Essay on "Competency Demonstration Report for Migration Skills Assessment"

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[EXCERPT] . . . .

Competency Demonstration Report

Career Episode No.

Dates and Duration of Career Episode: This career episode took place during the period from August 2004 to November 2006.

Geographic Location: The geographic location of this career episode was Yutang County, in the Peoples Republic of China.

Title of Position: Telecommunications Engineer

Nature of the Overall Engineering Project: Telecommunications Network Update

The overarching objective of this project was to analyse the design and plan of current telecommunications networks and systems to identify opportunities for the use of innovative telecommunications technologies. This overarching objective was further supported by several goals, including the identification of relevant ISO standards and how these standards could best be applied to the company's operations.

Nature of My Particular Work Area: In this career episode, I was assigned responsibilities for identifying opportunities for improving the performance of the company's existing telecommunications networks and systems that were congruent with ISO 9001: 2008, standards and company goals.

Organisational Chart Highlighting My Position:

Statement of Duties: My duties at the Yutang Chemical Production Co., Ltd. included, but were not limited to, the following activities:

1. Planning, designing, building, configuring and commissioning telecommunications devices, networks and systems, such as voice, radio, two-way, data, microwave, satellite and digital data systems, and ensuring telecommuni
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cations systems interconnect with equipment from different manufacturers, service providers and users;

2. Compiling engineering project proposals to define goals, identify scope, background and need, and ascertain cost of equipment, parts and services;

3. Evaluating and procuring new products and services from vendors;

4. Ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, policies and procedures in the provision of telecommunications systems;

5. Selecting and developing new telecommunications sites by locating sites, filing documents, drawing up documents for approval, drafting construction drawings and following through to approval;

6. Determining appropriate configurations of telecommunications hardware and software, ensuring desired performance of telecommunications equipment;

7. Preparing and interpreting specifications, drawings and regulations for the use of telecommunications equipment;

8. Determining the type and arrangement of circuits, transformers, circuit-breakers, transmission lines and equipment;

9. Identifying and analysing problems and needs of existing telecommunications systems, such as interference, intelligibility and clarity, to determine the most appropriate means of reducing, eliminating and avoiding current and future problems and improve communications;

10. Monitoring telecommunications systems to assess need for updates, upgrades, enhancements, preventive maintenance and new systems;

11. Assessing performance levels of system hardware and software to project future needs, and developing short- and long-terms plans for updating equipment, adding capabilities, enhancing existing systems and providing improved telecommunications; and,

12. Other duties as assigned.


Personal Engineering Activity

Actual Work Performed: This project was divided into three discrete phases as follows:

1. A preliminary assessment of existing telecommunications network and systems was performed;

2. A review of the available technologies was performed in order to identify potential alternatives; and,

3. Recommendations were formulated concerning all superior alternatives to achieving the project goals.

Application of Engineering Knowledge and Skills: This engineering project required a comprehensive comparative analysis of the company's existing telecommunications network in order to identify any bottlenecks and constraints to productivity and performance as well as to identify any opportunities for resolving these through the introduction of alternative technologies such as WiMAX.

Delegated Tasks and How They Were Accomplished: Because this project was part of my overall job description, it was assigned to me directly with no subordinate assistance offered or required; therefore, no tasks were delegated as part of this engineering project.

Technical Difficulties/Problems Encountered and Resolution: One of the major problems that was encountered during the research phase of this engineering project was the highly dynamic nature of the supporting technologies that were needed to identify optimal solutions, many of which appeared to be interim in nature as upgrades and improvements were being introduced on a virtually daily basis by vendors and software engineers. At some point, though, a decision must be made concerning what technologies afforded the best solution based on performance, cost and compatibility and the strategies described below were used for this purpose.

Strategies Used: In order to develop appropriate recommendations for the company's top management, each of the potential alternatives identified during the research phase was carefully weighted using a scale that included factors such as any superior performance characteristics, cost, as well as the amount of time that was required for its deployment, implementation and administration. To help ensure that the weights assigned to each technology were fair and accurate and were not influenced by researcher bias, I had two other colleagues review the specifications and assign their own weights which were then compared with my original assignments to ensure congruence between these evaluations.

