Essay on "Community Service This Study Analyzes the Activities"

Essay 5 pages (1506 words) Sources: 0

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Community Service

This study analyzes the activities which I participated during my home-based care program. It further state challenges which came by and how they were addressed. I also emphasize how various activities were sub-divided among the team. The study also states the process through the team used to implement various activities according the schedule given the USAID. It finally states the monitoring and evaluation method which was used by the team, to determine the effect of the activities.

(i) Introduction -(1)

(iii) Planning -(3)

(iv) Coordination (Resource and Personnel -(4)

(v) Implementation-(5)

(vi) Activities -(6)

(vii) Monitoring and Evaluations-(8)

The developing countries especially from Africa region face a major challenge from increase health care cost. Therefore, accessing better health services is major issues which major international Non-governmental organizations can't leave unaddressed. Besides, there is a trend in continue short hospital stay for patient due to lack of enough nurses and proper accommodations. Therefore health interventions are carried out within communities (homes-based health care), to ensure that there are better care for victims at their homes, overall health issues are well taken care of.

During the previous holiday, I got an opportunity to travel to Uganda in East Africa, where I worked with a group of twenty people in provide home-based healthcare to Tuberculosis (TB), Malaria and HIV patients. Fortunately, there was an elaborate model for comprehensive community ba
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sed and home-based health care in place. This plan was developed by the USAID in collaboration with government of Uganda to ensure better accessibility to health and quality community health care to home-based patients.

As a volunteer, I was responsible for coming up with a timetable for the activities, coordinating other home-based volunteers, facilitating the delivery of drugs, provide food stuffs and water. Again, I was also responsible for organizing home visit and outing to various parks with patients. In addition, the team also played a counsel role to the patients. We provided daily counsel to every patient on various issues depending on the patient's needs.

However, the home-based care project was started by the USAID in partnership with the government of Uganda with a vision to fill the void of poor accommodations and few nurses in hospitals. It had a clear objective in promoting a healthy lifestyle and preventing illness by motivating and supporting members of the community to proactively maintain and resist threats to their health. Self-care reliance of the individual, family and community, and proper health-seeking behaviors are the expected outcomes.


To ensure better accessibility of effective and efficient health care in the community and home-based setting and to improve health and well being of patients.

To bring brightness on the faces of many patients by providing love, attention and care to the HIV and TB patients at home.


The table below shows the whole planning of the various activities which were carried by the team during the time of home-based care.






Meeting local with USAID representative local hospital nurses, counselors and community leaders.

The whole group members

1st week

Introduction of the team to the community, nurses and various agencies, working with home-based health care program.

Familiarize with the responsibility and division of tasks among the team.

Electing team leader and briefing on his/her work.

Booking of hotels rooms for accommodation.

Introduction to local food supplier and clinics responsible for drug supply.


Visit to home-based care center for the first time. Accompanied by representative from USAID, community nurse and a local leader.

The whole group

2nd week

Understand the main health issues affecting patients.

Identify the core area to work on to provide overall health support to the patients.

Develop a timetable of activities with team and work on implementation modality.


The work of the team begins immediately.

Whole team

2nd week

Provide drugs and food to the patients

Efficient offering guarding and counseling.

Hanging out every week with patients

Playing different kind of games together.

Organizing various health trainings to the patients and community.

The planning indicates the activities which were carried immediately the team arrived in Uganda. This was to prepare us psychologically for the task a head. Each of the activity was executed in collaboration with the local communities and representatives from the USAID as indicated in the table.

After planning and execution of the first phase of familiarizing with the community and other local leaders, the leaders elected amongst us were tasked to coordinate the entire program and report to the USAID coordinator. It happened that I was one of the leaders elected to spearhead the program. As a volunteer coordinator, I managed to work closely with all team members to draw the activities and implementation plan for the period we were there.

Coordination Resources & Personnel

The financial resources were provided by the USAID Uganda, which was used for implementation of the whole program. The whole team was tasked with specific responsibility to do and later report to their team leader. Each team leader was to submit weekly report to me, as the general leader.



