Case Study on "Consensual Relationship Agreement"

Case Study 6 pages (1816 words) Sources: 3

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Consensual Relationship Agreement Case Study

This study seeks to conceptualize the idea of Consensual Relationship Agreements at the place of work. For this reason, this case study will give an analysis on the aforementioned as it focuses on non-ethical ramifications. Consensual Relationship Agreements are used to define love and romance of people working in the same place. People have come up with differing views in relation to Consensual Relationship Agreements. Some people argue that all employees must sign this agreement. It should be effective to the organization and the performance of employees. Alternatively, others are of the view that romance and love relationships between workmates should be handled as their personal matter and should not be an issue to be observed by the organization (Cropper, 2007).

In order to achieve and reach at the destination of the identified goals, this case study focuses on aspects like the importance of Consensual Relationship Agreements. The study also creates counter-arguments opposing Consensual Relationship Agreements in the future and current organizations and offers some ethical principles associated with Consensual Relationship Agreements. Additionally, the study also provides options that can be used to address romance and love at a place of work. Information used in this research based on secondary sources of data (Copley News Service, 2000).

Arguments supporting Consensual Relationship Agreements

Embracing Consensual Relationship Agreements at the place of work to be approved by employers is necessary and vital. Analyzing office romance is mostly done in places where employees involv
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ed in an office romance work together for more than forty hours per week. Research points out that almost 11% of employees have been in a relationship with their managers (Business Wire, 2000). A survey conducted in 1995 reveals that an estimated 40% of employees have been involved in a love and romantic relationship with co-workers at their place of work (Business Wire, 2000). In addition, over 70% of the working organizations do not have clear concerns and policies regarding love, affection, and romance relationships among employees (Business Wire, 2000).

The survey shows that over 50% of employees admitted that they did not know about rules and policies within their employer regarding romance and love relationships at their places of work (Cropper, 2007). In my opinion, employees must behave in a professional manner while working as professionals. If employees have romantic relationships with their workmates, they will forget that they are required to behave in a professional manner. Consensual Relationship Agreements are used to define the agreement among the management and the employees that states love and romance relationships are prohibited among employees. The agreement prohibits any form of relationship among employees because such relationships are likely to be harmful and result in negative working environment within the company, which might affect the performance of the organization (Copley News Service, 2000).

When formulating an agreement, employees should attach policies regarding sexual harassment to prove that the employees knew the policies of the organization concerning sexual harassment. These policies will also be helpful to employees in being reluctant from being involved in a conduct that is not appropriate with other employees. It is necessary to place such policies and agreements in the organization's and employees' files so that they can access as they wish (Business Wire, 2000).

In conclusion, every organization and business should embrace policies regarding love, romance and sexual harassment issues within employees as such relationships comes in different forms from visual to verbal harassment. The policies also help employees understand the meaning of sexual harassment and other aspects related to it (Copley News Service, 2000). If Consensual Relationship Agreements were implemented in the correct manner, it would not be easy for employees to claim that the relationship was welcomed. Additionally, the Consensual Relationship Agreements will help in creating the question why employees engage in unethical behaviors and this will stop the harassment because the person will be reported. By employing the Consensual Relationship Agreements, I believe that organizations have reduced lawsuits regarding discrimination and sexual harassment (Alderman, 2005).

Counter Arguments on Consensual Relationship Agreements

At some point in the employees' working life, they have been involved in a dating relationship or even in marriage with a co-worker. A survey conducted in 1995 shows that 80% of employees have been associated with love and romance relationship with their co-workers at the work place (Cropper, 2007). Dating employees are a severe headache: love and romance relationship at the place of work is a common phenomenon as earlier stated. Different people have their own reason of engaging in workplace relationship. However, the greatest worry arising from such relationships is that employers may file lawsuits against employees who are found to be involved in sexual harassment. Such cases may be filed by leader such as the supervisors who have a tendency of forcing their subordinates to go for dates with them. Employees who consider filing law suits after agreeing to date a co-worker is likely to go sour with the perception that the supervisor was playing favorites (Alderman, 2005).

