Term Paper on "Computer Security Briefly Support Your Own Opinion"

Term Paper 8 pages (2728 words) Sources: 1+

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Computer Security

Briefly support your own opinion about the ethical principles of the Lamers group before formation of the SecureThink Company. Briefly support your opinion about the ethics of the hiring of SecureThink by the MoneyBags record company.

The Lamers group initially gets formed out of a curiosity and sense of challenge the members have about how to crate robotic software code that can replicate itself, communicate and erase its digital trail. Groups like Lamers illustrate however how widely multidimensional security threats are, as it is impossible to manage the intentions of each member of this group (Landau, 2008). The ethics of the group therefore has to be questioned as their design objective, collectively, is to impact the SoftMicro operating system. Attacking or targeting a specific operating system to cause harm is very unethical, and despite this groups' contention of being curious and wanting a challenge, their actions speak otherwise. The decision of companies to hire hackers who are "white hats" or those that practice ethical programming and analysis (Leung, 2005) is one that is commonplace. One must question the ethics and judgment of MoneyBags record company as they are hiring known black hat hackers and ironically putting their intellectual property at risk. Moneybags is unethical in hiring a firm known for attacking a specific operating system.

A2. Name the groups that have responsibility in the occurrence of each of these 2 computer security incidents, and give examples (you may speculate) of their responsibilities?

The first group that is responsible is the Lamers, who created the code that attacks th
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e SoftMicro operating system. While they contend they are not intending on malicious activity, the second group who gets their code and uses it to attack airport and office buildings is. The case assumes these are internal terrorists, yet they could just as easily be radical segments of the Lamers programming group.

A3. Explain the types of system security threats and vulnerabilities involved in each security incident.

The first and most prevalent threat is the lack of security is at the operating system level where SoftMicro has failed to anticipate security threats that operate at multiple levels or platforms at once (Winjum, Molmann, 2008). Second, the automation of the lamers.legacy application qualifies it as a botnet and points to how SoftMicro needed to anticipate this type of threat (Seewald, Gansterer, 2010) yet did not. Third, the lack of protection on endpoints of the system and the passwords to gain access to them is a weakness (Lowe, 2009) that needed to be averted. Finally the quick access the hackers had to enterprise systems including the air traffic and elevator systems also shows how a more effective multidimensional security model needed to be in place (Winjum, Molmann, 2008).

A4. List a combined total of 5 security controls that would be most useful to prevent or lessen the likelihood of the computer security incidents described above, and describe how each of these 5 controls could have been used to improve security.

The five security controls to avert these disasters include operating system-level application state engine (Winjum, Molmann, 2008) that would monitor overall system security and anticipate threats. Second, as botnets are prevalent and growing, the inclusion of security to avert this threat would have been critical to have (Seewald, Gansterer, 2010). Third, protecting the endpoints of these networks to block hackers from gaining access is critically important (Lowe, 2009) yet the SoftMicro system does not have this capability. One of the strongest aspects of the lamers.legacy code is the ability to e-mail itself, delete its digital trail and to an extent, decide which direction it will grow. Ironically many operating systems that are critical to network performance do not have automated events management (Libeau, 2008). Automating the response to a threat is critically important for overcoming and stopping threats including the lamers.legacy virus. Finally the lack of password security is exceptionally bad in the cases described and lacks even the most rudimentary levels of security. The development of more effective password management through authentication and biometrics (Rowan, 2009) needs to be implemented in the installations mentioned in the case study to ensure these sites' security.

A5. What, according to McNurlin, Sprague & Bui are the prime reasons for information insecurity since security is often applied in instances such as the above incidents?

First there is significant resistance to change at the procedural, process and system level in the majority of companies. Despite an organization having widespread consensus that security is critically important, actually changing the organization's culture and more specifically people to support greater security is often a challenge. Second, McNurlin, Sprague & Bui point to a lack of knowledge transfer and knowledge management throughout organizations which also leads to significant lapses in security. Third, the belief in many organizations that security is only a hardware-related or otherwise isolated issue instead of one that is strategic and encompasses all systems, processes and procedures across an entire enterprise is a reason for many security lapses.

B1 Describe 2 possible types of computer system security threats when doing this activity at the work site, and link them to types of computer assets that are at risk.

