Essay on "Counseling "Supervision Leads to a Mental"

Essay 7 pages (2108 words) Sources: 13

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"Supervision leads to a mental and emotional education that can guide practical work, frees from fixed patterns of experience and behavior, and promotes the willingness as well as the ability to act suitably, carefully, and courageously." (Koster, 2003, pp. 1-2).

The objective of this paper is to explore the above statement with relation to supervision ad counselling.

Exploration of supervision in counselling

"Supervision is a . . . negotiated contractual relationship between supervisors

and supervisee in which the worker gives an account of her work with the expressed purpose of developing her competence in providing the highest quality of service to the client or customer" (Claveirole, & Mathers, 2003 P. 52).

In a modern organizational setting, it is widely accepted norm that supervision plays a key role in the professional development of the supervisees. A supervisor provides the emotional support, the mentoring roles as well as information and guidance for the supervisees. Supervision enhances better quality of service because the supervisees are able to improve on their work based on the reflection from the supervisors. Supervisory practice is very critical within an organization because supervision enhances high quality professional practice. The role of a supervisor is to monitor and review the work of employees within an organizational setting. Supervision aims to facilitate the professional development and personal skills between the supervisor and supervisee within a work environment. Typically, supervision provides guidance towards the future where a superviso
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r applies new insights, reflection, and guidance to guide the employees.

Similar to supervision, counseling creates opportunities and awareness for personal, professional, educational and social growth of an individual. (Nwokolo, et al. 2009). Within a work environment, both supervision and counselling are aimed to achieve the personal and social development of workers. .To enhance a quality counselling, supervision and counselling are the effective methods for the quality service delivery. The major component of supervision is to provide the trainee the opportunities to develop more skills and instil changes into an individual to achieve organizational goals. Essentially, a supervisor needs to understand the counselling technique to guide the employees in achieving the organizational objectives. For example, a line manager within an organization should understand counselling and supervision techniques. (Copeland, 2006). Counselor whether professional or non-experience will benefit from regular professional supervision. To guide the employees in a work environment, counselors need appropriate supervision since supervision is the component to develop a competent practitioner and professional identity.

(Australian Institute of Professional Counselors, 2011).

Nwokolo, et al. (2009) argue that academic advising and counseling is a program that helps an individual to attain self development in order to make better decision in life. Without regular advising and counseling, it may be difficult for the students to attain academic goals.

There are several benefits of supervisions with reference to how supervision is practiced.

Identification of Benefits of Supervision

To evaluate the benefits of supervision with reference to how supervision is practiced, I conduct survey and email interviews with some supervisors, top executives of different organizations across different industries and some professional psychologists. Moreover, I conduct the phone and face-to-face interviews with some selected professionals. The major objective of the interviews and survey is to evaluate the benefits of supervision in different professional settings. The selected professions are health sector, private business organizations, and social services.

The sample population is selected from different professions to evaluate the benefits of supervision across different industries. It is essential to note that different professions implement supervisions within the working environments. Individual, and group supervision are being applied across different organizations and based on the organizational culture, the method each profession uses to implement supervisory practice may be different. (Carroll 2007). Based on the feedback from the interviewees and survey respondents, I am able to evaluate the benefits of supervision across different professions.


Based on findings across different professional settings, supervision has been the integral training and ongoing development to enhance professionalism. In clinical setting, nursing supervision has influenced successful staff development, and the growth of competent practitioners. (Frankel 2008). Supervision practice provides trainee and other professionals the tools they need to do their job better. Supervision also provides reflective insights for improvement. Through supervision, practitioners are able to develop more skills in their jobs.

Moreover, supervision alerts practitioners on the ethical issues. Typically, practitioners will be ethical watchful in their professional practice. Supervision practice also updates workers on the innovation, and research in their chosen areas of work. Rando, (2005) points out during supervision, a supervisor provides a teaching mentor for supervisees. This is by providing high direction and high support for the supervisees. The high-level support enhances supervisee self-confidence and necessary direction towards achieving professional development. With thorough guidance from a supervisor, supervisees are able to reach a degree of expertise in their area of work.

Competency Model argues that effective supervision practice is a prerequisite to the development of interpersonal skills and competency. Competent development is essential within a working environment. Supervision enhances the development of competency. The term competency refers to the skills, knowledge, and abilities to perform a specific task. (Oakland County, 2010). Developmental Model also reveals that supportive supervisory role is a prerequisite for the advance development of a supervisee. Through, mentoring, instructing, consulting, and supporting, a supervisee is able to achieve high level of competency in his area of work. (Ward, 2008).