Collaboration with Other Team Members: As noted above, although this was an individual assignment, I collaborated with several other team members concerning their views on the alternative technologies that were reviewed to develop appropriate weights for the analysis and subsequent recommendations to management. This process helped to ensure inter-rater reliability and these ratings were also presented to management as part of the engineering project's overall findings and recommendations.



Personal Impressions of the Engineering Activity and My Role: Besides providing valuable guidance to the company's management, this project was also a valuable personal learning lesson for me that provided a snapshot of current and future trends in telecommunications technologies as well as how these technologies can be applied to different engineering scenarios.

View of the Overall Project: This was a timely project that helped to ensure that the company's telecommunications network was optimally configured.

Success of the Project in Meeting Its Goals/Requirements: Based on my analysis of the weighted assessments, ultimately three recommendations were provided to the company's management, all of which offered some level of improvement over the existing network configuration with one alternative representing a superior solution.

How My Role Contributed to the Project: Overall, this project was deemed highly successful by me as well as the company's executive leadership team based on the fact that one of the three recommendations was approved for adoption company-wide.

Career Episode No. 2



Dates and Duration of Career Episode: This career episode took place during the period from January 2007 to February 2010

Geographic Location: Wujin District Caojing Bridge Industrial Park, Changzhou, Changzhou, Jiangsu, Peoples Republic of China

Name of Organisation: Changzhou Weike Chemical Co., Ltd.

Title of Position: Telecommunications Engineer



Nature of the Overall Engineering Project: The basic nature of the responsibilities involved in this career episode was to ensure that all statutory requirements were being complied with by the company, and to ensure that all relevant risk potentials were minimized. In addition, the overall engineer project was focused on ensuring that the business was operated in the most cost-effective manner possible.

Nature of My Particular Work Area: Because the various product lines that are manufactured by this company are extremely hazardous to manufacture and transport, the company's business activities are highly regulated by the Chinese national government, including the requirement that all corporate vehicles have global position system modules installed and operational and that these systems be integrated into the company's telecommunications network to provide real-time data concerning driver/vehicle status.

Organisational Chart Highlighting My Position:

Statement of Duties: My duties at Changzhou Weike Chemical Co., Ltd. included, but were not limited to, the following:

1. Planning, designing, building, configuring and commissioning telecommunications devices, networks and systems, including voice, radio, two-way, data, microwave, satellite as well as digital data systems; in addition, responsibilities included ensuring that telecommunications systems efficiently interconnect with equipment from different manufacturers, service providers and users;

2. Compiling engineering project proposals to define goals, identify scope, background and need, and ascertain cost of equipment, parts and services;

3. Evaluating and procuring new products and services from vendors;

4. Preparing and interpreting specifications, drawings and regulations for the use of telecommunications equipment;

5. Ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, policies and procedures in the provision of telecommunications systems;

6. Determining appropriate configurations of telecommunications hardware and software, ensuring desired performance of telecommunications equipment;

7. Selecting and developing new telecommunications sites by locating sites, filing documents, drawing up documents for approval, drafting construction drawings and following through to approval;

8. Determining the type and arrangement of circuits, transformers, circuit-breakers, transmission lines and equipment;

9. Identifying and analysing problems and needs of existing telecommunications systems, such as interference, intelligibility and clarity, to determine the most appropriate means of reducing, eliminating and avoiding current and future problems and improve communications;

10. Monitoring telecommunications systems to assess need for updates, upgrades, enhancements, preventive maintenance and new systems;

11. Assessing performance levels of system hardware and software to project future needs, and developing short- and long-terms plans for updating equipment, adding capabilities, enhancing existing systems and providing improved telecommunications; and,

12. Other duties as assigned.


Personal Engineering Activity

Actual Work Performed: In order to achieve the overarching goals of this project, I developed a driver and traveler information application that provided relevant travel times, vehicle status and reported any untoward incidents that occurred in the company's vehicles as well… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Competency Demonstration Report for Migration Skills Assessment" Assignment:

I am trying to fill in this MIGRATION SKILLS ASSESSMENT (Australian)

for recognition of persons intending to apply for skilled

migration to Australia within the Engineering Profession

1. My major is Telecommunication Engineering. I am asked to produce a Competency Demonstration Report which consists of THREE career episodes. I do not have any of these career experiences. Would you please make them up?