There are many, many potential threats to a company's computer systems and networks from engaging in activity on Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks with each of them capable of disabling the operations of e-mail, network management and production systems (Erlanger, 2004). By far the most prevalent threat from using P2P networks to share music and files is the potential that exists for the central index mail server to be infected and cease operation (Swartz, 2007). This threat would in effect cripple the entire e-mail system of an enterprise, costing tens of millions of dollars of lost productivity in the process (Erlanger, 2004). The second threat is that of infecting the office automation and personal productivity applications on the individuals' and those they work with PCs (Mansfield-Devine, 2010). Viruses spread through P2P-based networks are botnets and as a result multiple throughout a network very rapidly (Seewald, Gansterer, 2010). Infecting personal productivity-based applications creates additional lost productivity yet can also serve as the catalyst for the virus reaching people and organizations outside the company as well (Swartz, 2007). In short, an entire e-mail system and the personal productivity applications a company relies on can be crippled and made entirely non-functional due to P2P viruses.

B2 Explain 2 possible security controls that may help reduce these threats.

The first approach is to anticipate and thwart the patterns that P2P systems use to proliferate throughout a network (Caviglione, 2009) and also education users of how their own, personal data is at risk of being stolen and sold through unethical use of P2P networks for identity theft as well (Swartz, 2007). This combination of showing how P2P networks can cripple and immediately stop e-mail system, infect personal productivity applications including Microsoft Office, and spread throughout supplier networks the company works with for example, call for greater levels of predictive deterrence and the use of more advance algorithms to attain higher levels of security over time (Caviglione, 2009). Second the use of a constraint-based modeling platform that can anticipate threats and react to them quickly is going to be more effective than taking the action of blocking P2P networks in general (Gaspary, Barcellos, Detsch, Antunes, 2007). As P2P networks are proliferating the ability to capture their traffic over a company network, constrain its traffic and eradicate it through use of modeling techniques and programs including algorithms are critical for stopping them (Bailes, Templeton, 2004).

C1. Public-key cryptography uses 2-keys. This is different from single-key (secret-key) cryptography. What characteristic is a major vulnerability that discourages use of single-key cryptography in a network?

Of the many limitations and drawbacks of single-key or secret-key cryptography the one that puts systems communicating and sharing confidential systems using this approach at the greatest risk is the fact that only a single key or security element is used to protect the content and communication (Galindo, Herranz, 2008). The ease of hacking single-key or secret-key cryptography is considered exponentially higher as a result. Further, single-key or secret-key cryptography does not have a "proxy" or externally visible secondary key that can act to thwart attacks on these types of communication as 2-key or public cryptography does. Finally the single-key approach while having a variety of potential configurations including conventional, symmetric and secret, fails to be able to scale to a level of security of more advanced methods including two-key public cryptography. This limitation of the single-key or secret-key authentication is often compensated for with the physical delivery of keys and security-based instructions on how to access systems. Manually based approaches that include the physical delivery of keys are anachronistic in the 21st century and fraught with security risks over and above the purely electronic limitations of this security standard (Sarkar, Maitra, 2010).

C2. How does public-key cryptography overcome this vulnerability to allow for more security for communications through a network?

Public-key cryptography creates a public and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Computer Security Briefly Support Your Own Opinion" Assignment:

Request for *****!!

I have a new paper requirement. It's a total of 8 pages, plus a one page

bibliography. Total 9 pages. There are several questions that I need detailed answers to the

questions Research Paper Requirement: the following questions in Part 1 and Part 2 need to be answered. The number of pages for each answer is supplied below. Request that at least 6 references be used per answer and be included as part of a Bibliography on the last page. Total pages for both questions not to include Bibliography = 8 pages, Plus a one page for the bibliography. I have included one reference for answering one of the questions.

Part I

Instruction for Part I:

1. Part 1 answers should be based on how the requirements for security is related to system security threats and vulnerabilities. Answers to the associated questions should list the kinds of security threats and vulnerabilities involved and the types of controls that may be useful to reduce those threats. Specifically, you must explain how the different types of controls you recommend can help reduce the vulnerabilities you name. You must also link threats and controls to the important goal of computer security.

2. Citations and references are required to add strength to your written opinions. Use the necessary reference sources to support your answers.

