Term Paper on "Corporal Punishment"

Term Paper 25 pages (8923 words) Sources: 10 Style: APA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

corporal punishment as it is used in classroom management. It is a concern that has plagued educators for some time because there are many different beliefs about it and there are many different suggestions about how it should be undertaken, or whether it should be undertaken at all. In this thesis, the issue will be thoroughly discussed and analyzed in order to better understand why it is so important for the future of the student population in this country - and for the educators as well.

The first section, the Introduction, examines the statement of the problem and the background of the study. Without sufficient backgrounding, there will be difficulties in understanding why the study is so important and what the real concern is that is being addressed. The first chapter is designed to alleviate this kind of problem. The second section, the Review of Related Literature, is a comprehensive review of the literature. Rather than provide chronological information, which is done in some studies, the literature review will categorize the literature into related theoretical concepts that can be easily understood. The literature will progress logically from one issue to another until everything that must be said about the subject has been discussed. By doing so, the literature review will make more logical sense and be easier to understand.

The third section deals with the Methodology behind the study. There are some specific issues that must be looked at in this chapter, and they include the research design and approach - whether qualitative or quantitative - the population and sample that was used for this particular study, the way that the data was collected and tabulated, and t
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he procedures for the data analysis that will take place in section four. By providing this information in the methodology, readers can logically progress from the way that the data was collected and handled to what the data told the researcher.

Section four discusses the information that the data provided. It presents the findings and discusses them, as well as summarizing them so that readers see the picture of what the researcher was attempting to find out and how well that effort succeeded. The data analysis section indicates what was learned based on what was conducted in the methodology.

The last section, section five, also deals with summary, but of the entire thesis. It is used to put together all of the information that was collected and discussed beginning with section one so that the researcher creates a comprehensive picture of all that was done and all that was learned. It is an important chapter because of the summarization, but also because of the recommendations that are made for the future of research conducted in this area.


Statement of the Problem

Research Question

Significance of the Study

Review of Literature


Analysis of Data





Classroom Management: The Use of Corporal Punishment as Discipline


The introduction to a study is very important, and it often affects much of what is learned. Without a proper understanding of what has gone before and what will be examined, a study makes less sense and can be difficult to understand. However, the meat of the study itself is what is important, and it is not necessary to create a background that runs for many pages and uses up valuable space that could be used for the literature review, analysis, and other important issues.

The most important introductory issue to discuss is the fact that the problem of how to utilize, or even whether to utilize, corporal punishment has been ongoing for many years. There are no easy answers to this issue and it is not something that can be solved quickly. However, there have been ideas created and tried in the past for not only teachers, but also administrators, student teachers, and aides, as well as anyone else that is involved in education and needs to be aware of how various types of punishment can help students' self-discipline, self-esteem, and other issues.

Not all students respond well to specific types of punishment and there is somewhat of a trial and error basis when various techniques are tried. In the past, these ideas have sometimes gotten in the way of other forms of discipline that might have been more effective for some students, and determining which students should be dealt with in which way is still difficult. It is because of this kind of background that studies such as this one are necessary and important for the future of education and the children that will use it.

There have been many discussions in the past about the issue of positive reinforcement and many believe that it is the way to go as opposed to using corporal punishment or other 'negative reinforcement' methods. This was not always true, however, because many other ways of dealing with discipline problems in children have gone by the wayside. Most children are no longer spanked when they do something wrong, but there are still states where this takes place in schools and the debate continues as to whether this is the best choice. Instead of the strong disciplinary measures of the past, many children today are given 'time out,' and other measures that really do not create the same understanding in a child that stronger disciplinary measures used to provide when they were used.

Now that different ideas are largely being enforced as to how to treat children properly, the idea of positive reinforcement to encourage self-discipline is growing again in the face of a waning interest in corporal punishment and questions about both cruelty and effectiveness. Because of this, it becomes very important to examine the issue and whether corporal punishment is a good or a bad choice for educators today.

Statement of the Problem

When examining the reasons that corporal punishment seems to be such a topic of interest to so many in the education field today, there are many different concerns and many ways to look at the issue. However, it seems clear to most people that something different should be done. As it turns out, however, there are reasons why some individuals believe that stopping corporal punishment and utilizing other methods such as positive reinforcement is not really the answer. Despite this, there are many that believe positive reinforcement is the best way to deal with discipline issues in school children.

The belief of many is that educators are not doing enough for students and this is true of administration and other educators as well as teachers. These educators should serve the students and the public, and one of the ways to do this is to set guidelines for punishment and positive reinforcement as the first line of defense in dealing with discipline problems in children. Learning how to have discipline at a young age is very important for proper societal functioning later in life, and due to this it is something that is becoming more of a concern than it has been in the past.

