Thesis on "Community Prevention Drug Use Among High School"

Thesis 4 pages (1195 words) Sources: 4 Style: MLA

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Community Prevention

Drug use among high school athletes is often a problem in relation to the pressure to perform while also coping with other factors such as peer group, home life, and school work. The temptation to use steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs therefore increases concomitantly with pressures from the social and private lives of the athletes. In order to help curb this problem, I would therefore propose a community prevention program that focuses on preventing drug use in high school athletes in Boise High School, Idaho.


Risk factors include: a difficult home life, where there is for example constant discord between parents, or between the parents and children; parents and family members who use drugs; friends who use drugs; and the availability of drugs.

Other risk factors could include individual emotional problems such as depression and a feeling of unworthiness, as well as less than average school performance. These factors are mitigated by perceived talents in sports, and hence the drive to perform better. This drive further strengthens the propensity towards using drugs.

Protective factors

Protective factors could relate to the individual, as well as his or her relationships with peers, family, and the community. An individual may for example have a particularly strong character, which could offset risk factors such as peer pressure and home life. Concomitantly, a good home and community basis will support the individual in choosing not to choose drugs. Community programs for example have proven to significantly reduce the occurrence of drug use among
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young people in general, and among athletes in particular. After-school programs for example reduce the opportunity to become involved in less desirable activities, and drug use as a result is reduced.

Community activities can also cultivate healthy peer-group and family relationships that will reduce the risk of drug use among athletes. Young athletes can then be encouraged to view themselves as worthy on the basis of more than only their athletic performance, and cultivate a more balanced lifestyle in this way.

In cases where rehabilitation is necessary, the community can also serve as an important protective factor in cultivating healthy family and peer relationships. These relationships will then be a strong basis upon which to build a maintenance plan for the future health of the athlete and the athletic team of which he or she is part.

Strategy would mainly base my strategy upon prevention by means of information dissemination and community training programs. I would handle the former via pamphlets, talks at the school concerned, visual materials such as DVDs, and other materials to provide information on the risk factors involved in drug use. For this, I would particularly focus upon the long-term dangers of steroid use. I would also emphasize the importance of cultivating healthy relationships concomitantly with a healthy lifestyle.

In terms of community training programs, I would provide young athletes with the opportunity to learn more about the specific risk factors for their particular peer group. For these, I would also focus on building relationships with family members and friends. Specifically, one could create separate programs for various relationship types. For a young person, the peer group is vitally important, while the home life provides a vital basis for healthy relationship models.

Role models could also be emphasized in this regard, as these provide a strong guideline for healthy athletic performance and achievement.

Institute of Medicine

The IOM type I would use is selective: I would specifically target high school athletes for my prevention program. I would furthermore investigate the specific risk and protective factors involved, and incorporate these in the program.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Community Prevention Drug Use Among High School" Assignment:

Community prevention assignment

When you are done I want you to identify a *****community***** that you would like to provide a prevention program for: *****“ e.g. Boise, University of Idaho, College freshmen at BSU, Boise High School, etc. My prevention is high school athletes to use drugs

Please identify the risk: such as uses, how it*****s sold, how its abused (variations?)

Protective factors of that community: How does this affect the family? (Rehab?) Team? Social circle of friends? (You can just take a guess at these *****“ I don*****t need hard data, but I do want some explanation)

What type of *****strategy***** would you use and why?

What Institute of Medicine (IOM) type?

Under external links you will find *****Best Practice Programs*****:

And go can go into *****Best Practices Database.***** See below

You can enter the above information and choose a program.

List the program you chose, a brief description and how much it would cost.

Finally, how would you get the money? Majority would be through grants, but other suggestions?


Guiding Good Choices

Quick Links To Attributes Of This Practice




Rated Effective By

Evaluating This Practice

Research Conclusions


Special Considerations

Contact Information


(Excerpt from materials provided by Channing Bete Company in December 2001 and updated in March 2003.)

Guiding Good Choices(TM) (GGC) (formerly known as Preparing for the Drug Free Years) is a multi-media program developed by ***** Hawkins, Ph.D. and Richard Catalano, Ph.D. that provides parents of children between the ages of 9 and 14, the knowledge and skills they need to guide their children through early adolescence. The program aims to strengthen and clarify family expectations for behavior, enhance the conditions that promote bonding in the family, and teach skills to parents and children to successfully meet the expectations of their family and resist drug use. Over the last 20 years, research has shown that positive parental involvement is an important protective factor that increases school success and buffers children against later problems such as substance abuse, violence, and risky sexual behaviors.

GGC is made up of the following components:

o a Workshop Leaders Guide, which includes masters for parent handouts

o a Family Guide (a take-home reference source for each participating family)

o a videotape with five vignettes (one for each parent session)

o a complete set of transparencies on CD(also available in standard transparency format)

The GGC Workshop Leader's Training Participant Training Set includes:

o 1 Workshop Leader's Guide

o 1 Workshop Video

o 1 Family Guide

o 1 PowerPoint Presentation CD

How it Works

The program is comprised of five, two-hour sessions usually held over five consecutive weeks. Curriculum can also be presented in 10 one-hour sessions. The sessions are interactive and skill based, with opportunities for parents to practice new skills and receive feedback from workshop leaders and their parent peers. Video-based vignettes demonstrate parenting skills through the portrayal of a variety of family situations. Families are provided with a Family Guide containing family activities and discussion topics, as well as skill-building exercises and information on positive parenting. Session topics include:

o How to Prevent Drug Abuse in Your Family

o Setting Clear Family Expectations on Drugs & Alcohol

o Avoiding Trouble

o Managing Family Conflict

o Strengthening Family Bonds

The program has been offered to parents in schools, worksites, churches, community centers, homes, hospitals, and prisons.


