Literature Review on "English Language Acquisition Among Latino Immigrants"

Literature Review 12 pages (4201 words) Sources: 35

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Connected Immigrant Communities

Chaney (2010) reports that there has been a large influx of Hispanic immigrants to Nashville, Tennessee over the last two decades. This large number of immigrants to the area has led to the establishment of an ethnic enclave in the community. The proliferation of Hispanic organizations, churches, and other community elements is the evidence for enclave development. This development of the enclave has enabled Hispanic immigrants to operate and live entirely within the Hispanic dominated environment, which include the primary use of Spanish as the main language of communication. Chaney notes that the enclave environment reduces the involvement of Hispanics into the larger English-speaking American culture environment, which in turn slows down the acquisition of the English language among Hispanic immigrants (Chaney).

Bleakley and Chin (2010) examined the effects of age of arrival of Hispanic immigrants to the United States on the person's social assimilation and English language acquisition. They note that for the Hispanic population in Chicago, the tendency is for the immigrants to move into the Hispanic enclave of the Chicago area, thereby immersing themselves not in the general English speaking population, rather they are living in an enclave in which the Spanish language is the dominant language. For those under the age of 15 at age of arrival into the U.S., the trend was higher for acquiring English language skills. However, for that subgroup, associations between English language acquisition, higher divorce rates, change of residency, and decreased fertility were noted. Overall, living in the Hispanic enclave tended to lower trends of Engli
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sh language acquisition among all immigrants, with focus on the 15 and above age group showing the least English language acquisition (Bleakley and Chin, Age at Arrival, English Proficiency, and Social Assimilation Among U.S. Immigrants).

Schrauf (2009) examined English language use by bilingual immigrants in who lived in ethnic neighbourhoods using the Spanish language. The study sample included 60 older Puerto Rican immigrants, dividing the sample among three language proficiency groups (fluent, low intermediate, and high intermediate). Participants were asked to assess their own English language proficiency and the use of English in their social milieu. The results indicated that the ethnic neighbourhood protected the native language use among older immigrants, though English language use was increasingly being used in their lives. Children were noted as significant forces of social change in bringing English language use into the ethnic language household. People identified in lower economic and social strata were associated with lower rates of English proficiency. Schrauf notes that the level of fluency of English language speaking is connected to intracultural variation factors (Schrauf).

Burr and Mutchler (2003) studied the effects of English language acquisition and use by older Mexican immigrants on household dynamics. The investigators wanted to find out if English language use had any effect upon the ability of the older Mexican immigrant to live independently. The sample data was drawn from the 1990 U.S. Census data, including residence statistics, ethnic identification, and language use. The results demonstrate that ethnic enclaves (those areas with high proportions of Hispanic immigrants) supported the ability of the older Mexican immigrant to live independently, likely due to ability to immerse within the native language culture. Additionally, the association between English language use and living arrangements was less significant for the older Mexican immigrant when living within an ethnic enclave (Burr and Mutchler).

Shihadeh and Barranco (2010) report on the association between violent crimes against Latino's and the factors of ethnic isolation. Lack of English language acquisition among Latino immigrants in traditional communities generally was not associated with any notable increases in violent crimes against Latino's, as these ethnic neighbourhoods are considered safe and culturally homogenous. However, there was a significant increase in violent crimes against Latino's once they moved out of their traditional ethnic neighbourhood enclaves, particularly among those who did not have English Language proficiency (Shehadeh and Barranco). Ethnic neighbourhoods protect the non-English speaking Hispanic immigrant, but the lack of English language acquisition results in poor and oftentimes disastrous consequences when the immigrant moves out of the ethnic enclave. In this respect, the characteristic of the enclave to protect the Hispanic immigrant may ultimately be to their detriment in the larger population.

Haurin and Rosenthal (2009) examined the relationship between ethnic enclaves, language, and Hispanic home ownership. They found that there a decreased rate of homeownership among Hispanics living in ethnic communities in the United States. The investigators note that homeownership among Hispanics tended to increase when there was proximity to a family social network of other homeowners. Additionally, the effect of lack of language acquisition tended to be associated with low rates of home ownership. However, even among non-English proficient Hispanics, the proximity issue tended to even out the results. The implication is that lack of English language acquisition among Hispanic immigrants is associated with low rates of home ownership, yet proximity to other Hispanic homeowners can mitigate that effect, with local programs aimed at home ownership being recommended (Haurin and Rosenthal).

Hwang, Xi, and Cao (2010) studied the relationship between income earnings of Hispanic immigrants to English language use. They hypothesized that earnings would be related to variations in English language use, depending upon the type of language environment. The results of the study demonstrated that there were a correlation between earnings and language use; earnings decreased in communities where there were ethnic enclaves. Ethnic enclaves tended to protect the native cultural characteristics including language, yet did not increase income earnings (Hwang, Xi and Cao).

Factors in English Language Acquisition (I just used this as a general heading to capture any other "tie" elements along with anything else)

Bleakely and Chin (2008) studied the outcomes for second-generation Hispanic immigrants relative to the age of their parents' arrival in the United States. English language proficiency by parents was associated with positive outcomes for preschool attendance and children's learning of the English language, and low English proficiency was associated with negative outcomes, including increased school dropout rates and scoring below grade level (Bleakley and Chin, What Holds Back the Second Generation? The Intergenerational Transmission of Language Human Capital Among Immigrants). The effect of English language acquisition among Hispanic children shows that overall low academic scores are noted for those struggling to learn English, and can inappropriately identify some ELL children as learning disabled due to native language use as the primary mode of communication at home (Blatchley and Lau).