Research Question

The research question for this particular study is: Does corporal punishment correct discipline problems in schools to such a degree that the practice should be continued? A secondary question that will be looked at within the confines of that one is whether or not positive reinforcement should be recommended as the right choice to 'replace' corporal punishment in schools that still use it.

Significance of the Study

All studies should have a purpose and a significance, and the significance of this one is to give examples and guidelines for all of those in education as to how best to use specific measures to ensure that students learn discipline at an earlier age. The study also seeks to discuss the subject itself in some depth, through the use of a literature review, so that what is needed in the present and future can more easily be determined. Without knowing what has been done by others, it is difficult to see what is necessary, and the literature review will help to showcase what other researchers have done in the field of education when it comes to specific forms of discipline.

A study such as this one is very important, because children are the future of this country, and they must learn how to grow into adults and take care of themselves appropriately. This includes dealing with concerns such as how they handle themselves when they are around others, especially if they are involved with someone or something that they do not particularly like or enjoy. Teachers and other educators also must learn how to respond to these children and find what works to ensure that all children are treated appropriately and kept safe throughout their school experience.

This is sometimes very difficult to do, because there are always dangers, but early intervention, and making sure that the kind of intervention used is the right one, goes a long way toward keeping children safe and making sure… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Corporal Punishment" Assignment:

The paper must be in APA style. I am to conduct action research on a specific project or problem in education. I have already e-mailed the professor and asked her if Classroom Management would be a good topic and she said, "YES." This research project should focus on a change issue, curricular or organizational issue, or issue facing a school. The topic should allow me to explore and incorporate current incidents, best practices, and polices regarding the issue.

THE ACTION RESEARCH PAPER should include the following informaiton:

1. Title page

2. Abstract

3. Table of Contents

4. Introduction

a. Statement of the problem

b. Research Question

c. Significance of Study

5. Review of Literature (summary of relevant literature on your topic-what other reserach says about your topic minimum of 10 work cited with no more than three from the internet and at least three must be from refereed professional journals).

6. Methods (the method you used to collect your data including issues such as reliability and validity.

7. Analysis of Data (detailed description of how you analyzed the data.

8. Results (detailed answers to your questions; this may include charts, graphs, and or tables; if lengthy and impedes flow of paper charts/graphs/tables should appear in the appendices-see #11)

9. Conclusion (what you as the reseracher conclude about your study; what the implications are for teachers/administrators and education field; how is this study related to the professional literature)

10. Bibliography (documentation of sources used in paper) carefully ready academic integirty seciton below.

11. Appendices (Any material which impedes the smooth development of your presentation, but which is important to justify the reulsts of a thesis. Generally it is material that is of too great of detail for inclusion in the main body of the thesis, but which should be available for perusal by the examiner to convince them sufficiently. Example include program listing, immense tables of data, lengthy mathematical proofs or derivation, etc.)

An Exemplary paper contains above requirements plus paper displays excellent writing and research skills with a topic and conclusions that have great significance to the field of education. Many students inquire about acceptable project length. For this reason, the following can servce as a guideline-remembering that each project is unique and will vary in length based on research and findings. As a general rule your paper target length should be at least 25 pages not indcluding appendices or bibliography. Your review of literature should be comprehensive historic, provide context and a target length for just the literature part should be ten pages.

I did a survey at my school and used the following questions.

1. Do you think teachers should be allowed to spank?

23 said yes 9 said no

2. Do you think our school needs to improve how we discipline studens.

30 said yes 2 said no

3. Do you wish you could manage the behavior of your students better?

28 said yes 4 said no

Out of the 32 teachers 8 said they never send a students to the principal and the other 24 said they did send a student to the principal for discipline.

Some other ways teachers control discipline in their classroom was with rewards, taking playtime, talking with parents or guardian.

I teach school in Kentucky so the paper should pertain to the laws of Kentucky schools.


How to Reference "Corporal Punishment" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Corporal Punishment.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/corporal-punishment/681323. Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Corporal Punishment (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/corporal-punishment/681323
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Corporal Punishment. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/corporal-punishment/681323 [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Corporal Punishment” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/corporal-punishment/681323.
”Corporal Punishment” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/corporal-punishment/681323.
[1] ”Corporal Punishment”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/corporal-punishment/681323. [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Corporal Punishment [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/corporal-punishment/681323
1. Corporal Punishment. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/corporal-punishment/681323. Published 2007. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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