Questionnaire on "Counselors Need to Study Ethics"

Questionnaire 8 pages (2249 words) Sources: 1+ Style: APA

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Gostin insists that the implementation of research results must be in accordance to the ethical guidelines in order to protect the involved populations. For instance, the ethical principle of onmaleficence suggests that the investigator should not do harm, and interpretation of harm is central to the conclusions, as whether the results have potential harm to the studied populations. He further suggests that population studies must consider the potential benefits of the conclusions of the research to the populations. Therefore, the professional capacity concerned with the outcomes must show usefulness to the people receiving counseling and the educational services. In addition, the research should be fair in distributing the results of the study. This suggests that there should be fair representation of the studied sample and the sample should benefit equally from the outcomes of the research (p. 91).

10) What are the three questions that consumers of research may ask to determine the ethical quality of research? (Hauser, p. 91)

Every research aims at providing empirical evidence concerning a given problem, and consumers of the research information will tend to believe the information provided. This at times call for establishing the ethical quality of a given study. The ethical quality of a research will further help in building trust with consumers. Some of the questions that consumers of counseling research establish regarding the ethical quality of research, published in professional journals include:

a) What the potential negative implications can be applied, or harm can result to a population owing to the results of a particular study?

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b) What are the possible benefits of the research results of the population?

c) Are the sample and population studied representative of the general population that could benefit from results? More particularly, did the investigator or investigators present an appropriate or clear argument for studying the chosen population, if the study had restrictions to the specific group?

11) Briefly describe

a) The Tuskegee syphilis study

This study aimed at determining the natural cause of syphilis to a population comprising of African-American males. The study took forty years, although the original estimation was that it could take six to nine months. The study followed a hypothesis: there were race variations in the natural progression of syphilis. The participants were to receive treatment as an incentive for their participation. The violation noted in this study was that the participants did not receive treatment as promised. The reason given behind this was that "the men's status did not guarantee an ethical debate, suggesting that the participants were subjects and not patients" (p. 90).

Another violation evident in this study is deception, although at times the investigators can use deception, this case was a violation because the treatment was available, but the investigators withheld it intentionally. Owing to this, the study ended in 1972. In addition, although the officials justified the lack of treating the participants, many of the participants died due to the syphilis. The study also portrayed racism that exists in the American institutions regarding the medical profession. The violation is likely to influence future research because the African-Americans may be unwilling to participate in future research. Apparently, this study is of questionable ethical quality considering the sample because the research did not offer any benefits to the participant (p. 33).

b) The Milgram study and identify their ethical violations

This was a study in psychology. The aim of the study was to & #8230; "to uncover when and how people would disregard authority in the face of an apparent moral imperative" (p. 93). This study utilized deception, the investigators lied to the participants that the experiment was a learning study. The study utilized shocks, where the learner was to receive the electrical shock whenever they gave a wrong answer. With an incorrect answer, the "teacher" was to increase the intensity of the shock. In the experiment, the person receiving the shock indicated discomfort by either grunting, complaining verbally, or demanded to opt out from the experiment.

The main violation identified in this study is the use of deception, which was apparent from the views of the participants after the study. In so doing, the participant's negative views of psychological research suggests that they noted something they were not aware of what the study entailed. In counseling research, deception in this study was apparent because the investigators withheld information, or misinformed the participants concerning the nature of the experiment involved. Studies such as this… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Counselors Need to Study Ethics" Assignment:

- 11 questioners using short answers 1 or 2 paragraphs accordingly,

Using: Houser. R. (2009). Counseling and educational research: Evaluation and application. Thousands Oaks, CA: *****.

-make sure to use quotes, references, name authors and page numbers when it is appropriate.

Thank you! *****


How to Reference "Counselors Need to Study Ethics" Questionnaire in a Bibliography

Counselors Need to Study Ethics.”, 2013, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Counselors Need to Study Ethics (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Counselors Need to Study Ethics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Counselors Need to Study Ethics” 2013.
”Counselors Need to Study Ethics”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Counselors Need to Study Ethics”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Counselors Need to Study Ethics [Internet]. 2013 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Counselors Need to Study Ethics. Published 2013. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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