Essay on "Computer Science Choosing One's Major in College"

Essay 7 pages (2100 words) Sources: 1+

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Computer Science

Choosing one's major in college is not an easy task. Many students do not have clearly defined career goals upon graduating from high school, and this makes the process of selecting a major more difficult. The first step toward academic and professional success is to select a field that matches a person's interests, career goals, values and skills. However, choosing the program of study must also take several other aspects into consideration, one of the most important being the job prospects available upon graduation. In addition, economic circumstances are very relevant in assessing whether or not it will be easy to find work in that particular field. From this point-of-view, computer science is a rather controversial area of study. Despite being perceived as generous as far as employment and remuneration opportunities, there is a growing number of voices arguing that the standard American university undergraduate computer science curriculum and teaching methods have remained essentially the same since the mid-1970s, and that the present economic context is likely to severely affect this particular sector. This paper looks at the pros and cons of majoring in computer science by assessing both positive and negative aspects associated with a professional career in this field.

This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantage of majoring in Computer Science from the perspective of the undergraduate student. As far as positive aspects associated with a career in computer science, we will discuss the level of earnings, work environment, opportunities for advancement as well as the rate of increase in the demand for computer engineers and related occupations. T
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he negative aspects considered by this paper are mostly associated with Computer Science as a program of study. This paper ultimately argues that due to outdated teaching methods and curricula, computer science graduates are not always able to match their abilities and knowledge with the current job market. In addition, this paper evaluates the impact of the present economic crisis on this particular field of activity, and argues that despite 3 or 4-year-old optimistic statistics on the growth of this sector in the following decade, we might be facing a period marking a significant decrease in the demand for computer engineers. Last but not least, the paper will put forth a set of several measures which could help Computer Science graduates integrate into the job market by customizing the curricula of this program of study so that it becomes more compatible with the demands of employers.

To begin with, it is important to note that choosing a program of study is a complex decision that should be based on rational criteria such as skills and competences. A future student must first do some self-assessment in order to understand him/herself, and this way, achieve a better understanding of their goals as well as the way to reach them. This process should include questions regarding one's interests, preferred activities, skills, abilities and career goals. Information is key in making such an important decision. One should gather valuable information related to the list of possible majors, and make a decision based on whether or not that major matches one's selection criteria. Of course, things are rarely this easy. Ideally speaking, choosing a major should be based on personal criteria rather than external factors. However, in real life, this decision which could affect the rest of one's life is also deeply rooted in the desire to succeed professionally which in turn, relies on factors such as job offer, unemployment rate in that particular sector of activity, as well as the opportunity for professional reconversion, to name but a few.

Education and training are two of the most important steps toward becoming a computer engineer. It is commonly accepted that a Computer Science program of study is very challenging. The usual college major for applications software engineers is computer science or software engineering. Most employers look for applicants who have at least completed their bachelor's degree, and have some experience with a variety of computer technologies. From this point-of-view, advancement opportunities are good for those with relevant experience. Graduate degrees are preferred for positions which involve more complex tasks. In 2006, about 80% of workers in this sector had a bachelor's degree or higher. Programs in software engineering may offer the program in conjunction with computer science degrees. In fact, due to increasing emphasis on computer security, software engineers with advanced degrees in areas such as systems design or mathematics will have an advantage over other software engineers. Last but not least, the paper will put forth a set of several measures which could help Computer Science graduates integrate into the job market by customizing the curricula of this program of study so that it matches the demands of employers.

The first aspect to consider when choosing a program of study is the demand for that job on the job market. With business and organizational integration of new technologies in an attempt to maximize the efficiency of their computer systems, employment growth in the sector of computer science seems like a very plausible scenario. In addition, competition among businesses is likely to lead to technological innovations which will, in turn, require more computer software engineers to implement them. Employment of computer engineers is projected to increase by 38% over the next decade which is much faster than the average for all occupations. The computer software engineer profession will generate over 300, 000 new jobs, one of the largest increases of any occupation. New growth areas will also continue to arise from rapidly evolving technologies. The increasing uses of the Internet, the proliferation of Web sites, and mobile technology such as wireless Internet have created a demand for a wide variety of new products. As individuals and businesses rely more on hand-held computers and wireless networks, it will be necessary to integrate current computer systems with this new, more mobile technology. However, there is also the counter-argument which states that the current economic crisis will negatively affect the computer industry which will lead to a decrease in the demand for software engineers on the job market.

