Research Paper on "Coronary Heart Disease"

Research Paper 4 pages (1361 words) Sources: 3

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Coronary Heart Disease

Over the last several years, the issue of coronary heart disease (CAD) has been increasingly brought to the forefront. Part of the reason for this, is because of the increasing number of cases that are being reported in developed nations around the globe. Evidence of this can be found by looking at information that was compiled by the American Heart Association. Where, they found that 13 million people are suffering from the disease in the United States alone. Out of this number, there are a total of 1.4 million deaths from the condition. To put it another way, CAD is so prevalent among Americans that it trumps all of the other four leading causes of death to include: chronic lower respiratory diseases, cancer, diabetes and automobile accidents. (Rimmerman, 2000) This is significant, because it shows how the disease is becoming an epidemic throughout American society. To fully understand CAD and how it can be prevented requires conducting an examination of the underlying causes. This will be accomplished by, looking at the risk factors and the effects of various preventive measures in reducing the chances of suffering from a heart attack. Together, these different elements will provide the greatest insights, as to the underlying prevalence of the disease and how its impact can possibly be mitigated.

Risk Factors of Coronary Artery Disease

To fully understand the different risk factors for CAD requires defining the condition and how it can help contribute to a heart attack. Simply put, coronary artery disease is when the arteries and blood vessels will become slowly clogged over the course of time. If left unchecked, the condition
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can worsen to the point that it will result in the person suffering from a heart attack. As the arteries and blood vessels will become clogged, increasing the chances of fatal heart attack taking place. (Rimmerman, 2000) Over the years, a variety research studies have identified a number of different factors that are helping contribute to the disease to include: age / sex, family history, high blood pressure / high cholesterol, obesity / physical inactivity and stress. ("Coronary Artery Disease," 2010)

When you examine the first factor, age / sex, it is clear that when an individual becomes older the chances increase that they will develop CAD at some point in time. At the same time, men are reporting higher amounts of cases, while the number of women suffering from the disease could see an increase during or after menopause. This is important, because it is highlighting how these two general factors could affect large segments of the population. ("Coronary Artery Disease," 2010)

The second risk factor, family history, is highlighting how there is a direct link between your genetic history and the possibility of being affected by the condition. In general, those who have the highest risk factors include: someone in your immediate family that could be suffering from the condition before the age of 65 years old. This means that if you mother, father, brothers or sisters suffered from CAD before this age. There is a good chance, that you have the possibility of developing the condition. This is important, because it is highlighting the how various genetic factors that can play a major role in determining if you will be susceptible to the disease. ("Coronary Artery Disease," 2010)

The third risk factor, high blood pressure / high cholesterol highlights how these two elements can work hand in helping to clog the arteries. What happens is, when the blood pressure levels of the individual are left unchecked, this could cause a hardening of the arteries. Over the course to time, this will help to increase the effects of CAD, as this increases the process of blocking them. At the same time, high cholesterol levels will improve the chances of plaques and atherosclerosis developing. When you put these different elements together, this means that they both can work to harden and increase the overall rate of blockage that is occurring. At which point, the chances increase dramatically that the effects of the condition could become worse.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Coronary Heart Disease" Assignment:

Research paper topic is titled: Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease and the effects of prevention in reducing CAD

How to Reference "Coronary Heart Disease" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Coronary Heart Disease.”, 2010, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Coronary Heart Disease (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Coronary Heart Disease. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Coronary Heart Disease” 2010.
”Coronary Heart Disease”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Coronary Heart Disease”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Coronary Heart Disease [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Coronary Heart Disease. Published 2010. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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