2. I wish each career episodes to be written around 1200 words with in total 3600 words.

3. I will upload all the necessary documents, forms and a sample.

Writing your three career episodes

You are required to present a narrative on each of three separate career episodes.

A career episode is a documented component of your engineering education and/or work experience which captures a particular period or distinct aspect of your engineering activity. It may be:

*****¢ an engineering task undertaken as part of your educational program;

*****¢ a project you have worked on or are currently working on;

*****¢ a specific position that you occupied or currently occupy;

*****¢ a particular engineering problem that you were required to solve.

Each narrative must be in your own words and must be written in English.

Do not present large amounts of technical material. It is recommended that each narrative be a minimum of about

1000 words and a maximum of about 2000 words. The narrative, being written in your own words, will also provide evidence to the assessor of your communication skills

Please Note

Career Episodes must be written in the first person

singular clearly indicating your own personal role in the work described. Remember, it is what *****˜I did*****, not

what *****˜we did***** or what *****˜I was involved in.*****

Each narrative must clearly demonstrate the application of engineering knowledge and skills in the engineering

discipline for which the applicant seeks recognition. Each narrative should emphasise any engineering problems identified and any particular problem solving techniques used by you. The purpose of this is to assess the nature of the contribution which you may have made to the engineering project or task - particularly if that contribution was of a novel nature or critical to the implementation of the task/project.

Please note that it is not sufficient to merely describe work in which you were involved. Your own role in the

work must be clearly described by you, and be identifiable in the assessment.

You must number each paragraph in each of your career episodes (ie. CE1.1, CE1.2... CE2.1, CE2.2... etc). This is necessary to construct the Summary Statement.

Each narrative should follow the format shown below:

a) Introduction

This introduces the reader to the narrative and should include such things as:

*****¢ the chronology - the dates and duration of this career episode;

*****¢ the geographical location where the experience was gained;

*****¢ the name of the organisation;

*****¢ the title of the position occupied by you.

This section would be about 50 words.

b) Background

This sets the scene and provides the context in which you were studying/working. It should include such things as:

*****¢ the nature of the overall engineering project;

*****¢ the objectives of the project;

*****¢ the nature of your particular work area;

*****¢ a chart of the organisational structure highlighting your position;

*****¢ a statement of your duties (provide an official duty statement where available).

This section would be about 200 - 500 words.

c) Personal Engineering Activity

This is the body of the narrative and the key assessable component. In this section you must describe in detail

the actual work performed by you. It is not sufficient to describe the activity performed by a team or group ***** your own role must be clearly identified. Remember it is your own personal engineering competencies that are being assessed.

This section should include such things as:

*****¢ how you applied your engineering knowledge and skills;

*****¢ the tasks delegated to you and how you went about accomplishing them;

*****¢ any particular technical difficulties/problems you encountered and how you solved them;

*****¢ strategies devised by you including any original or creative design work;

*****¢ how you worked with other team members.

This section would be about 500 - 1000 words.

d) Summary

This section sums up your impressions of the engineering activity and your role in it. It should include such things as:

*****¢ your view of the overall project;

*****¢ how the project fared in meeting the goals/requirements;

*****¢ how your personal role contributed to the project.

This section would be about 50 - 100 words.


How to Reference "Competency Demonstration Report for Migration Skills Assessment" Essay in a Bibliography

Competency Demonstration Report for Migration Skills Assessment.”, 2011, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Competency Demonstration Report for Migration Skills Assessment (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Competency Demonstration Report for Migration Skills Assessment. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Competency Demonstration Report for Migration Skills Assessment” 2011.
”Competency Demonstration Report for Migration Skills Assessment”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Competency Demonstration Report for Migration Skills Assessment”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Competency Demonstration Report for Migration Skills Assessment [Internet]. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Competency Demonstration Report for Migration Skills Assessment. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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