show this company maintains annual revenue of $2,500,000 and employs a staff of approximately nineteen. The bank was charted and established in 1934 and their mission statement as posted on their web site is:

Oklahoma State Bank's mission is to meet the needs of our local communities by combining time honored banking principles with a forward thinking approach that will afford our customers all of the conveniences of "Big City" banking. Our financial services include competitive loan and deposit rates, telephone banking, and internet banking. (OSB)

They currently offer the following types of accounts:

Regular Checking, Special Checking (offered to students and those 65 and over), NOW Checking (a variable rate interest bearing checking account), MMDA (Money Market Deposit Account), Bank Club Account (a fee-based service charge with a range of extra services and some restrictions), Savings accounts and Certificates of Deposit. Their other provided services are typical of a modern bank, ATM, telephone banking, and Internet banking, all with 24-hour access and a Visa check card (their term for the usual debit card), as well as safe deposit boxes.

Credit and Loan services are as follows:

Agricultural Loans

Livestock -- Cow / Calf

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Stocker / Feeder Cattle

Crop Production


Grain Facility

Feedlot Facility


Ag Real Estate

Consumer Loans

Vehicle (Cars, Trucks, SUV's)

Recreational (Motorcycles, Boats, Motor-Homes)

Debt Consolidation

Personal Unsecured

Heating & Air Conditioning

Commercial Loans

Financing working capital

Machinery & Equipment

Capital Asset





Real Estate Loans

Primary Residence, Second & Investment

Interim Construction

Competitive Interest Rates

Low Closing Costs

In-House Servicing (OSB)

Past figures above from Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC).

As one might suspect, Agri-business is one of the main driving forces of Oklahoma. Recent statistics show the following information:

Farms Livestock Inventory

Number of Farms 86,600 Cattle and Calves - All (Jan. 1, 2009) 5,400,000

Land in Farms (acres) 35,100,000 Hogs & Pigs - All ( Dec. 1, 2008) 2,390,000

Average Farm Size (acres) 405 Sheep (Jan. 1, 2009) 80,000


Milk Cows (Average head) 64,000

Milk Production per Cow (lbs) 16,672

Production (lbs) 1,067,000,000 (Oklahoma's Official Website)

The demographics for the main branch in Harper County is as follows: County population in July 2007: 3,254 (all rural), County owner-occupied houses and condos: 1,188; Renter-occupied apartments: 321; percentage of renters here si 21% as compared to the state at 32%. The population density is 3 people per square mile and the median resident age is 43.1 years as compared to the state median age of35.5 years. The population composition is Males: 1,750 (49.1%) and Females: 1,812 (50.9%). The average wage per job in 2003: $22,312. The county population in 2003 was 3,385 and the jobs in 2003 was 1,106. (Oklahoma's Official Website)

The town demographics for Buffalo, OK is as follows: The town population in 2008 was 1,087 composed of males: 519 (47.8%) and females: 568 (52.3%). The median resident age: 42.6 years as compared to the state at 35.5 years. The estimated median household income in 2007 was $40,181 (it was $30,433 in 2000) and as compared to the state at $41,567. The estimated median house or condo value in 2007 was $55,640 (it was $33,200 in 2000) and as compared to the state at $103,000. The mean prices in 2007:for all housing units was $65,756; detached houses: $66,364; Townhouses or other attached units: $124,808; 2-unit structures: $63,126; 3-to-4-unit structures: $25,809; Mobile homes: $17,586. (Oklahoma's Official Website)

The demographics for the branch located in Ellis county is as follows: the population in July 2007: 3,911 (all rural) and the county owner-occupied houses and condos: 1,427. Renter-occupied apartments were at 342. The percentage of renters here is19% as compared to the state at 32%. The population density is again 3 people per square mile. The median resident age is 45.3 years as compared to the state at 35.5 years and is composed of males: 2,014 (49.4%) and females: 2,061 (50.6%). Estimated median household income in 2007 was $34,785 ($27,951 in 1999) as compared to the state at $41,567. The average wage per job in 2003 was $22,702 and the county population in 2003 was 3,963. The Jobs in 2003 were 1,099. (Oklahoma's Official Website)