Despite the benefits of supervision in the organizational setting, the findings from survey and interviews have revealed that supervision in some professional settings may not achieve their target goals. For example, supervision in some academic organizations runs short of necessary resources for the implementation of academic development. (Nwokolo, et al. 2009). With advancement in the Information Technology (IT), many academic institutions are now running online methods of education. With these systems, the face-to-face method of supervision is lacking. The only method of supervision that the online education institutions implement is through avenue such as email, and phone calls. This method of supervision may not be effective enough to enhance academic development.

Moreover, some organizations are unable to practice effective supervision to enhance organizational development due to some difficulties. The findings of the interview and survey in the clinical setting reveal that the many clinical practitioners do not get effective guidance from their supervisors. For example, 48% of the respondents reveal that they do not get the right supervision to enhance their practicing skills.

Difficulties arising in Supervision

Janssen (2011) identifies several difficulties that could jeopardize quality supervision. First, there may be difficulties to implement quality supervision when a supervisor is too busy to be effective in their role. In my own case, my supervisor is too busy to perform an effective supervisory role. Most of the time, I always send her the sample of work, and the encouraging feedback from the clients. However, my supervisor hardly sends her own feedback on my work despite that I have been entrusted to perform a very good project.

"My job is to facilitate a circle of support around a young girl and her family. Identify her goals and with family and friends to help her achieve her goal." (Extract from my working experience). We are on this assignment for over six months and the assignment is still continuing. In this job, I have performed excellently; however, I heard nothing from my supervisor. The problem is that she is always too busy to perform her role. While I am performing a good role in my work place, I still need to the word of encouragement from my supervisor. As Janssen (2011) points out, supportiveness is very essential is the supervisory roles. This involves a supervisor encouraging, and mentoring the subordinate in a place of work. The motivation theory points out that motivation are the key to the performance improvement. A supervisor should be able to motivate employees, and understanding the needs of the employees and providing necessary advice that could enhance the performance of his subordinates. (ACCEL, 2011).

Poor feedback is another problem that may jeopardize the quality supervisory roles. When a supervisor only provides little feedback on the work of his subordinate, the action may not encourage the supervisee in his work. Moreover, poor communication could jeopardize quality supervision. In some place of work, there is a lack of effective communication. A supervisee may not have the opportunity to have face-to-face communication with the supervisor, and this may jeopardize the quality supervision. From my work experience, the communication between me and my supervisor is very limited. We hardly have face-to-face communication. Really, I need face-to-face communication with my supervisor because the avenue will give me the opportunity to ask questions based on my work since I believe that a reflective comment from my supervisor will improve my quality of work. Instead of giving constructive comment on my work, my supervisor always keep telling me that I am doing a good job based on the paper work presented to her, and she hardly sees the practical work I have done. Lack of proper attention from my… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Counseling "Supervision Leads to a Mental" Assignment:

Write an essay that explores and an*****s the following question about best practice in supervision:

[Supervision] leads to a mental and emotional education that can guide practical work, frees from fixed patterns of experience and behaviour and promotes the willingness as well as the ability to act suitably, carefully and courageously(Koster, 2003, pp. 1-2).

Essay should include:

-an exploration of the above quotation in relation to supervision in counselling

-an identificaion and evaluation of the benefits of supervision in light of how supervision is practiced (mine was through phone calls, e-mails, surveys and face to face contact)

-an identification of the possible difficulties that can arise in supervision (my work experience was good but face to face was limited so that could be an area for improvement and it was often hard to contact my supervisor and she very often did not return my calls so I had to continually chase her)

-suggestions for improvement in your work setting

-relevant and integrated theory throughout

-an analysis of how effectively supervision has been conducted in your work experience (I continually sent her examples of work I was conducting and had produced, my clients were very supportive and encouraging but I rarely heard from my supervisor. ****The project I was entrusted with went really well but she never attended any of the meetings) My job was to facilitate a circle of support around a young girl with down syndrome and her family. Identify her goals and with family and friends-help her acheive them. We did this over a 6 month period and it is continuing now with just my support after putting all the framework in place.I was happy with my efforts and the outcome but heard alsmost nothing from my supervisor as she was busy and just kept telling me I was doing a good job based only on my paper work and feed back from others-no direct involvement.

-an example from your work experience in which supervision has enabled you to effectively deal with a situation or an example of how supervision was inadequate and identify your unmet needs! (as above) *****

How to Reference "Counseling "Supervision Leads to a Mental" Essay in a Bibliography

Counseling "Supervision Leads to a Mental.”, 2011, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Counseling "Supervision Leads to a Mental (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Counseling "Supervision Leads to a Mental. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Counseling "Supervision Leads to a Mental” 2011.
”Counseling "Supervision Leads to a Mental”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Counseling "Supervision Leads to a Mental”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Counseling "Supervision Leads to a Mental [Internet]. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Counseling "Supervision Leads to a Mental. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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