Multiple Chapters on "Thai Consumer Behavior Toward Online Games"

Multiple Chapters 19 pages (6548 words) Sources: 50

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Consumer Perceptions

Toward Personal Behavior Related To Playing Online Games

Conflicting concepts and concerns accompany the current billion dollars online game playing "business." Some consider the practice of playing games online harmful, while others argue it can ultimately work for the good of the player. During the mixed-method study, the researcher analyzes literature and results of the researcher's survey to determine how Thai game players personally perceive their personal behavior related to playing online games. The study also relates a number of online players' personal perceptions, motivations, and behaviors. During the survey of participants, the researcher investigates:

Thai online game players' personal perceptions of online games;

significant reasons that motivate the participants to play online games;

factors that motivate participants to choose an online game;

participants' opinions of digital society

Affects of playing online games in real world.

The study leads to a better understanding of the conflicting concepts and concerns continually confronting the virtual and real worlds that online game players not only play in, but "live" in; worlds in which some online game players may at times - live to play.




Conflicting Concepts and Concerns

Background of Study


Area of Study


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Rationale and Significance of Study


Study components


Research Questions and Hypotheses


Study Aims and Objectives







Aim to Win


Concerns/Issues Regarding Playing Online Games


Factors Motivating Playing Online Games


Online Games Players' Typical Behaviors










Figure 1: Thailand


Figure 2: Thailand's Location in Asia



Table 1: Types of Evidence


Table 2: Participant Traits/Motivations




"Increasing exposure of children and adolescents to electronic media is a worldwide phenomenon, including in Thailand"

(Jaruratanasirikul, Wongwaitaweewong, and Sangsupawanich 2009, Abstract).

Conflicting Concepts and Concerns

Despite conflicting concepts regarding online games and ensuring behaviors, the online game industry generates billions of dollars per year. In 2006, China became so concerned about the behaviour of individuals who played online games becoming addicted that it limited access to massive multiplayer online games for game playing participants under age 18. In the article, "Online game playing can be helpful, hurtful," Sherry Boschert (2007) reports that to counter addiction to online game playing, some software "places penalties on game characters if a youth spends more than 3 hours per day playing and severely limits the online character after more than 5 hours of play"(¶ 8). Jiming Wu and De Liu (2007) stress that the growth and increased popularity of online games confirm that need to better understand the behavior of online game players in their study, "The effects of trust and enjoyment on intention to play online games."

A better understanding of online game players will enhance the reader's ability to communicate professionally and/or personally with individuals who regularly play online games. Professionals practicing in mental health may especially benefit from the study. In light of contemporary conflicting concepts and concerns relating as well as the need to better comprehend the behavior of those who play online games, the researcher investigates Thai consumer perceptions toward personal behavior related to playing online games. During the dissertation, a mixed-method case study, focusing on the attitudes, behaviors and perceptions of consumers in Thailand who regularly play online games, the researcher seeks to confirm the validity of several hypotheses relating to the online game player's personal perceptions, motivations, and behaviors.

Background of Study

As the quote introducing the study recounts throughout the world, children and adolescents are increasing exposed to electronic media. Online games, the research reveals, currently constitutes a worldwide phenomenon, even in Thailand, that creates a barrage of conflicting concepts and concerns. In "Electronic game play and school performance of adolescents in Southern Thailand," Somchit Jaruratanasirikul and Kanjarut Wongwaitaweewong, both with the Department of Pediatrics, Prince of Songkla University, Hat-Yai, Songkla, Thailand, and Pasuree Sangsupawanich, Epidemiology Unit, Prince of Songkla University, Hat-Yai, Songkla, Thailand, (2009) report that they conducted a cross-sectional study among 1,492 participating adolescents attending four secondary schools and one commercial college from January through March 2007.

To collect information about their study participants' demographic data, electronic game play behaviors, and school grades, Jaruratanasirikul, Wongwaitaweewong, and Sangsupawanich (2009), conducted surveys using questionnaires. Their investigation found that "the prevalence of electronic game play was 75% in boys and 59% in girls. Twenty-two percent of boys and 8.7% of girls played electronic games every day with more than 2 hours per session" (Jaruratanasirikul, Wongwaitaweewong, and Sangsupawanich, Abstract). Game shops served as the most common place for online players; with the player's home following. The use of linear regression analysis, an analysis to predict a continuous dependent variable from a number of independent variables, found that the grades of those players who excessively engaged in electronic games ranged below 3.00.

Area of Study

Figure 1 and Figure 2 depict Thailand and its location in the world.

Figure 1: Thailand (Thailand 2010).

Figure 2: Thailand's Location in Asia (Thailand 2010).

