Case Study on "Conflict Resolution the Desired Outcomes of Disputants"

Case Study 3 pages (1051 words) Sources: 3

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Conflict Resolution

The desired outcomes of disputants in conflicts include (but are not limited to): fairness, efficiency, effectiveness, and participant satisfaction.

Conflict resolution strategies are highly dependent on the leadership and conflict arbitration styles of managers and leaders (Jameson, 1999). Modeling and taxonomies of conflict resolution continue to evolve in an effort to explain conflict characteristics, disputant characteristics, and characteristics of conflict settings (Kirca, 2006). The majority of these models take into account the optimization of fairness, efficiency, effectiveness and participant satisfaction (Jameson, 1999). Managers move towards or away from conflict, often correlating to their transformational vs. transactional leadership skill sets, Emotional Intelligence (EI) including their use of coordinating vs. controlling leadership strategies (Kirca, 2006). All of these factors are taken into account when the fairness, efficiency, effectiveness and participant satisfaction are taken into account in a conflict resolution framework (Guy, 1986).

Leaders who have a high level of EI and have transformational skill sets can mediate conflicts more effectively, creating a balance between the four factors of fairness, efficiency, effectiveness and participant satisfaction (Strutton, Knouse, 1997). The study of factors that contribute to the most effective conflict management and arbitration taxonomies are often predicated on leadership skills that can create shared meaning in conflict-based conditions, giving each disputant the opportunity to find shared trust and empathy through the arbitration process (Kirca, 2006). The rel
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iance on frameworks for taking these inherently unquantifiable factors and putting them into a context of meaning has significant value across an enterprise, as they can be used for the basis of creating an effective training and ongoing conflict management programs over the long-term as well (Strutton, Knouse, 1997).

Please elaborate on the importance of: fairness, effectiveness, and participant satisfaction.

The important of fairness, effectiveness and participant satisfaction are directly correlated to the long-term resolution of both simple and complex conflicts and the long-term stability of collaboration between employees (Guy, 1986). Fairness, effectiveness and participant satisfaction are also more correlated to the level of transformational leadership a senior manager has and less about the structural components of the organizational structure (Nguyen, Mohamed, 2011). While the efforts to create these values from a purely taxonomy-driven approach are many (Strutton, Knouse, 1997) (Jameson, 1999) it is in reality more dependent on the level of cultural congruency leading to trust (Kirca, 2006) and transformational leadership that matters most (Nguyen, Mohamed, 2011).

These three factors are also crucial for the defining of relational communication and collaboration that an organization will be capable of accomplishing over the long-term (Strutton, Knouse, 1997). These are the values any organization also needs to take into account in creating and sustaining a model of conflict resolution across departmental and divisional boundaries, where the level of organizational ethnocentrism can often create a lack of effectiveness in collaboration as well (Strutton, Knouse, 1997). Participant satisfaction needs to pervade the development of taxonomies as an entirely different dimension, apart from the current set of 35 factors that are being used in the development of conflict resolution frameworks as well (Jameson, 1999). As these three factors of fairness, effectiveness and participant satisfaction are inherently unquantifiable, the metrics of collaboration and shared performance across organizational… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Conflict Resolution the Desired Outcomes of Disputants" Assignment:

Please read - Jameson, J. K. (1999). Toward a comprehensive model for the assessment and management of intra-organizational conflict: Developing the framework. International Journal of Conflict Management; Bowling Green; Jul 1999; Abstract: This paper presents the theoretical rationale for further development of a model for the assessment and management of intra-organizational conflict. The purpose of such a model would be to assist employees, managers, human resource practitioners and external service providers in selecting the most appropriate conflict management strategy for a given conflict. It is suggested that a contingency-based model of strategy selection must include attention to characteristics of the conflict, desired outcomes of the participants and awareness of available conflict management strategies. By expanding the range of conflicts and conflict management strategies typically included within a single model, the framework presented forms the basis of a comprehensive model for dealing with intra-organizational conflict.

After carefully reading through the Module background material, and all of this article, please answer (in at least 3 content pages), the following questions:

1. The desired outcomes of disputants in conflicts include (but are not limited to): fairness, efficiency, effectiveness, and participant satisfaction.

2. Please elaborate on the importance of: fairness, effectiveness, and participant satisfaction.

3. The three Major Conflict Resolution Strategies proposed by the author are: interest-based, rights-based, and power-based strategies.

4. Please elaborate on the concept behind interest based and power based strategies.


Focus and address the case questions directly.

Identify between the outcomes and the strategies.

I would like to see YOUR opinions and insight regarding the importance and concepts of the outcomes and strategies detailed above respectively.


How to Reference "Conflict Resolution the Desired Outcomes of Disputants" Case Study in a Bibliography

Conflict Resolution the Desired Outcomes of Disputants.”, 2011, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Conflict Resolution the Desired Outcomes of Disputants (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Conflict Resolution the Desired Outcomes of Disputants. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Conflict Resolution the Desired Outcomes of Disputants” 2011.
”Conflict Resolution the Desired Outcomes of Disputants”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Conflict Resolution the Desired Outcomes of Disputants”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Conflict Resolution the Desired Outcomes of Disputants [Internet]. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Conflict Resolution the Desired Outcomes of Disputants. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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