The city demographics for Gage, OK are as follows: population in July 2008: 405. Population change since 2000: -5.6% and is compose of males: 198 (49.0%) and females: 207 (51.0%). The median resident age is 43.3 years as compared to the state at 35.5 years. The estimated median household income in 2007 was $34,057 (it was $25,795 in 2000) as compared to the state at $41,567. The estimated median house or condo value in 2007 was$44,244 (it was $26,400 in 2000) as compared to the state at $103,000. The mean prices in 2007 for all housing units: $48,581; Detached houses: $50,814; Mobile homes: $8,333. (Oklahoma's Official Website)

Top employeres in the state:

(Oklahoma's Official Website)

Additional information regarding Oklahoma is in Appendix I

Agribusiness has taken a drastic turn over the last decade and smaller banks are having a difficult time keeping up. The "Gentleman Farmer" has become history and there has been an increase in both the size and number of large farms and decrease in the number of smaller farms. This has also been accompanied by divergence in specific production. The market share of sales by the largest 5% of producers has steadily increased from 38.3% in 1939 to 54.5% by 1987. Agribusiness firms have expanded through vertical integration but more typically by production contracts through which farmers become the equivalent of factory home-workers, raising commodities to be turned over to agribusiness that they generally do not own. While only about 3% of farms operate under production contracts, they produce almost all poultry, half of all hogs, and a quarter of cattle. At the same time, most farms have become marginal production units that cannot fully employ or sustain families. To survive in farming, families take off-farm jobs. Almost 90% of farmers' household income now comes from non-farm sources. A USDA commission recently determined that annual gross sales below $250,000 cannot adequately support a family, and that survival of farms below that size is most endangered. About 94% of U.S. farms fall into this category. (Lobao, and Meyer 103)

However, rising commodity prices, including grains and corn has led to a boom in the agriculture industry during 2007, which proved to be a boon for lenders who focused on this industry. This was most evident among institutions with assets of less than $100 million. For example, agricultural production loans represented 14% of loans made by the top 25 non-S corps of this size, compared to 7% of loans made by other small non-S institutions. Agricultural production loans and farm loans combined accounted for over 30% of the loan portfolio at 20 of the 50 top performers under $100 million. A full 95% of loans made by Nebraska State Bank, Oshkosh, Nebraska fell into one of these two categories. Nebraska State is the largest lender of Farm Service Agency guaranteed loans in the Midwest. The bank also makes direct loans to businesses in the agriculture industry for equipment, livestock, and land. (Mambrino)

Banks with less than $3 billion in assets increased their focus on commercial and construction lending over the past few years as larger institutions captured greater shares of the residential mortgage and consumer loan markets. In some cases, smaller institutions responded by shifting to a pure commercial focus, for example:

Excel National Bank, Beverly Hills, Calif. (#10 among non-S corps with less than $100 million), commercial real estate and commercial and industrial loans comprised 78% of the loan portfolio. A similar strategy was also used by the top-ranked non-S bank under $100 million -- Farmers Bank, Hamburg, Ark. CRE and C&I loans together made up approximately 51% of its loan portfolio. The bank also benefited from a $4.4 million payment from the U.S. Department of Agriculture relating to a disputed loan guarantee. (Mambrino)

At banks and savings and loans with total assets of under $100 million, restructuring initiatives can have a significant impact on net income. For instance in the case of Oklahoma state bank the sale its second branch may generate an extensive one time gain which may allow them to enter more commercial loan lines. Either that or selling a line of loans that may not be their best performers to another institutions may be an alternative strategy. There is also the unexplored avenue of lease financing that may help to produce greater revenues in the future.

The following tables illustrate the past four-years of actual income performance bye Oklahoma State bank. As one can see while not a robust institution it has faired well during turbulent economic times. Its… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Credit Risk Management" Assignment:

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Part 1 *****“ Marketplace Overview

Develop a viable strategy you must first consider the marketplace and the environment in which Oklahoma State Bank will be operating. Provide an overview of the institution*****s marketplace using resources to substantiate your observations. The following items can be used as a starting point for making this assessment:

Marketplace Description:

1. Where is the institution*****s trade territory?

2. What is/are the trade territory*****s key economic driver(s) [industry, employer, etc.]

3. Who are your institution*****s major competitors and your institution*****s position in the marketplace; i.e., market share?

