SWOT on "SWOT Analysis Self-Assessment Project"

SWOT 14 pages (3857 words) Sources: 14

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corporate world recently has evolved to become a very competitive one. Organizations now believe the significance of their workforce and therefore strive to employ the best possible workforce in order to beat their business rivals. The 'best' workforce today does not only mean a good degree holder -- it means the person as a whole. The eligibility for being a leader, today, had gone much beyond scoring high Grade Point Averages. Similarly, employees today aspire not only to get jobs with good monetary benefits, but ones that offer prospects for progression and leadership. In order to get to such a position, it is important that one carries out a thorough personality evaluation for himself and assess his standing in comparison to other potential candidates.

Over a period of time psychologists have developed various human behavior theories that classify individual personalities according to various personality traits that they may possess. So far psychologists have standardized sixteen personality traits and any individual may possess a combination of them. One's capacity and capability to do something, and to set targets and achieve them is greatly dependant on the kind of personality one possesses. It is these traits that decide whether or not one has it what takes to be a leader.

The most popular and widely used personality indicator around the world is the Myers Briggs personality traits. Myers Briggs gave sixteen personality traits that a human being in general might possess (Hare & Hare, 1996). These 16 traits are formed out of a combination of eight basic personality types which include introvert / extrovert, sensing / intuition, thinking / feeling and judging / perc
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Through this paper I aim to evaluate my own personality profile. The paper aims at evaluating assessing my personality traits and evaluates the degree to which I am capable to lead others.

General SWOT Analysis

It is common for organization to use the SWOT analysis in order to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for their businesses in the long-term. In a similar manner, a SWOT analysis for self-assessment can be carried out to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of one's personality and to assess what opportunities one might have or what threats one might face in the long-term based on one's respective strengths and weaknesses. The general SWOT analysis for my personality is discussed under the following sections.


I am academically sound with a high Grade Point Average. I have maintained a consistent academic record from my primary years of studies up to the higher education.

I have work experience in diverse disciplines of business management including marketing, human resource management and finance. This has given me an understanding of how various functional departments of an organization work together to contribute to the organization's overall success.

I am a good listener who is tolerant towards how other people express their opinions. This helps me to work efficiently in team.

I am a well organized person who loves to multi-task and take challenges and responsibilities. This helps me to keep up with rigorous schedules.

I am a perfectionist who always strives for the best outcomes.


I do not mingle with new people easily and only get frank with close acquaintances.

I take too much stress about small things.

In some cases I get unnecessarily judgmental about others, though I reconsider my opinion once I realize that I am being judgmental.

I have a tendency to over expect the outcomes of an event at times.

I find it difficult to express my feelings and emotions on a personal level.


The fact that I am a good listener will help me to work in a team-based environment as a healthy team member.

My ability multi-tasking and keeping up with rigorous schedules will help me to meet deadlines without compromising on quality.

My diverse knowledge and experience of working in various functional departments will help me to take better decisions by taking in view the dynamics of various functional departments in an organization.


Too much thinking and stress may lead to depression and/or frustration and might impact work productivity.

Too much multi-tasking may trigger stress.

I am sensitive to criticism at times which can result in ignoring other's suggestions.

Impulsive decision making can at time lead to wrong decisions.

The habit for always looking for lot of information may result in availability of irrelevant decisions which can result in double mindedness.

Personality Profile

According to the Myers Briggs test, I fall in the INTJ type personality profile (Out of Service, 2009). As a person, I love taking control of the things and prefer not to be controlled or directed. I like to work autonomously and like people putting their trust in my work. I am a perfectionist and I believe in best quality outputs. For this reason I personally get involved with every team member when I am working as a team head (Levine, 1999).

I am an ambitious person and I prefer autonomy. I like working in an environment where I have to face little interference in my work. I am responsible but I do not like too much accountability. I am not very social and I find it very difficult to get along with new people and make good friends. Although I am very friendly as a person, I cannot get frank, open up, and express or communicate my inner feelings and innovations very easily. On the contrary, I am very tolerant towards how other people express their opinions, which makes me a good listener. I plan a lot, however, I do not have the tendency to make contingency plans for emergencies. Under such circumstances, I usually take spontaneous decisions. I am usually an impulsive decision maker who tends to ignore details. On the other hand, when I am not working I think a lot about various things in minute details,

I am a very creative and imaginative person. I can easily visualize things in real scenarios. I have a flare for art and literature. I am a good multi-tasker who never likes to be free. For this reason, I always tend to find work for myself. I am a self-motivated person who likes to be appreciated for his achievements. My tendency to think a lot at times results in me getting double minded about what decisions to follow and what to forgo. Making choices is sometimes very difficult for me.