Alternatively, law regarding sexual harassment does not allow unwelcomed sexual advances by co-workers or partners. Thus, those employees who are engaged in consensual romantic relationships will have challenges in proving sexual harassment. Similarly, they may also experience problems in proving that they relationship was consensual. In this perspective, the major difficulty that may face the employers would be when the employee argues that they were both willing to be involved in the relationship thus it was consensual. In case a consensual relationship goes sour, it may lead to unwelcomed advances, predatory conducts and lawsuits (Business Wire, 2000).

Ethical Principles of Consensual Relationship Agreements

Previous research studies reveal that the principles used in justifying the use of Consensual Relationship Agreements includes organizational interest principle. This organizational principle is used to define the basis on which workers must perform what will benefit the organization. In this regard, an employee may be able to foresee a forthcoming issue and have the chance of improving and imposing the policy to prevent the matter from having negative impacts on the organization. Therefore, this would be the best solution that should be embraced by organizations. This will also make it possible for the mangers and employers to save many resources such as money and time as well as avoid problems in future (Alderman, 2005).

In situations where the consensual relationship is between a supervisor and a subordinate, the subordinates may be the one receiving preferential statements. Employee may claim some existence of sexual harassment in a company. This may arise from their refusal to engage in romantic relationship with their bosses. They may not be given extreme benefits as promised. In this regard, some courts may reject such types of arguments because consensual relationships have similar disadvantages for both females and males workers. An exception exists but to those people who have been coerced into a romantic and love relationship by being given preferential treatment (Cropper, 2007).

Options of Addressing the Workplace Romance

Years back, a common phrase gained popularity "do not get honey where you get your money." In this context, it is wise to avoid office love and romance relationships. Survey indicate that previous love and romance relationships have resulted in a trail of shattered working, resentment and hurt feelings at the workplace. Other people believe that they can only find their soul mate at their place of work. Some approaches to avoid and address love and romance relationship at the workplace may depend on the nature of the working conditions, the business environment and working level of employees (Copley News Service, 2000).

The summary below highlights some of the most accepted suggestions

Avoiding from assuming regarding the Invisibility Cloak: common observation has been made regarding the involvement of employees in workplace romance and love relationships. Some employees believe that they are not being noticed: this is a wrong assumption (Business Wire, 2000).

Resisting the urge to talk. Research has revealed that employees involved in romance and love relationship cannot control their wishes and desires. Employees must be forced to avoid bubbling about their love life. This will help in deterring office grapevine, which might be a cause of boredom to other employees (Copley News Service, 2000).


Organizations can generate a series of guidelines to provide recommendations to employers and employees to avoid negative effects of romance and love relationships among employees at the place of work. The following section provides some recommendations for those employees who have decided to engage in love and romance relationship at the place of work (Copley News Service, 2000). This is addition to coordinating with the laws and policies established by the employer so as to reduce the risks associated with damage and personal liability for the career of employees. Employees who are involved in love and romance should adhere to professional behavior while at work. In case they engage in love and affection with co-workers, they should avoid showing and displaying their love and affection in public (Alderman, 2005).

Employees should not be involved… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Consensual Relationship Agreement" Assignment:

1. Argue for the use of Consensual Relationship Agreement (CRAs) in your current workplace( work in a leadership position in a university).

2. Create a counter argument against the use of CRAs in your workplace

3. Discuss the ethical principles involved in the use of CRAs

4. Create at least one (1) other option besides CRAs that would address workplace romances.

5. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as a academic resource.

Assignment formatt:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA .

Include cover page

How to Reference "Consensual Relationship Agreement" Case Study in a Bibliography

Consensual Relationship Agreement.”, 2013, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Consensual Relationship Agreement (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Consensual Relationship Agreement. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Consensual Relationship Agreement” 2013.
”Consensual Relationship Agreement”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Consensual Relationship Agreement”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Consensual Relationship Agreement [Internet]. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Consensual Relationship Agreement. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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