Term Paper on "Counselors in Group Homes"

Term Paper 12 pages (3788 words) Sources: 12

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Counselors in Group Homes

Analysis of Work Environment

Social and Cultural Composition of Population

Theoretical Links

Informed Consent and Acknowledgement of Patient Rights

Theoretical Links

Strategies to Ensure Confidentiality

Theoretical Links

Analysis of Ethical Dilemma

Racial Disparity

What Mental Healthcare Workers Are Doing

What Patients belonging to Minorities are Doing

Issues with Information Sharing

Required Decision Making Process

Decision Making Process

The main aim of the paper is to analyze the work environment of chosen mental clinic. How the patients are treated in the clinics, what practices are being observed, what behaviors are being observed in the clinic in dealing with the patients, what cultural practices are being observed in the clinics and what kind of ethical dilemmas are being seen in the chosen work environment. It is important that the ethical considerations being followed in the work environment as how the patients and mental health professionals behave in the mental clinics is important. Mental clinic is the place where the most sensitive and vulnerable population of the patients are present who need the best of behaviors and guidance.

An important fact that needs to be highlighted here is that based on current reports, there is an increase in evidence-based practices being followed in mental healthcare. Three main aims that are
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to be achieved by the help of evidence-based practices include an increase in quality, accountability, as well as effectiveness in mental healthcare.

Part 1: Analysis of Work Environment

This part of the paper will take into consideration the cultural and social composition of the mental clinic along with ethical codes that are being observed in the clinic. It is important to highlight here that the ethical codes being followed in mental clinics are the ones that directly affect incoming patients (Johnson, 2007, p. 56). Ethical codes that are important to be followed in the mental clinics are to be outlined in a theoretical manner as well. The main difference in the theoretical ethical codes and actual ethical standards being followed will be taken into account.

1. Social and Cultural Composition of Population

An important fact that needs to be highlighted here is that incoming patients in mental clinics are from different ethnicities, races, and cultures. Thereby here it can be highlighted that incoming patients have a vast cultural, ethnic, and geographical diversity. Thereby it is important that incoming patients be dealt by keeping in mind the fact that the patients are to be dealt by considering their cultural limits and requirements.

The observations have shown that the population of metal healthcare workplace is a culturally diverse one. There are a great number of patients who are from local areas along with a small proportion that belongs to different regions and countries. Based on a great geographical distribution of the mental patients, it can be seen that the culturally diverse populations are more of a challenge to the metal healthcare workforce. It is observed that among these patients, a great proportion is that of Hispanics as well as African-Americans.

Most importantly, it was observed that the assessments and treatments being given to the general whites were not being offered to the Hispanics and the African-Americans. Thereby racial disparity was seen in the clinic. The kind of beds and facilities that were being allotted to the Whites were not available for the Hispanics and the African-Americans. Although all the mental healthcare workers are aware of the fact that healthcare disparities are not to be followed or observed in the mental healthcare or any healthcare professions. Still prejudices based on races and ethnicities are seen in the clinic.

Theoretical Links

Other than the geographical diversity, another important fact that has been seen in the mental healthcare environment is that based on the great cultural diversity within the clinic. The patients are seen to be following their own cultures and religions. It has been seen that the authorities of the mental healthcare has given an open freedom to these patients to observe their religious and cultural practices (Bredeson, and Goree, 2011, p. 33).

Some of the main ethical considerations that are being followed in the mental healthcare workplaces are important to be highlighted here. It is important that the cultural backgrounds of the patients are taken into consideration with all respect. Assessments and treatments that are chosen for the patients should be in accordance to the cultural and religious backgrounds of the patients. The metal healthcare professionals should be more aware of the cultural backgrounds, the cultural requirements that the patients may have, religious requirements and backgrounds, and in relation to these, the lifestyle, ethnic differences, goals, aims, and community life. For better efficiency in mental healthcare, it is importantly that additionally, bilingual communication and resources, healthcare advocates, and interpreters should be employed (Roberts, and Dyer, 2004, p. 29). An important fact that needs to be highlighted here is that mental healthcare workplaces should employ appropriate linguistic and cultural advocacy systems that can help the healthcare providers as well as incoming patients. It has been reported that within the mental healthcare systems, the healthcare workers should be more aware of the interactions that take place between races, cultures, notions of mental healthcare, mental health problems and their interventions. It has been reported that the mental healthcare workers should be more aware of the cultural diversity of the patients in relation to their linguistic diversity and make sure that these diversities are properly accessed and approached. For this main aim, it is important that appropriate arrangements be made so that the diversity can be understood and properly communicated (Backlar, and Cutler, 2002, p. 78).

Second important part that has been highlighted by the authors is that while working in mental healthcare workers should be able to work in collaboration with the other healthcare workers. This collaboration can help in an increased understanding of the cultural diversity of the patient's along with the requirements that they have based on their diversity. It is important that the assessments that are carried out in the mental healthcare environment are in accordance to the cultural requirements of the patients and these sensitivities and the workers should know requirements. It is important that the communication with the patients must be effective and the lines of communications must be extended with the family members in the presence of bilingual counselors and communicators. It is important that culturally diverse allies should be included in the workforce based on which an understanding of cultures can be made easier (Barker, 2011, p. 90).

A great impact is seen of the cultures on the healthcare practices being followed. One of the main questions is that the medical schools and the curriculums being followed in the medical schools do not focus on the cultural diversity of the patients. It is important that the mental healthcare professionals are more culturally sensitive understanding the main requirements of the culturally diverse patients.

