Essay on "Core Competencies of Executive Coaching and Outcomes"

Essay 5 pages (1567 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

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Competencies of Executive Coaching and Outcomes

Essentially, coaches should ideally possess some core competencies. Indeed, it is these competencies that bring about a situation whereby the need to attain organizational objectives is matched with concern for people. In this text, I concern myself with competencies considered critical for successful executive coaching. It can also be noted that in some cases, the executive coaching program does not appear to be successful. In that regard, this text will also highlight some of the factors often blamed for negative coaching outcomes.

Successful Executive Coaching: The Core Competencies

In the opinion of Stern (2009), the best executive coaches possess a certain set of abilities, skills competencies as well as attributes. In the author's opinion, it would be hard for an executive coach with a deficit in some key competencies to succeed. It is also important to note from the onset that there is no single competency that makes one a successful executive coach. Indeed, what coaches considered successful possess is a blend of skills, abilities as well as capabilities that enable them to bring about positive coaching outcomes.

Some of the core competencies of executive coaching outlined by Stern (2009) include "psychological knowledge, business acumen, organizational knowledge; and coaching knowledge, tasks, and skills" (2009, Chapter 2; Para. 7). When it comes to psychological knowledge, the coach may be required to be conversant with personality theories, adult education/learning models, human motivation models, techniques necessary for the management of stress, career development models
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, mediation and conflict resolution approaches etc. On the other hand, when it comes to business acumen, it is important to note that to effectively grasp both the work context as well as goals of their clients, coaches should possess some form of business knowledge. Indeed, in some quarters, this knowledge goes a long way to enhance the credibility of coaches in the eyes of those being coached. In this case, coaches may seek to familiarize themselves with the necessary business concepts as well as practices of their clients' undertaking, key processes and principles of management, relevant government regulations etc. Next, in relation to organizational knowledge, coaches should be aware of the fact that in addition to advancing their careers within the organizational context, those being coached also have work goals to accomplish. With that in mind, executive coaches should seek to have some knowledge of the client's organizational structure, design as well as leadership models. Lastly, the other competency Stern (2009) highlights is coaching knowledge. In this case, it is desirable that executive coaches be well versed on theories and models relating to executive coaching, approaches to coaching, relevant trends in the executive coaching practice etc.

Flaherty (2010) also highlights a number of core competencies desirable for successful executive coaching. The competencies highlighted by the author in this case fall into two broad categories i.e. qualities and skills. Under skills, we have a number of components including but not limited to speaking, listening, resolving breakdowns, assessing as well as designing. On the other hand, under qualities we have rigor, patience, self-consistency as well as flexibility and creativity. In relation to speaking, Flaherty (2010) is of the opinion that engaging the client by word of mouth is one of the primary acts of any executive coach in his or her engagement with the client. In the author's own words, "speaking means to point out to your client new distinctions that will allow him to make new observations" (Flaherty 2010, p. 171). When it comes to listening, the key goal of the coach should be to understand that which is being said. However, to be able to understand that which is being said, the coach should first comprehend the client's unique situation. Next, still under skills, the author is of the opinion that dealing with breakdowns is inevitable when coaching people. Of key importance here for the coach is to "stay out of emotional reaction" (Flaherty 2010, p. 171). In regard to assessing, Flaherty (2010) recommends that coaches embrace four distinct points. For instance, when an individual is captured shouting on another in the workplace, it may be necessary to take into consideration a number of things including; what such an individual is seeking to accomplish, what such an accomplishment represents, the course of action taken and lastly; the results accruing from that particular course of action. Lastly, we have designing. This in the opinion of Flaherty (2010) has got to do with the link between the prevailing circumstances and the coaching program's desired outcomes.