Risk Factors:

* Early Initiation of Substance Abuse

* Family Conflict

* Family Management Problems

* Favorable Attitudes Toward Substance Abuse

* Favorable Parental Attitudes & Involvement in Substance Abuse

* Friends Who Use

Protective Factors:

* Bonding

* Healthy Beliefs & Clear Standards

* Opportunities

* Skills

CSAP Strategies:

* Education

* Information Dissemination

IOM Type:

* Universal

Populations Found To Be Appropriate For This Practice:

Specific Ethnic Groups: * African American

* Asian / Pacific Islander

* Caucasian

* Hispanic / Latino

* Native American

Specific Age Levels: * Elementary School

* Middle School / Junior High

Other Specified Characteristics: *Parents of children between the ages of 9 and 14.

*Urban, multi-ethnic communities

Rated Effective By:

Rated Effective By: * National Institute on Drug Abuse

* Office of Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention

* Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

For details on the criteria used by each agency, please review the appendix of the following document: Comparison Matrix of Science-Based Prevention Programs: A Consumer's Guide for Prevention Professionals (2002 Conference Edition), Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.

Evaluating This Practice:

This best practice comes with an evaluation tool (pre- and post-written test) that can be used when implementing this strategy.

Evaluation Tool Cost: There is no additional cost for this tool.

The following are suggestions of areas you may want to assess if you implement this best practice. For assistance on creating an evaluation plan, refer to Step 7: Evaluation.

o Assess increased parenting skills.

o Assess increased family bonding.

Research Conclusions:

(Excerpt from materials provided by Channing Bete Company in December 2001.)

o Significant effects on targeted parenting behaviors were found at post-test and maintained one year later. Results of dissemination studies showed increased parental knowledge about the family's role in prevention, unfavorable parental attitudes towards drug use and increased use of family meetings to prevent drug use in children.

o At the two-year follow-up, youth in the GGC group who had not initiated substance use at the one-year follow-up were significantly more likely to have remained non-users by the two-year follow-up than their counterparts in the control group. Youth in the GGC group who had initiated substance use at the one-year follow up were significantly less likely than youth in the control group to have progressed to more frequent or varied drug use by the two-year follow up.

o At the 3.5 year follow up, youth in the GGC group had significantly lower growth in initiation rates for drunkenness and marijuana use than the youth in the control group. The GGC group also had a significantly lower proportion of youth who reported using alcohol during the previous month, lower frequencies of alcohol use, and lower growth of alcohol use frequency.

o Further an*****s showed youth in the GGC group had significantly less growth in alcohol use (a combined measure of initiation, frequency and defying parent's alcohol rules) and significantly higher parental norms against alcohol and other drug use than the control group three and one half years after the intervention (Park, Kosterman, Hawkins, Haggerty, Duncan, Duncan & Spoth, 2000).


Training Time: 3 days

Training Cost: To be discussed with the contact listed below.

Strategy Implementation:

A Workshop Leader's Package (Core Program plus 25 Family Guides, for two workshop leaders) is $969; additional Family Guides are $12.79 each (quantity discounts available).

Special Considerations:

The following are areas to take into consideration before selecting this strategy to be implemented in your community:

o This parent education program is for parents of children in grades 4 - 8 (ages 9-14).

o Two Leaders conduct a GGC Workshop. They should be skilled in providing parenting workshops, understand the principles of adult learning, and be knowledgeable about risk and protective prevention. They should also be willing to follow the curriculum, including the use of role play and guided practice. No special educational background is required but it is recommended that at least one workshop leader be a parent. It is highly recommended that workshop leaders attend a 3-day Workshop Leaders Training event.

o The GGC Workshop site should be in an accessible, safe, and familiar part of the neighborhood. The site should have enough meeting space to comfortably accommodate parents and their children (for one session). You will need video equipment, an easel or chalkboard, and an overhead projector (or computer-based LCD projector).

o All materials for the workshop are provided with the purchase of the GGC Workshop Kit or provided when attending a GGC Workshop Leaders Training provided by the Channing Bete Company.

o This curriculum is available in Spanish.

Contact Information:

For program background, ask for an Account Manager at the following phone number. For program materials or training, ask for a Customer Service Representative.

Channing Bete Company

One Community Place

South Deerfield, MA 01373-0200

Phone: 877-896-8532

Fax: 800-499-6464


Web site:

The programs and strategies listed on this web-site are examples of scientifically-defensible prevention efforts. While we do review the prevention literature and periodically update the information on this site, there are likely to be other proven practices that are not listed. Furthermore, inclusion of a strategy/program on this web-site does not imply endorsement by the Western CAPT nor the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.

I will email some PP and documents to help guide the process. *****

How to Reference "Community Prevention Drug Use Among High School" Thesis in a Bibliography

Community Prevention Drug Use Among High School.”, 2008, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Community Prevention Drug Use Among High School (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Community Prevention Drug Use Among High School. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Community Prevention Drug Use Among High School” 2008.
”Community Prevention Drug Use Among High School”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Community Prevention Drug Use Among High School”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Community Prevention Drug Use Among High School [Internet]. 2008 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Community Prevention Drug Use Among High School. Published 2008. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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