3. Follow the APA (5th edition) guidelines for in-text citations and references. Place all references in a bibliography on the last page. No Abstract required


4. Answer all three questions for Part I, 6 pages total (see individual questions for max number of pages per answer; total = 6 pages for all three questions); total excluding the bibliography.

The following Security incident scenario is to be used in answering all three questions:

On January 1,2008, the "Lamers", a club made up of computer hobbyists who say they experiment with computer programs for reasons of curiosity and challenge, created a new program that took advantage of a design weakness in the popular SoftMicro operating system. Their new program could arrive and install itself on (or "infect") a machine through email or through contact with other infected programs on a Web Site. The program was independent and robotic in that it contained its own email system, and each infected machine had the ability to find and communicate directly through the Internet with other infected machines. It could examine and copy or alter the contents of data base files, and quietly transmit information and selected files back to a changeable address. It could even delete all traces of itself from an infected system upon receiving a

special command through the Internet. The program pushed technical boundaries, and could possibly be used as a tool for either good or evil.

On February 2, CERT, a large security watchdog organization, monitored messages in hacker chat rooms where the Lamers were bragging about the technology in their new program. Several hacker Web sites published technical details of the source code. CERT immediately contacted the SoftMicro vendor, along with Anti- Virus product vendors to warn them about the newly discovered vulnerabilities of their widely-distributed operating system product, and the possibility of a serious new security threat.

(It is an actual accepted industry practice for CERT to not issue public security warnings until after the affected vendors first have a chance to create new software patches or new anti-virus protection signatures, and offer them to the public. The reason for this is that wide publication of the vulnerability, without first having available solutions, would increase chances for attack. Please do not comment on this CERT industry practice as part of your answer for this exam.)

On March 3, the "Lamers" club, in a press conference, announced they were forming a new security company, named "SecureThink", and planned one day to be traded on the New York Stock Exchange (under the ticker symbol"STNK"). Their program, now polished and improved, was protected by copyright and sold as a tool to help systems administrators detect security flaws in their systems. That same day, the MoneyBags Record company announced that they would hire Secure Think to protect their intellectual property against copyright infringement.

On April 4, a few businesses began noticing a new kind of computer attack that seemed to deliberately alter their data base files.

On May 5, more attacks were noticed and reported to CERT SoftMicro announced new software security patches, and Anti- Virus vendors had developed new protection against the malicious code signature. Businesses and organizations were advised to acquire and install these new security protections. CERT issued a public warning on their Web site, and officially named the new malicious code "Lamers.Legacy", because hacker Web sites called it by that name.

On May 10, the FBI sent out security warning messages on to all federal and local government agencies, urging them to download new Anti- Virus protection signatures ana also download and install the new SoftMicro security software patch to avoid being affected by the new "Lamers.Legacy" malicious code. The malicious code spread through the Internet.

On June 6, more attacks were noticed, and news stories appeared, most describing the "Lamers.Legacy" malicious code as an annoyance. However, the computer security fixes worked well, and after one week, reports diminished about computer attacks and the news stories faded. Then, about 4 months later, two computer security incidents occurred that were traced back to the different ways the malicious code operated.

On October 9 2008, elevators at the Washington, DC city hall building were stuck open on the first floor, and would not carry passengers to any other floors in the 5-story building. Staff and citizens had to walk up and down the stairway that entire day.

On October 10 2008, air traffic control computers at the central and very important Chicago International airport suddenly became very sluggish, and automatic routing systems alarmingly directed airplanes to fly on collision course toward each other, and toward tall buildings. It was as if the computers were communicating with each other, beyond the control of the airport managers. Airport computer backup systems kicked in. There were several moments of danger and uncertainty, as air traffic controllers rushed to verify the accuracy of critical databases in the backup control computers.

Investigation later showed that both city hall and airport computer systems had been victims of the "Lamers. Legacy " malicious code. City hall was victimized through direct manipulation of their facilities management database, which had been altered so the elevators would serve only the first floor. The database had been affected because the security fixes had never been installed or updated. Authorities guessed hackers looking for mischief caused the elevator problem.