Under qualities, we have rigor which in the opinion of Flaherty (2010) has got to do with the fair application of tradition standards. Though it is necessary for a coach to be rigorous, he should find an appropriate balance so as not to be too hard on those being coached. Next, patience, yet another quality necessary for successful coaching calls for an understanding of the limitation of human beings. As Peltier (2009, p. 105) notes, understanding the individual being coached sometimes calls for "patience and careful, caring listening." For instance, when it comes to change management, the coach should understand that though there may be need for change, the same cannot take place overnight. Self-consistency on the other hand, calls for the application of the same set of standards to both the client and oneself. In Flaherty's (2010) opinion, inconsistency is one of the surest ways of loosing credibility as a coach. Hence a coach one should ideally be able to live by the same standards he or she is advocating. Further, a coach should at all times be aware that he or she is being scrutinized by his or her clients. Lastly, when it comes to flexibility/creativity as yet another key competence of executive coaching, Flaherty (2010) is of the opinion that the coaching exercise cannot turn out exactly the way it was planned regardless of the effort that went into the design of the same. This is where creativity and flexibility comes in handy. Given that learning amongst different individuals does not occur at a similar rate, Flaherty (2010, p. 174) concludes that "to succeed as coaches we must find ways to have our coaching fit without diluting our commitment to the outcome."

As I have already stated elsewhere in this text, coaches regarded successful have a blend of capabilities which are critical for bringing about positive coaching outcomes. Thus apart from the competencies I highlight above, there are a wide range of other skills and abilities successful executive coaches possess. For instance, it helps if a coach is able to relate freely with the top management. Being comfortable around top executives helps an executive coach to handle occasional excesses of top management such as intolerance to criticism or defensiveness etc. It is also important to note that client focus can be considered yet another key competence critical for successful executive coaching. Client focus according to Hudson (1999) has got to do with the coach being fully aware of the unique needs of his or her client.

Factors Contributing to Negative Coaching Outcomes

The success of the executive coaching program may be impeded by a number of factors. Essentially, negative coaching outcomes can emanate from either the client or the coach. In regard to the client, the same could be occasioned by lack of motivation on the part of the client. Giving feedback can be considered an approach towards motivation. Indeed, as Goldsmith and Lyons (2006, p.76) note, "both hearing and accepting feedback are critical skills that help us to improve our effectiveness." Defensiveness on the part of the client can be seen as yet another source of negative coaching outcomes. Political priorities may also stand in the way of positive coaching outcomes.

Coaches also do contribute towards negative coaching outcomes. For instance, should a coach… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Core Competencies of Executive Coaching and Outcomes" Assignment:

In this 5 page Doctoral level essay, please determine and describe the core competencies required for successful executive coaching. In addition, please compile and analyze the various factors that can contribute to negative coaching outcomes. Please use Level 1 headings (APA style) as needed.

Please use American syntax. Times New Roman 12 pt. font (double spaced). If there are direct quotes please provide the page number (paragraph number if there are no page numbers). Please use current resources (textbooks) and ensure the resources cited in the body of the paper are correctly identified in the Reference page. **The textbooks being used in this course are:

Flaherty, J. (2010). Coaching: Evoking excellence in others (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN: 9781856178167

Hudson, F. (1999). The handbook of coaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 0787947954

Peltier, B. (2009). The psychology of executive coaching: Theory and application. (2nd ed.). New York: Taylor & Francis. ISBN: 9780415993418

Goldsmith, M., & Lyons, L. (2006). Coaching for leadership (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 0787977632

If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to leave a message. Thank you for your ideas on the above subject.


How to Reference "Core Competencies of Executive Coaching and Outcomes" Essay in a Bibliography

Core Competencies of Executive Coaching and Outcomes.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Core Competencies of Executive Coaching and Outcomes (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Core Competencies of Executive Coaching and Outcomes. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Core Competencies of Executive Coaching and Outcomes” 2012.
”Core Competencies of Executive Coaching and Outcomes”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Core Competencies of Executive Coaching and Outcomes”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Core Competencies of Executive Coaching and Outcomes [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Core Competencies of Executive Coaching and Outcomes. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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