2. Informed Consent and Acknowledgement of Patient Rights

Within the observed metal healthcare environment, it is seen that the workforce makes sure that the treatment plans as well as mental healthcare assessments that are being carried out are carried out based on an informed consent on the family members of the patent. It is understood in the workplace that the patient rights are understood at the bets level. One of the main facts that has been realized by the workforce is that as the patients belong to the more diverse cultural backgrounds and the mental states of the patients is very vulnerable thereby it is important that all rights of the patients are taken care of. Being a mental healthcare worker, it has been realized at the clinic that some of the main rights that the patients have include being treated nicely, being assessed in a detailed manner whereas the assessments are more based on the culturally sensitive patterns.

Theoretical Links

It is important that the mental healthcare workforce properly acknowledge the patients' cultural backgrounds. Cultural values and beliefs are very important to be acknowledged (Helmchen, and Sartorius, 2010, p. 76). It is important that the mental healthcare workers are aware of the impacts that the patients" social, cultural and linguistic backgrounds have on the communication that take place between the patients' and the mental healthcare workers.

It is important that the rights of the individuals who are mentally ill should be promoted and these rights should be made aware to all mental healthcare workers within the mental healthcare facility. Within the rights of the mentally ill patients, the cultural, linguistic, spiritual, age and gender differences and religious diversity should be included. For the mental healthcare workers, it is important that they should increase awareness of mental patients, family, and friends in regards to the rights that they have. Within the mental healthcare facility, when there are children who are facing mental illnesses should be treated well and they should be made aware of the rights that they have. Mental healthcare professionals have some limitations in their expertise and knowledge, as they are not fully developed… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Counselors in Group Homes" Assignment:

For this course, you will be required to complete a project with two components.

Part 1 ***** The first component requires you to critically analyze a work environment.

Part 2 ***** The second component requires you to develop a hypothetical ethical dilemma and to demonstrate adequate ethical problem-solving skills.

Each part will provide an opportunity to integrate knowledge of professional ethical codes, findings from research, and professional standards of practice. For both parts of the course project, you are encouraged to draw upon the ethical decision making process you have honed throughout this course.

The two components of the course project and the project requirements are outlined below.

Part 1: Analysis of Work Environment

For this part of the project, you will be required to select a potential or current work environment related to your field of study. Within this field of study, research the ethical, legal, and standards of practice considerations related to your chosen work environment (such as mental health clinic, agency, school, hospital, or prison). You will also need to critically analyze how effectively this work environment carries out ethical guidelines. There are several substantial areas related to professional ethical guidelines that must be considered for the work setting you are choosing to explore:

The social and cultural composition of the population served and culturally sensitive practices.

A theoretical framework that reflects the professional ethical codes of your field.

Issues of informed consent and acknowledgement of client and patient rights.

Strategies to ensure confidentiality.

Potential problems that result from dual relationship issues.

Delivery of services considerations (such managed care, fee for service, and use of online technology).

Part 2: Analysis of Ethical Dilemma

For this part of the project, you will be required to develop a hypothetical ethical dilemma and demonstrate an appropriate ethical problem-solving process. There are several substantial areas that must be considered in your analysis:

The dilemma and individuals involved.

The main ethical concerns presented in the dilemma with references to the ethics.

Application of human service profession theories and techniques.

The decision making process that you would present if you were asked by the Ethics committee to review this case.

Project Objectives

To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:

Evaluate social context of moral values, professional ethics, practices standards, and legal guidelines for governing practice relevant to human service professions.

Investigate the application of the theories and techniques of human service professions to a wide variety of ethical dilemmas.

Analyze the level of congruence between behavior and applied codes of ethics related to professional identity development.

Create an awareness of the impact of multicultural diversity and other personal lenses that would prejudice professional objectivity as a counselor.

Analyze the role and functions of ethical standards in scientific research in the human service professions.

Project Components

Project Component Course Grade Weight Unit Due

Topic Selection 5% Unit 3

Part 1: Analysis of Work Environment 20% Unit 5

Part 2: Analysis of Ethical Dilemma 20% Unit 9

Total: 45%

Project Requirements ***** Parts 1 and 2

To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.

References: Your reference list must include at least 8 sources in total for Parts 1 and 2. At least 5 sources must be from peer-reviewed academic journals. You must use proper APA style to list your references. Refer to the Capella Online Writing Center*****s APA Style and Formatting module for more information.

Number of pages: The total number of pages for each part should not exceed 12 pages (making the project a total of 24 pages maximum).

Written communication: Develop accurate written communication and thoughts that convey the overall goals of the project and do not detract from the overall message. Your paper should demonstrate graduate-level writing skills.

Formatting: Use APA 5th edition formatting, including: correct in-text citations, proper punctuation, double-spacing throughout, proper headings and subheadings, no skipped lines before headings and subheadings, proper paragraph and block indentation, no bolding, and no bullets. Refer to the Capella Online Writing Center*****s APA Style and Formatting module for more information.

Each component of your paper is assessed with a separate scoring guide. You have one opportunity to submit each section as it occurs in its respective units

How to Reference "Counselors in Group Homes" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Counselors in Group Homes.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2011, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/counselors-group-homes-analysis/8365130. Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Counselors in Group Homes (2011). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/counselors-group-homes-analysis/8365130
A1-TermPaper.com. (2011). Counselors in Group Homes. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/counselors-group-homes-analysis/8365130 [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Counselors in Group Homes” 2011. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/counselors-group-homes-analysis/8365130.
”Counselors in Group Homes” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/counselors-group-homes-analysis/8365130.
[1] ”Counselors in Group Homes”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2011. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/counselors-group-homes-analysis/8365130. [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Counselors in Group Homes [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2011 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/counselors-group-homes-analysis/8365130
1. Counselors in Group Homes. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/counselors-group-homes-analysis/8365130. Published 2011. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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