The Chicago airport was victimized by the same malicious code, but more indirectly. The SoftMicro security fix and the Anti- Virus security fix had both been installed on airport computer systems. Access to the air traffic control computer systems programs and databases is protected by encryption. However, the files containing passwords needed to operate the public-key cryptosystem used by airport systems administrators had apparently been stolen. This had occurred because the "Lamers. Legacy " code had exploited vulnerabilities, and transmitted stolen information to an unknown address, and then deleted itself before the security fzxes were installed. Investigation showed that unauthorized persons had later returned to airport computers through the Internet, and gained access to program source code by pretending to be authorized administrators with valid passwords. Those old, but still valid passwords allowed them operate the public and private keys needed to replace encrypted computer programs and modify database information.

The unauthorized users had been accessing the encrypted files, possibly for months, quietly changing them through the Internet. The events made it seem as if the unauthorized hackers were likely international terrorists. The altered programs were activated remotely that day by a signal sent through the Internet. No one yet knows if programs at other airports, or programs important to other parts of the critical infrastructure of the US, have been altered the same way. No one is yet sure if the backuJ systems used to restore the corrupted Chicago airport files are clean, or also corrupted.

End of scenario »»»>

Question A:

Answer this 5-part question using no more than 3 pages total. Label the answers AI, A2, A3, A4, A5.

1. Briefly support your own opinion about the ethical principles of the Lamers group before formation of the SecureThink company. Briefly support your opinion about the ethics of the hiring of SecureThink by the MoneyBags record company.

2. Name the groups that have responsibility in the occurrence of each of these 2 computer security incidents, and give examples (you may speculate) of their responsibilities?

3. Explain the types of system security threats and vulnerabilities involved in each security incident.

4. List a combined total of 5 security controls that would be most useful to prevent or lessen the likelihood of the computer security incidents described above, and describe how each of these 5 controls could have been used to improve security.

5. What, according to McNurlin, Sprague & Bui are the prime reasons for information insecurity since security is often applied in instances such as the above incidents?

Ref: (BooK): Information Systems Management In Practise, 8th Ed. Barbara C. McNurlin, Ralph H. Sprague, Jr., Tung Bui

Question B:

Answer this question using no more than 1 ½ pages total. Label the answers B 1, B2

Many people actively share copyright-protected music files, or other types of digital files (photos, computer software, video) through the Internet by using any of several free file-sharing programs (such as Gnutella, or BearShare, or Napster). Some organizations consider this activity an attack on computer systems and digital intellectual property. Describe 2 possible types of computer system security threats when doing this activity at the work site, and link them to types of computer assets that are at risk. Explain 2 possible security controls that may help reduce these threats.

Question C:

Answer this 2-part question using no more than 1 ½ pages total. Label the answers C 1, C2, C3

1. Public-key cryptography uses 2-keys. This is different from single-key (secret-key) cryptography.

What characteristic is a major vulnerability that discourages use of single-key cryptography in a network?

2. How does public-key cryptography overcome this vulnerability to allow for more securety for communications through a network?

3. What will help you trust a public-key that belongs to an unfamiliar person or Web site, and why does it improve trust?

Part II

Instruction for Part II:

Requires a 2 page answer, APA format with 6 references

Answer the following question using no more than

(2 pages total). Label the answer D 1

1. Rapid growth of the Internet is triggering dramatic changes in traditional business methods and practices. But some industries and businesses seem better able to deal with the online world than others. For this question, identify a business or a service function you are familiar with. Describe and defend your strategy for implementing a web-based application to support that business or service. Be sure to conduct an environmental scan, determine best practices, identify information technology elements (infrastructure or capabilities) necessary to conduct the business, and a strategy for capitalizing on the success of your venture in the next iteration.

How to Reference "Computer Security Briefly Support Your Own Opinion" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Computer Security Briefly Support Your Own Opinion.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2010, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/computer-security-briefly-support/32860. Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Computer Security Briefly Support Your Own Opinion (2010). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/computer-security-briefly-support/32860
A1-TermPaper.com. (2010). Computer Security Briefly Support Your Own Opinion. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/computer-security-briefly-support/32860 [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Computer Security Briefly Support Your Own Opinion” 2010. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/computer-security-briefly-support/32860.
”Computer Security Briefly Support Your Own Opinion” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/computer-security-briefly-support/32860.
[1] ”Computer Security Briefly Support Your Own Opinion”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2010. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/computer-security-briefly-support/32860. [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Computer Security Briefly Support Your Own Opinion [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2010 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/computer-security-briefly-support/32860
1. Computer Security Briefly Support Your Own Opinion. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/computer-security-briefly-support/32860. Published 2010. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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