A decision were made among the team members through discussion and compromising to come up with one formula for execution, and to accept responsible for every person within the group which could strengthen our work. To achieve our overall goals, the team was divided into four groups of four people. Each group had a leader who reported to me on every activities and issues which arose from the home-based care centers.

The overall activities were drafted by the team together with representatives from USAID. However, different teams were given specific responsibilities which were on rotational basis. This was to allow everyone to interact with every family within home-based care program and learn something which was to be presented to the team leader.


Throughout the program at the home-based care, we engaged in various activities including acute curative and rehabilitative care in addition to the promotion of the health and prevention of illness. The model and the system adapted by the team was elaborate, therefore it met the challenges need and provide more effective support to individuals, families and the team were tasked to work with in providing better health care.

The table shows the activities which were carried during the period of our home-based health care.




Time frame



Need assessment groups and HIV / AIDS village hall campaign

Care for the group

Simple treatment e.g. wound care

Drug administration

Morning &




Mass/group treatment deworming of children

Emergency care for HIV patients

Community-based health care and rehabilitation

HIV counseling

Morning &




Health education

Management of chronicle diseases such as Diabetes and HIV / AIDS

Morning &




Counseling services

Care for the group

Simple treatment e.g. wound care

Drug administration

Morning &




Information education on health care issues and family planning.

Outreach to other people within the community

Promotion of condom within the community


To afternoon



Exercise program

Outing the park with families




Going to the church with families.


This model of activity placed patients/clients at home-based care at the centre of care and acknowledges the contributions that individuals, groups and communities make in achieving and maintaining their health, and managing illness throughout the lifespan. It provides an overall framework, and includes systems and processes that can be adapted to meet the needs and priorities of local communities. it, however, builds on the existing health care system that is available in the community, and aims to make essential care for priority health problems more accessible to the needy, such as Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course (DOTS) for the treatment of tuberculosis (TB) and home-based AIDS care in support strategy

This model was developed with the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Community Service This Study Analyzes the Activities" Assignment:


Paper Layout:

This paper needs to be fully detailed over the community service you participated in.

Community service- Helping group homes with healthcare, along with coordinating activities to help with exercise and overall health. Also contacting families to facilitate times to hang out.

Part I: (This part of the project is 8-10 pages double spaced excluding all appendixes)

*****¢ Planning

*****¢ Goals

*****¢ Coordination (Resources & Personnel)

*****¢ Implementation/Marketing

*****¢ Assessment/Evaluation of Goals

The goal of service learning is to provide pedagogy that links academic study and civic engagement. work with a non-profit community organization. No group member should be out of pocket more than $20 each. From the service learning project, students will be able to put theory into practice through transformation of disciplinary concepts, skills relevant to promoting web page. The learning outcomes include opportunity for students to identify, and reflect critically on personal, ethical, and professional civic life.

Sample evaluative questions:

o How did you handle the problem solving process? Were you systematic?

o Did you show evidence of critical thinking? How?

o Did you show evidence of creative thinking? When? How?

o Use the information in the textbook to discuss how leadership was handled in your group. Who are the leaders? How did they come to be leaders? Support your claims.

o Group Climate*****describe your climate giving specific examples to support your claims

o Tensions: describe the evolution of feeling you had for working/helping with people in the organization.

o Describe a major conflict that arose. How was it handled? How could it have been handled better? o Also discuss how you handle working together as a group and what you learnt about working with the organization selected for the service learning project.

o If you are to do it over what would you change?

All this needs to be in your own words and kindly stated.

How to Reference "Community Service This Study Analyzes the Activities" Essay in a Bibliography

Community Service This Study Analyzes the Activities.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Community Service This Study Analyzes the Activities (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Community Service This Study Analyzes the Activities. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Community Service This Study Analyzes the Activities” 2012.
”Community Service This Study Analyzes the Activities”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Community Service This Study Analyzes the Activities”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Community Service This Study Analyzes the Activities [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Community Service This Study Analyzes the Activities. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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