Remuneration is perhaps the strongest incentive for most people choosing their program of study because they have to consider the financial rewards of the position they are targeting. From this point-of-view, computer science is an excellent choice as earnings in this field are generally very high. In May 2006, median annual earning of wage-and-salary computer application software engineers was around $80,000. The middle sector earned between $60,000 and $98, 000 whereas the lowest 10% earned less that $50,000 which is still above the corresponding sector in the case of other professions. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, starting salary offers for graduates with a bachelor's degree in computer engineering averaged $56,201 in 2007. Starting salary offers for graduates with a bachelor's degree in computer science averaged $53,396. Nevertheless, one must also consider an important downside of computer science associated professions. Most software engineers work a minimum of 40 hours a week, but approximately one quarter work more than 50 hours a week. In addition, they may have to work evenings or weekends to meet deadlines or solve unexpected technical problems that may arise. Long hours are not the only major disadvantage. Similarly to other sectors which rely on spending a lot of time sitting in front of a computer, computer engineers are prone to back discomfort, eyestrain, as well as hand and wrist problems.

Work environment can be considered an important advantage as computer engineers usually work in clean, comfortable offices or in laboratories. Moreover, software engineers for instance may work in sales, and this allows them to travel frequently to meet with potential new customers, or take part in trainings. In fact, trainings and courses represent another important privilege that a computer science graduate can benefit from as technology is constantly advancing, and a computer engineer should always be up-to-date with the latest innovations. Systems software vendors offer certification and training programs, but most training authorities say that program certification alone is not sufficient for the majority of software engineering jobs.

There is also the opportunity of professional reconversion as there is a significant range of related occupations for a computer engineer. For instance, consulting opportunities for computer software engineers are available as businesses seek to evolve by managing, upgrading, and customizing their increasingly complicated computer systems. Another example of related occupations consists of information technicians as information security concerns have given rise to new software needs. Concerns over "cyber security" have resulted in businesses and government investing heavily in software that protects their networks and vital electronic infrastructure from attack. The expansion of this technology will increase the demand for computer engineers to design and develop the software and systems to run these new applications and integrate them into older systems. Nonetheless, this sector is also likely to be affected by the current economic context thus we cannot make a valuable prediction as to the future of such activities in the next 2-5… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Computer Science Choosing One's Major in College" Assignment:

Reading and Writing about the program of study (Computer Science).

Write an essay in which you take a stand on the issue of your future professional career (Computer Science). State your thesis clearly by defining the problem and the solution you will cover in your paper. Begin by clearly summarizing the essay and evaluate your arguments objectively. Then draw your own conclusions about what you think the problem really is and what solution would prove to be the most effective. Support your ideas clearly. Include a title page for your paper and also a work cited page at the end.

Synthesis and analysis are organized, neat, typed and concise.

demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of material.

Responses to all specific questions are thorough, pertinent and accurate.

Responses manifest critical thinking (pros and cons, full understanding, etc.)

7 Pages *****“ double-spaced in Times New Roman font.

How to Reference "Computer Science Choosing One's Major in College" Essay in a Bibliography

Computer Science Choosing One's Major in College.”, 2009, Accessed 8 Jul 2024.

Computer Science Choosing One's Major in College (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Computer Science Choosing One's Major in College. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Jul, 2024].
”Computer Science Choosing One's Major in College” 2009.
”Computer Science Choosing One's Major in College”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Computer Science Choosing One's Major in College”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 8-Jul-2024].
1. Computer Science Choosing One's Major in College [Internet]. 2009 [cited 8 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Computer Science Choosing One's Major in College. Published 2009. Accessed July 8, 2024.

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