Essay on "Cooper Green Hospital"

Essay 6 pages (2702 words) Sources: 4

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Therefore, the hospital should ensure that the quality of services is improved and they should avoid employing non-physicians to do the work of physicians Lara et al., 2006()

Due to the poor working conditions at the hospital for the health care providers, Cooper Green hospital's human resource management should work towards improving the welfare of their workers so as to motivate them to give the patient quality care.

The management of the hospital should have realistic goals which should be attainable and self-sustainable. Through the introduction of the community care plan, the hospital should ensure that all the mechanisms put in place to enable this program to become a success are used and followed to the latter.

Since all the patients seeking medical services from the hospital are strictly from Jefferson County, the hospital should think of expanding their boundary to other neighboring counties so as to attract other clients who can finance their medical bills or have private medical insurance Swayne et al., 2006()

Strengths and weaknesses of Cooper Green Hospital

Cooper Green Hospital has some strength which contributes to its internal growth and service delivery. These include; it being Government owned, JCDH Alliance and Clinic locations del Rey Calero, 2009.

Cooper Green hospital still has the opportunity to continue offering its services no-matter how financially strained it is because, it is government owned and part of its resources comes from the government. Therefore, with the government sustenance, they can offer the various services they have at a very minimal fee or n
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o fee at all.

With the introduction of community care clinics at different locations, this has enabled the hospital to be able to reach its clients at whatever level hence maintaining health of the population. The clinics are able to provide services at a minimal monthly subscription hence, providing revenue for the hospital to sustain the clinics.

Cooper Green hospital has alliance with the Jefferson County Department of Health, who has helped them to run the hospital by providing them with resources and technical assistance wherever possible. The alliance has also helped to keep the hospital in check with what is required of them Swayne et al., 2006()

While some of its weaknesses include; patient characteristics, enrollment, emergency room, market share, and community care plan administration Brubaker, Picano, Breen, Marti-Bonmati, & Semelka, 2011


. Cooper Green hospital serves a highly diversified population who are uninsured and they lack the money to seek for health services. Therefore, the hospital's inability to collect revenue is a major setback to their development and service delivery.

The hospital's enrollment is also a major weakness since it receives a large number of enrollments as compared to their capacity to handle such huge number of patient. This is also a contributing factor towards the quality of services they are providing. The hospital also lacks a modern and equipped emergency room which would assist them to attract more patients seeking emergency treatment. Their emergency rooms are not equipped and in proper functioning environment to allow for emergency cases no-matter how close the patient is to the facility Brubaker et al., 2011


The hospital serves majorly patient s who lack the resources to seek paid physicians care, therefore, the Cooper Green hospital's market share consist of those patients who lack the insurance, hence, the hospital lacks funds to implement some of its project and sustain itself.

The community care plan administration forms part of the Hospital's weaknesses, this is because, since the conception of this program, still some of the clinics are struggling to pick up. This shows that there is a major problem with the administration which must be looked into. One of the problems is that most of the community members are not aware of how the clinics are run, how they can benefit and what they do, therefore, this has resulted to low utilization of the clinics Swayne et al., 2006()

Strengths and weaknesses of the Community Care Plan

Some of the strengths of the community care plan include; Monthly premiums, affordability, ever increasing population, clinics distribution and inter-sectoral collaboration. The monthly premium given by the community members for their routine checks is meant to sustain the clinic and some of the money can be kept aside for future development.

The community care plan's affordable nature, and its monthly premiums gives the program an opportunity of expanding its clients base, because, the amount agreed upon can be afforded by their clients del Rey Calero, 2009.

With the ever increasing population, proper management of the Community care plan will see to it that they attain their vision of providing health care to the whole of Jefferson County Swayne et al., 2006()

The clinic distribution under the community care plan provided ways in which healthcare services can be taken to the communities at an affordable cost. The community care plan is able to partner with different stakeholders who are interested in improving healthcare at community level. This assists them to provide better services for the society.

While some of the weaknesses include, limited team working, lack of quality assurance framework, few specialized care, poor developed infrastructure and limited opportunities for user participation and planning del Rey Calero, 2009.

The community care plan experiences limited team working especially within themselves and other healthcare providers at the big hospitals Brubaker et al., 2011


. This has led to them working isolated hence limiting their expansion and service delivery.

Lack of assurance framework on the patient's side that, the community care clinics are to offer the same or even better services led to low utilization of those clinics. The few specialized care which can be offered at the clinics lead to very few people seeking their services, because, majority of the community members would want proper treatment, therefore, preferring to visit the main hospital.

The poorly developed infrastructure for the community care plan is not sufficient for the whole community since it cannot handle a big number of patients. The limited opportunities for user participation and planning due to funding have led to slow growth and appreciation of the community care plan, hence its collapse del Rey Calero, 2009()


Brubaker, L.M., Picano, E., Breen, D.J., Marti-Bonmati, L., & Semelka, R.C. (2011). Health care systems of developed non-U.S. nations: strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations for the United States -- observations from internationally recognized imaging specialists. AJR. American Journal Of Roentgenology, 196(1), W30-W36.

del Rey Calero, J. (2009). [Health management and primary care. Strength and weaknesses of the system]. Anales De La Real Academia Nacional De Medicina, 126(1), 35-49.

Diwan, S., Shugarman, L.R., & Fries, B.E. (2004). Problem Identification and Care Plan Responses in a Home and Community-Based Services Program. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 23(3), 193-211. doi: 10.1177/0733464804267970

Lara, M., Cabana, M.D., Houle, C.R., Krieger, J.W., Lachance, L.L., Meurer, J.R., . . . Vega, I. (2006). Improving Quality of Care and Promoting Health Care System Change: The Role of Community-Based Coalitions. Health Promotion Practice, 7(2 suppl), 87S-95S. doi: 10.1177/1524839906287064

Montesano, M.T. (1995). Managing Medicaid: community… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Cooper Green Hospital" Assignment:

Assignment 1: Cooper Green Hospital and the Community Care Plan

Read the “Cooper Green Hospital and the Community Care Plan” case. Write a 4-6 page paper in which you: 1. Discuss six (6) unique problems associated with delivering health care to an indigent population. 2. Discuss the five (5) ways that the Community Care Plan will improve the health status of the community. 3. Discuss the five (5) factors that point to the need for change by Cooper Green Hospital. 4. Discuss five (5) strengths and five (5) weaknesses of Cooper Green Hospital. 5. Discuss five (5) strengths and five (5) weaknesses of the Community Care Plan.

Your assignment must: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in the strategic management of health care organizations. Write clearly and concisely about management of health care organizations using proper writing mechanics.

How to Reference "Cooper Green Hospital" Essay in a Bibliography

Cooper Green Hospital.”, 2012, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Cooper Green Hospital (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Cooper Green Hospital. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Cooper Green Hospital” 2012.
”Cooper Green Hospital”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Cooper Green Hospital”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Cooper Green Hospital [Internet]. 2012 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Cooper Green Hospital. Published 2012. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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