Essay on "Competition the Reasons the Florida Department"

Essay 4 pages (1252 words) Sources: 3

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The reasons the Florida Department of Citrus advertises as a singular cooperative rather than on the basis of individual farms is because the market is competitive. Competitive markets have a number of traits that make them distinct. The price is set by the market, and this is the case with oranges. The product lacks differentiation, as is the case in most agricultural commodities. For the Florida Department of Citrus, the marketing is an attempt to brand Florida oranges as unique, which is possible given the unique climate and soil conditions of the state. However, the orange market remains largely undifferentiated.

In addition, there are numerous competitors in the market and there is relatively easy market entry and exit. Certainly there are numerous competitors in oranges, not just in Florida but California and other parts of the world as well. As a result, individual farmers would have difficulty distinguishing their products from those of other farmers. Market entry and exit is relatively easy, in that farms can be bought and sold easily.

There are competitors in the market around the world, and aside from tariffs, subsidies and other external constraints on price, the price of oranges is set by the global commodities market. Surpluses in one region can be exported around the world to offset shortages in another. The Florida website is an attempt to build the brand for Florida oranges so that its products are deemed to be sufficiently differentiated that they cannot be substituted with other oranges. The site is geared towards consumers, which raises an interesting point about the nature of this competition. Florida oranges are typical
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ly used to make juice. Juicemakers may understand that Florida oranges can be readily substituted with oranges from other parts of the world, but if the consumer can be convinced that other oranges are inferior, then juice makers will be compelled to make their juice from Florida oranges. That the product is not differentiated stems from perfect knowledge on the part of buyers; imperfect knowledge on the part of the end user can be leveraged to overcome that. The Florida marketing effort, therefore, is an attempt to create imperfect market conditions where perfect competition currently exists.

3. Monopolistic competition is a form of competition in which there are many competitors, somewhat difficulty entry or exit, products that are only partially differentiated and there is only some degree of price control on the part of the seller (No author, 2010). The fast food industry has these characteristics, and this shall be considered with respect to McDonald's, Burger King and Wendy's.

There are dozens of fast food chains, in addition to independent fast food outlets, in the United States. Each of these chains is slightly differentiated from one another. Whereas KFC is differentiated significantly by product, the three leading burger chains are only differentiated somewhat. The characteristics of the good in fast food in general is a low-cost filling food product focused on basic attractive flavor elements such as meat, salt, fat and sugar. The burger chains each have a menu focused on hamburgers, fries and soft drinks. The chains attempt to differentiate their products partially through differentiation of the non-core lineups (salads, desserts) but also by differentiation of the burgers themselves, with different sauces, cheeses and other elements. Consumers, however, still understand these differences to be superficial and still view the product as a burger, rather than a new product altogether. This view is consistent with the characteristics of monopolistic competition, in that the products are only partially differentiated. Firms attempt to compete on the basis of this partial differentiation.

With respect to price, fast food is defined by its low prices relative to other restaurant meals. Firms competing in the industry will attempt to use their points… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Competition the Reasons the Florida Department" Assignment:


Competition and Market Power

Review the following questions and prepare a four to five page report on any three of the following issues:

1. Firms in Competitive Markets

Florida Citrus Web Site: Go to The *****"Florida Citrus Web Site*****" is sponsored by the Florida Department of Citrus on behalf of the State*****'s Orange Industry. Among other things, the site is clearly an advertisement for the state*****'s orange industry. Have you ever seen or do you expect to see advertising for individual orange growers? Why? What characteristics of the good make the market competitive?

2. Monopoly

Microsoft: Go to Does a monopoly firm produce this product? What characteristics of the good make the market monopolistic? Explain.

3. Monopolistic Competition

Fast Food Industry: Go to, and Are these three firms participating in a monopolistically competitive market? What characteristics of the good make the market monopolistically competitive? Explain.

4. Oligopoly

The OPEC Oil Cartel Go to What are the organization*****'s stated goals, which countries are members, and when was it founded? Is it normal for them to be successful in keeping oil prices high, or have they faced difficulties in keeping the cartel united in the past?

5. Antitrust Enforcement and the Consumer

The following is the to the United States Department of Justice*****'s view of its role in antitrust enforcement. Retreived November 15, 2009:

Do you think the U. S. Government is doing enough in this area? Be specific citing examples.

Case Assignment Expectations:

Use concepts from the modular background readings as well as any good quality resources you can find from the cyberlibrary or other internet search engines. Pleas be sure to cite all sources within the text and provide a reference list at the end of the paper.

Length: 4-5 pages double spaced and typed.

The following items will be assessed in particular:

Your ability to understand the differences between perfect and imperfect competition.

Some in-text references to the modular background material (APA formatting not required).

The essay should address each element of the assignment. Remember to support your answers with solid references including the case readings.


How to Reference "Competition the Reasons the Florida Department" Essay in a Bibliography

Competition the Reasons the Florida Department.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Competition the Reasons the Florida Department (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Competition the Reasons the Florida Department. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Competition the Reasons the Florida Department” 2010.
”Competition the Reasons the Florida Department”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Competition the Reasons the Florida Department”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Competition the Reasons the Florida Department [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Competition the Reasons the Florida Department. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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