External Operating Environment (Opportunities and Threats)

1. Which external factors do you feel will have a key impact on your institution*****s performance?

2. What is the status of each factor (you identified above) today and what potential change do you see over the next 2-3 years?

Internal Response to Environment (Strengths and Weaknesses)

1. What is your bank*****s value proposition (Price, Product, or Relationship Focus) and how is the conveyed to your customers and employees?

2. What do you see as key strengths and weaknesses of your organization?

3. What is your perception of your institution*****s key focus of credit strategy (soundness, profitability, or growth) and what activity do you see to support your conclusion?

4. How is credit policy used to communicate the desired strategy? Cite examples.

Part 2 *****“ Organizational Overview

Describe the institution approaches the market to take advantage of your situation.

1. What is the process for the development and ongoing updating of your institution*****s credit policy?

2. Describe the key components of your bank*****s credit policy and their intended impact on the institution*****s performance.

3. Provide an organization chart for the credit management showing everyone impacting credit from the board down to the loan operations.

4. Discuss how exceptions to the policy are identified and how they are tracked.

5. What criteria have been used to identify *****desirable***** and/or *****undesirable***** borrower types?

6. Describe the analytical process used to make the decision (scoring and/or judgmental). Include a discussion of how the loan is monitored for potential changes and how the institution responds to those changes.

7. How the risk classified and approval is granted?

8. What systems are used to make the credit decision and monitor its ongoing progress?

9. Who is involved in the credit delivery process and what are their responsibilities?

Part 3 - Credit Performance: Your comments should address the outcomes, especially as they relate to your assessment of the institution*****s marketplace, environment factors, and credit strategy. You may find it beneficial to go back another 1-3 years. Depending on the status of your trade territory economy you may need additional years of data to show the difference between current performance and outcomes in a more robust operating environment.

Exhibit A *****“ Past Credit Performance

Year 3$ Year 3% Year 2$ Year 2% Year 1$ Year 1%



Commercial Real Estate

Other Commercial

Consumer Installment

1-4 Family Residential

Home Equity

Credit Cards

Total 100% 100% 100%

(Exhibit B: comment on where you believe the credit portfolio will be over the next 3 years. Provide comments that indicate the rationale for the expected results.

Exhibit B *****“ Future Credit Performance

Year 6$ Year 6% Year 5$ Year 5% Year 4$ Year 5%



Commercial Real Estate

Other Commercial

Consumer installment

1-4 Family Residential

Home Equity

Credit Cards

Total 100% 100% 100%

Part 4 - Financial Performance: comment on the trends in financial performance for the past three years using an outside resource (i.e., make comparisons between your institution and industry benchmarks. Comment on how your institution is different, whether that is a positive or negative difference, and why the difference has occurred: especially the impact of differences on financial performance.

Exhibit C *****“ Past Financial Performance

Year 3$ Year 3% Year 2$ Year 2% Year 1$ Year 1%

Total Commercial 100% 100% 100%




Total Consumer 100% 100% 100%


Net Interest Income XXX XXX XXX

Non-Interest Income XXX XXX XXX

Net Income XXX XXX XXX



Exhibit D *****“ Future Financial Performance:

Comment on where you believe the institution*****s performance will be over the next 3 years. Relate your comments here to the observations you have made in Part 1 and Part 2.

Exhibit D - Future Financial Performance

Year 3$ Year 3% Year 2$ Year 2% Year 1$ Year 1%

Total Commercial 100% 100% 100%




Total Consumer 100% 100% 100%


Net Interest Income XXX XXX XXX

Non-Interest Income XXX XXX XXX

Net Income XXX XXX XXX



Part 5 *****“ Recommendations

Based on your assessment of the desired future outcomes, what specific recommendations would you make to improve current conditions and increase the likelihood the 3 year forecast will be achieved?

Helpful Sites:

Uniform Bank Performance Reports -

Summary of Deposits -

This information will be emailed and I will be free for more data if needed.


How to Reference "Credit Risk Management" Thesis in a Bibliography

Credit Risk Management.”, 2009, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Credit Risk Management (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Credit Risk Management. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Credit Risk Management” 2009.
”Credit Risk Management”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Credit Risk Management”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Credit Risk Management [Internet]. 2009 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Credit Risk Management. Published 2009. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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