Thesis on "CPA Versus MBA"

Thesis 8 pages (2170 words) Sources: 10 Style: APA

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Annotated Bibliography

Aier, J.K. Comprix, J. Gunlock, M.T. And Lee D. (2005) the Financial Expertise of CFOs and Accounting Restatements. Accounting Horizons. 19 (3 )123 -- 135

Aier et al. (2005) focus on the impact of education on the manner in which Chief financial officers carry out their job duties. More specifically the article focuses on the number of accounting restatements made by CFOs based on their education. The authors utilized several metrics to draw conclusions including the number of years as CFO, previous experience as an accountant, and the type of advanced degree attained (MBA and CPA. The researchers concluded that the combination of CFO experience and degrees such as CPAs and MBAs contributed to less restatements in earnings. The article is informative and exposes actual decision making outcomes based on education and experience.

Becoming a CPA. The American Institute Certified Public Accountants. Retrieved January 6, 2009 from; / Becoming+a+CPA/CPA+ Candidates+and+Students/Becoming+a+CPA.htm

This source is presented by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The source discusses all the steps associated with attaining certification. Amongst these steps is 150 credit hours at an accredited institution of higher learning. The article also explains that a Masters degree is not required for becoming a CPA. However, many accountants who are certified also have Masters degrees because the number of hours required to qualify to sit for certification often includes some Masters level work. The source also answers several other questions such as the
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skills needed to be a CPA, why the certification is needed, the career opportunities available to CPA's and what they can expect to earn. This article is valuable resource for those who are in college and pursuing a career in accounting. The article allows prospective accountants to research and investigate the opportunities available to them.

Charron K., D. Lowe J. (2009) Becoming a CPA: Evidence from Recent Graduates. The Accounting Educators Journal. 19: 143- 160

In this source the author discusses the very real demand for CPAs in the workforce. The research discusses the attainment of a CPA as a major milestone for anyone pursuing a career in accounting. The article points out that most people that are pursuing a career in public accounting will find this certification to be an absolute necessity. In addition, even those that are not going into public accounting should pursue this certification because in many cases job postings for accountants list CPA preferred. This means that individuals with a CPA are more likely to receive certain positions than those without one.

Chou S. (2009) Certified Public Accountant. National credential. Global asset. Retrieved January 6, 2009 from;

In this article Chou explores the benefits associated with being a CPA. The author contends that increasingly global nature of business has allowed CPAs to excel in businesses and organizations throughout the world. The author asserts that CPAs are valuable and sought after by corporations and governments alike. The article also explains that for the purposes of taxes and auditing alone CPAs are in high demand. The author explains that CPAs have an advantage over those with other types of advanced degrees as a result of the global economy. Attaining a CPA can virtually serve as a passport to career advancement throughout the world. This source may be important for anyone who is considering becoming a CPA. The source focuses on the doors that will be opened as a result of having the certification.

Gray, D., Duangploy, O. Clemense Ehoff Jr. (2008) Accountants in Demand: Survey of Business Students Suggests That Nothing Will Motivate Non-Accounting Majors to Be Accounting Majors. Journal of Business & Economics Research. 6 (7) 97-104

The authors discuss the shortage of accountants.. The article explains that business students who are not accounting majors are reluctant to become accountants. The article also cites the perceived advantages and disadvantages associated with a CPA. The authors also point to statistics which suggests that the demand for accountants will continue to increase until 2014. In addition to a shortage of accountants in the workforce, there is also a shortage of accountants that are qualified to teach and the university level. The article explains that this shortage is likely to continue in the years to come. Overall this resource discusses why there is a shortage of accountants and the hurdles associated with remedying the problem. The authors thoroughly explain that the demand for accountants will continue well into the future. While the research is well written, it really does not discuss how the situation can be resolved as it pertains to recruiting more students into accounting.

Accountants and Auditors. Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved January 4, 2010 from; http: //www. / oco/ocos001.htm

This particular article focuses on the career paths, salary and job outlook of accountants and auditors. The handbook explains the different types of accounting including management accounting, forensic accounting, and public accounting. The handbook also describes the type of work environment that accountants should expect. The article discusses the type of education that is needed to pursue a career in accounting including certifications and the option of pursuing an advanced degree such as a MBA. Additionally it discusses projections for accountants and auditors in the future. The research explains the type of earnings that accountants should expect. According to the article the media annual earning for accountants is around $60,000. However some accountants make well over $100,000. The information provided in this source is informative and provides a great deal of insight into what is expected of accountants and what accountants can expect from the profession.

CCH Survey Sheds Light on What's Key to Attracting, Keeping Young CPAs at the Firm, and How Firms Match Up. Retrieved January 4, 2010 from;

This particular article gives a perspective form the point-of-view of CPAs who are currently employed by certain firms. All of the CPAs surveyed had four to seven years experience. The purpose of the survey was to investigate the tools, technology and benefits that these young accountants needed most at their respective firms. The survey found that young accountants wanted to be challenged on the job, they wanted the proper support to carry out their jobs and they also want leisure time in which they can relax and not be concerned with work. The information presented in this article is valuable because it provides insight into the issues that CPAs face. The information provided could prove critical in recruiting accountants in the future. Recruitment efforts are essential because of the shortage that currently exists amongst accountants.