On the emotional side, I am very emotional and sensitive person who tends to take things too seriously. I am sensitive to criticism but I am always open to suggestions from others which are put forward in an objective manner. I take the final decision what I think is best but I do consider the suggestions put forward by others during the decision making process. This sometimes results in stress and depression, and in turn affects my productivity. It becomes difficult for me to work when I am thinking too much and at times too much thinking makes my mind paranoid. It is not very easy for me to relax. I am a person of a curious nature who likes finding about mysterious and unknown things.

Leadership Potential Profile

I aspire to be a leader. However, my idea of leadership is a bit different. I do not want to rule anyone's life. Instead, as a leader I believe in ruling people's hearts. I would want people to look up to me not as their ruler, director, or a supervisor, but as their role model, who aims to bring a change in the society. In short, my idea of leadership is to bring a positive change in every life that I touch, instead of merely ruling a life.

I believe a leader should be charismatic, yet simple. When he empowers his followers or people under him, gives them a sense of importance, and takes them into confidence before taking any decisions, they automatically give him the right to decide for them. Moreover, in my leadership ideology, a clear sense of direction and ethical values is more important than the sense of autocracy. Apart from that a leader should also believe in "doing things first." People will willingly follow his directions when they will see their leader doing the same as he asks them to do. Followers or subordinates should never feel that they are just being bossed around.

Applying my leadership ideology on myself, I have always taken my own decisions. I have always believed in what I did, but at the same time, I always welcome suggestions from others, and I respect those suggestions. However, when it comes to the final decision it is solely my own. I always believe in what I do and in case my decisions backfire, I do not waste time in regretting or blaming others for my failures. Instead, I firmly believe in owning and learning from mistakes. When I am in family, I try my best to fulfil all my responsibilities both as a son,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "SWOT Analysis Self-Assessment Project" Assignment:

compose a 10-page minimum, to 15-page maximum paper, single-spaced, not inclusive of cover or references. The narrative should include a self-assessment profile analysis to one*****s potential in the leadership of others. Synthesis of how one*****s personality profile impacts the potential leadership of others is paramount. Do not include the actual self-assessment exercise but rather refer to assessment scoring in development of analytical content. Please note the project is not a typical research paper but rather a demonstration of critical thinking skills.

Students should experience the following learning standards upon completion of the self-assessment project:

Leadership��*****"Students assess one*****s capacity to lead in organizational situations.

Reflective Thinking and Self-Management��*****"Students develop reflective thinking through identifying personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as a first step in leading others.

Analytic Skills��*****"Students learn to set goals, adjust, and resolve problems and make decisions as they respond to internal and external stakeholders needs by applying knowledge in new and unfamiliar circumstances.

Communication Abilities��*****"Students learn to effectively listen, share ideas, negotiate, and facilitate the flow of information to improve performance.

Ethics��*****"Students are challenged to recognize the impact of global trends on an organization to value diversity, and to conduct business in an ethical manner.

In content development, specifically include the following as topical headings, listed in the following order, within the paper. For each topic articulate a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) assessment to leadership implications based on information gleaned from the text at a minimum and the relevant self-assessment tool used for that category. Note additional research beyond the text may be required. Also note several assessment tools may be available for each profile. Select at least one, unless otherwise indicated, and discuss thoroughly.

a) Leadership Potential Profile

b) Personality Profile ��*****" Big Five (also include Myers-Briggs profile)

c) Motive Profile

d) Moral/Personal Values Profile

e) Political Behavior Profile

f) Normative Leadership Style

g) Communication Style

How to Reference "SWOT Analysis Self-Assessment Project" SWOT in a Bibliography

SWOT Analysis Self-Assessment Project.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2011, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/corporate-world-recently-evolved/41013. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

SWOT Analysis Self-Assessment Project (2011). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/corporate-world-recently-evolved/41013
A1-TermPaper.com. (2011). SWOT Analysis Self-Assessment Project. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/corporate-world-recently-evolved/41013 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”SWOT Analysis Self-Assessment Project” 2011. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/corporate-world-recently-evolved/41013.
”SWOT Analysis Self-Assessment Project” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/corporate-world-recently-evolved/41013.
[1] ”SWOT Analysis Self-Assessment Project”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2011. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/corporate-world-recently-evolved/41013. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. SWOT Analysis Self-Assessment Project [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/corporate-world-recently-evolved/41013
1. SWOT Analysis Self-Assessment Project. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/corporate-world-recently-evolved/41013. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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