Thailand, primarily a Buddhist country, also known as the Kingdom of Thailand, has a population of 65,444,371. Languages spoken in Thailand include Thai, English, and local dialects. Although Thailand experiences concerns related to armed violence in its three Muslim-majority southernmost provinces, it works with Malaysia to attempt to control the potentially volatile situation and the rise of terrorism. An incredibly, naturally beautiful country; Thailand maintains a number of ruins and relics of its ancient history. With a myriad of attractions, which include Phuket Island and miles of scenic beaches, Thailand has become one of the most popular exotic tourist destinations in Asia. (Thailand 2010).

Rationale and Significance of Study

An increasing number of Internet cafes specializing in online gaming began operating in Thailand during recent years and have reportedly contributed to concerns relating to behaviors of players; particularly addictive behaviors. The BBC News report, "Thailand restricts online gamers" (2003) reports that during 2003 because of concerns relating to rising addiction rates among young people who played games online, Thailand imposed a night curfew on online gaming. The curfew ordered the blocking of game servers between 2200 and 0600 each day at that time.

Boschert (2007) examines the concern of whether game online contributes to problems for a client who seeks mental health services. She recounts that Greg Brack, Ph.D., "said in a poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Massive multiplayer online games 'can be either a facilitator of healthy social interest or a terrible threat to clients' well-being'" (Brack quoted in Borschet, ¶ 1). Boschert points out that when a game player seeks mental health help, the therapist can implement the use the games to help the client to discover his private logic both within and outside the game/s. As the therapist addresses the goals that drive game player's behavior, the therapist can also use the game behavior as context, and help the client explore himself and how he perceives himself to interact with others.

The current study proves relevant as well as significant, the researcher asserts, as it address a contemporary issue that affects not only consumers in Thailand, but throughout the world. The information the study relates will prove helpful not only to those who work with and communicate with online game players in professional and personal environments, but also provide credible, useful information to readers who may also be game players.

Study Components

The organization of the dissertations includes the following sections:

1. Introduction

2. Review of Literature

3. Methodology

4. Analysis

5. Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations

Research Questions and Hypotheses

The primary research question for the dissertation queries: How do Thai game players personally perceive their personal behavior related to playing online games? The researcher also addresses the following three sub-questions?

1. What concerns/issues currently relate to perceptions regarding playing online games?

2. What factors may motivate an individual to play online games?

3. What behaviors typically relate to the playing of online games?

During the study, the researcher seeks to determine the validity of the following three hypotheses.

1. Individuals who regularly play online games perceive the activity as a source of enjoyment and/or a "escape" from reality.

2. The primary motivation for individual to play online games includes the desire to compete and/or socialize with other individuals.

3. Behaviors that may relate to the playing of online games include isolation from and/or neglect of everyday real world experiences and responsibilities.

To determine the validity of the three hypotheses, in addition to conducting an expansive literature review to obtain contemporary credible information, the researcher created and implemented an online survey of (*** number) online gamers; mostly university students and first jobbers (Appendix A).

Study Aim and Objectives

Study Aim

During the study, the researcher's primary aim constitutes analyzing literature and results of the researcher's survey to determine how Thai game players personally perceive their personal behavior related to playing online games; examining online game… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Thai Consumer Behavior Toward Online Games" Assignment:

I am doing a Dissertation on *****'Thai Consumer Behaviour toward Online Games*****'

I have place an order on Introduction, Hypothesis, Literature Revew chapters

This are my research objectives (can be edit/change)

1. What is your perception toward online games?

2. What are the important reasons that motivate you to play online game?

3. What is/are factors for choosing an online game?

4. What is your opinion on digital society?

5. What is/are effected in real world when playing online games

The main purpose is to find out the perception, influence factors, and behaviours of online gamers

I would like the ***** to focus on specific dissertation chapters:

1. Background and Introduction

2. Hypothesis Chapter

3. Literature Review (approx 3500 words)

Please include research objectives in one of the following chapter

Note: That I am currently doing an online surveying Thai online gamers mostly university and first jobber

I will attached it once order have been approve for guidelines and smoothiness of this research. Once I have finished only survey I will be sending another order for an***** and left over chapters.



How to Reference "Thai Consumer Behavior Toward Online Games" Multiple Chapters in a Bibliography

Thai Consumer Behavior Toward Online Games.”, 2010, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Thai Consumer Behavior Toward Online Games (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Thai Consumer Behavior Toward Online Games. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Thai Consumer Behavior Toward Online Games” 2010.
”Thai Consumer Behavior Toward Online Games”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Thai Consumer Behavior Toward Online Games”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Thai Consumer Behavior Toward Online Games [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Thai Consumer Behavior Toward Online Games. Published 2010. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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