Hakimzadeh and Cohn (2007) show that second generation Hispanic immigrants (those born in the United States) report English language proficiency; though parents of the second generation group report limited English proficiency. As English fluency increases across generations, the trend to use English as the primary language also increases. Puerto Rican and South American Hispanic groups report the highest rates of English proficiency, and Mexican immigrants report the lowest rates of English language acquisition. English language use in the home happens more slowly than it does in social settings. In the study, only 7% of foreign born Hispanics report using English at home (Hakimzadeh and Cohn).

English language learning by immigrant children in the U.S. education system may contribute to increased usage of English at home. Proctor et al. (2010) report that English language instruction for Latino's in the school setting tends to be associated the usage of English in the home setting. English language use in the school setting is necessary for academic success, and so of greater importance for the native Spanish-speaking child than for an older immigrant who is not in school. The study indicated that while English language acquisition among immigrant children increased with English language instruction in school, there was a loss of cultural heritage that the investigators found to be paradoxical to the desirability of people in America to be bilingual, especially in the employment field where knowing two or more languages can mean increased earnings (Proctor, August and Carlo). This may be due to a desire among immigrant children to immerse in the culture, and be related to increased use of the English language at home.

Akresh (2007) reports that the longer a person has been in the United States, the more likely they are to use the English language in all settings. English use at home tends to rise less dramatically among first generation immigrants than it does in the social setting (Akresh). Livert and Otheguy (2010) report that there is an increase in English language use by second generation immigrants as reflected in their use of personal pronoun transference into their native Spanish language, which is normally neutral. Age of arrival and duration of time in the United States were factors associated with development of English language use, though country of origin was the strongest predictor of pronoun use and eventual development of English language use at home (Livert and Otheguy).

Learning another language is difficult. Having to learn the language depends on the need to do so, which relates to whether it is a social or economic imperative. Also, one will tend to… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "English Language Acquisition Among Latino Immigrants" Assignment:

I am interested in seeing how someone else might approach the literature review that I am working on. Below is informaiton related to how I am approaching this literature review and paper. I will also share with you other parts of the paper that may provide helpful context and let you see what I am working on. I also have one or two resources already that may be helpful and will also submit those.



*****The benefits of self-reliance: A study of immigrant family ties and their effects on English-language use*****


The research is being done in the United States and the majority of articles should be in reference to immigrants in the US. That is to say, it is okay to point to research in Canada or Australia, but 90% of the articles should be about immigrants in the US. We should also try to keep the literature review articles to the years 2000-2010. A few articles can appear earlier than 2000, but 90% should be after the year 2000.


To show that ties to family can reduce an immigrants ability to speak and understand English.


Latino immigrants without close kin ties have an advantage in learning English because of a need for self-reliance (i.e., they are not living in highly connected family or community groups and therefore must interact more frequently with native English speakers. Comparatively, those immigrants who live in highly connected family or community groups are less likely to interact with native English speakers and therefore learn less English)


Women will speak and understand English less than men on average because women are likely to be even more connected to family and community without much interaction with non-family native English speakers. Women might be better at learning languages, but this effect will only be demonstrated when they are not in highly connected family situations that prevent them from needing to learn English.


The studies that are likely to examine these topics and the keywords you might want to focus on are (but do not limit yourself to this list, use your expert judgement):

â–¡ immigrant enclaves

â–¡ English language use among second generation immigrants (i.e., children of immigrants)

â–¡ acculturation studies that use English language ability as an outcome variable

â–¡ second-language education of Spanish-speakers.

You might find helpful articles in the following journals (but do not limit yourself to this list, use your expert judgement):

â–¡ *****Social Science and Medicine*****

â–¡ *****International Migration Review*****

â–¡ *****Journal of Ethnic and Migration studies*****

â–¡ *****International Journal of the Sociology of Language*****


â–¡ Ties to spouses

â–¡ Ties to children

â–¡ Ties to parents

â–¡ Ties to civic institutions and/or churches


Review the literature on English-language acquisition among Spanish-speaking immigrants to the US (a.k.a., Latinos, Hispanics) with particular attention to:

â–¡ Effect of highly connected immigrant communities (a.k.a. immigrant enclaves)

- It is likely that in immigrant enclaves people are less likely to speak/understand English because they can interact with other Spanish- speaking immigrants. The idea here is to tie this literature into the fact that ties can limit English language study

â–¡ Effect of having children

- It is likely that having children will reduce people*****s ability to speak English because they will rely on their children to speak English for them (this is in the literature)

â–¡ Effect of parents

- This should be the opposite of the finding above meaning that people who have parents in the US speak better English because they took on the responsibility of translating for their parents

â–¡ Effect of spouses

- Being married creates a unique *****closed loop***** where people who are married are likely to speak less English because they interact with and talk most with their partner, who often speaks their language.

â–¡ Effect of civic ties

- It is likely that these ties will increase English language use because people are interacting with and reaching out to members of the broader US society and interacting regularly in English


How to Reference "English Language Acquisition Among Latino Immigrants" Literature Review in a Bibliography

English Language Acquisition Among Latino Immigrants.”, 2010, Accessed 7 Jul 2024.

English Language Acquisition Among Latino Immigrants (2010). Retrieved from (2010). English Language Acquisition Among Latino Immigrants. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jul, 2024].
”English Language Acquisition Among Latino Immigrants” 2010.
”English Language Acquisition Among Latino Immigrants”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”English Language Acquisition Among Latino Immigrants”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 7-Jul-2024].
1. English Language Acquisition Among Latino Immigrants [Internet]. 2010 [cited 7 July 2024]. Available from:
1. English Language Acquisition Among Latino Immigrants. Published 2010. Accessed July 7, 2024.

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