Ibrahim N., Angelidis, J. (2009) the Relative Importance of Ethics as a Selection Criterion for Entry-Level Public Accountants: Does Gender Make a Difference? Journal of Business Ethics. 85:49 -- 58

Discusses the challenges that accountants face and how some of these difficulties may be associated with gender. The research explains the presence of ethical decision making in the accounting process and whether or not ethics is used in the selection process. The attitudes of 335 public accountants was examined via survey in four different states throughout the southwest. The surveys found that male and female survey takers ranked business ethics differently on a scale of importance. In fact, male applicants ranked ethics eighth while female applicants ranked it sixth. The research demonstrated a definitive difference between the way male and female applicants viewed ethics. All of these survey takers were public accountants. This particular source is informative as it pertains to the attitudes of entry level CPAs as it pertains to business ethics, especially given the types of ethical dilemmas that accountants are often faced with.

Jackson, R.E. (2006) Post-Graduate Educational Requirements and Entry into the CPA Profession. Journal of Labor Research. 27 (1); 101-14

The article discusses some of the requirements associated with becoming a CPA and how these requirements are slightly different from state to state. The author points out that there are 41 states that actually require 30 credit hours of graduate school. The author explains that such requirements actually keep many from becoming a CPA because of the added expense and time required to get additional credit hours. The author asserts that although this requirement improves the quality of CPAs, it also provides an additional hurdle for those that are attempting to enter the field. Although the quality of CPA's is improving, the requirements are negatively effecting supply. This source provides interesting insight into the nature of the accounting profession and the process of becoming a CPA. This source also provides a great deal of information for those that are attempting to recruit more people into the profession.

Vafeas, N. (2009) Is Accounting Education Valued by the Stock Market? Evidence from Corporate Controller Appointments. Contemporary Accounting Research Vol. 26 No. 4 ) pp. 1143 -- 74

This journal article focuses on the nature of accounting education. The author argues that in many instances, what students learn in business school is irrelevant in the workplace. The article examines the need for uniform standards to be… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "CPA Versus MBA" Assignment:

Here are the instructions for what I need. Hopefully this has been ordered properly, according to Mark in Customer service it is. I need this to be done in this order before the paper. Thanks

subject: CPA versus MBA

class: Language/Communications-Research Writing

pages: 8

sources: 10

citation: APA

academic_level: college

writing_skills: good

deadline: Jan 8, 2010



payment: credit card

comments: Thesis:Accountants with a CPA license rather than an MBA degree have a better

chance of getting hired, advance and succeed in the public accounting



A. Prepare an annotated bibliography of at least 10 credible sources that you plan to use in your research by doing the following:

1. Provide a full APA-formatted citation for each source.

2. Provide an annotation (suggested length of 150 words) for each source in which you do the following:

a. Summarize the information presented in the source.

b. Evaluate the quality of information of the source.

3. Provide the correct in-text citation after each annotation as it would be used if you cited the source in your final paper.


A. Choose one article or a portion of one article from a credible source (minimum length 5 pages; maximum length 10 pages) that you will include in your research on the topic that you have chosen. Submit a copy of the article along with your submission.

1. Synthesize the information (suggested length of 1-2 pages) presented in different sections of the article, pulling individual pieces of information together to create a meaningful idea.

B. Highlight a passage (suggested length of 1-2 paragraphs) within the article using bold, italics, underlining, or color to indicate a passage you have selected to paraphrase.

1. Paraphrase the content of the selected passage so that the information is in your own words.

C. Include all in-text citations and references in APA format.


A. Create a writing plan (e.g., visual organizer, formal outline, working outline) to help you prepare to write your research paper.

1. Provide your working thesis statement in your plan.

B. Include all in-text citations and references in APA format.


In this task you will document your research paper revision process. Additionally, you will write a short summary of the changes you made and the revision strategies you used to make the content and format changes.

A. Document the revisions you made on the completed draft of your research paper. (Please name this file with the date of submission and title it "Revisions" when you submit it.)

1. At the end of your draft document titled "Revisions," provide a summary (suggested length of 1/2-1 page) explaining the changes you made and the revision strategies you used to make content changes.

Note: You must clearly mark the revisions to your draft. You may do this several different ways, including using strikethrough, bold, italics, and/or highlighting; tracking changes in a word processing document; or scanning a hard copy.

B. Include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

How to Reference "CPA Versus MBA" Thesis in a Bibliography

CPA Versus MBA.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

CPA Versus MBA (2010). Retrieved from (2010). CPA Versus MBA. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”CPA Versus MBA” 2010.
”CPA Versus MBA”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”CPA Versus MBA”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. CPA Versus MBA [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. CPA Versus MBA. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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