Term Paper on "Community Health Promotion Initiatives"

Term Paper 10 pages (2869 words) Sources: 12 Style: APA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

The Nurse Practitioner brings expertise in advanced health and physical assessment, advanced physiology and pathophysiology, and advanced pharmacology." (American College of Nurse Practitioners, 2011, p. 1)

The role of the Nurse Practitioner is such that "fosters collaboration both within the IDT and with the member's community health care providers to support seamless transitions throughout the health care system and to ensure collaboration and cohesiveness in member-centered supports. These skills help prevent duplication of services, improve access to care, and assure cost effective care by assuring that the member is treated in the most appropriate setting and with the most cost effective use of health care resources. For example, many acute and chronic health conditions can be monitored and treated in the community setting by the team Nurse Practitioner in collaboration with the team RN, and consulting the member's physician as needed. This not only reduces transportation and clinic costs, it also allows for more efficient use of physician time." (American College of Nurse Practitioners, 2011, p. 1)

In addition, it is reported that the Nurse Practitioner brings about a reduction in visits to the emergency room that are not required as well as bringing about a reduction in hospitalizations that are costly. It is reported that Nurse Practitioner "contribute to care management through clinical practice expertise, medication management, clinical leadership, collaboration and teamwork. Nurse Practitioners also play a role in research of program outcomes and quality and function as change agents." (American College of Nurse Practitioners, 2011, p. 1)

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training and education of the Nurse Practitioner is inclusive of "advanced physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology and evidence-based practice. The Nurse Practitioner has expertise in the treatment of acute and chronic illness, perform advanced health histories and physical exams, order diagnostic and laboratory tests appropriate to the member's age, physical symptoms and clinical exam findings to diagnose and monitor acute and chronic illnesses enhances and improves member outcomes." (American College of Nurse Practitioners, 2011, p. 1)

Finally, it is reported that the Nurse Practitioner has experience in the development and implementation of "system changes within the MCO to improve member care and assures the best possible care for individual members.. By identifying the member's personal, clinical and functional outcomes, and understanding the person's history, the Nurse Practitioner empowers and educates the member and their authorized representatives to make informed choices related to their lifestyle and health care." (American College of Nurse Practitioners, 2011, p. 1)

III. Supporting Education for Nursing Students

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing reports that "Nursing colleges and universities across the country are searching for creative solutions to increase the number of registered nurses in response to the growing shortage. Budgetary constraints, a limited pool of nursing faculty, insufficient clinical sites, and a lack of scholarship monies are all barriers to expanding student capacity and meeting the projected demand for nursing care." (2014, p. 1) Overcoming these challenges is requiring collaboration between nursing institutions and their clinical partners in addition to other stakeholders in what is described as an "effort to build student capacity and satisfy mutual needs." (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2014 p. 1)

It is additionally reported that these are partnerships that are taking "many forms and serve various functions." (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2014 p. 1) The report states that some of the colleges and schools are utilizing "expert practitioners to augment the nursing faculty supply. Others involve collaborative arrangements among nursing education programs to increase student enrollments. Some service partners share physical resources and infrastructure with schools as a means of overcoming limitations in clinical, classroom, and research space. Still others form partnerships to provide tuition forgiveness to students in exchange for work commitments." (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2014 p. 1)

The report relates that the initiative is making great progress towards supporting the advance of the nursing profession and making a difference in the shortage in nursing. American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2014 p. 1) The community health nursing professional or the nurse practitioner has the unique potential to form such types of partnerships with universities for example "The University of Cincinnati has established a long-standing collaboration with the university hospital to develop and implement an institute for nursing research. Through this relationship, the college has access to an acute care setting ideal for implementing faculty-led research programs, and the hospital obtains research expertise needed to maintain an active program of evidence-based nursing practice. The hospital also provides an ideal site for graduate students to collaborate with agency personnel on research projects" (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2014 p. 1) In fact, the report relates that this collaboration "Since 1996…has resulted in more than $700,000 in grants, contracts, and income to the hospital, while the college has benefited from an annual substantial gift from the hospital to support college personnel." (American Nurses Association, 2014 p. 1) In yet another initiative,

"Georgia Governor Roy E. Barnes announced the establishment of a $4.55 million public/private partnership between Georgia health care providers and the University System of Georgia, which will increase the number of health professionals in the state by more than 500 over the next two years. Participating health care employers have committed to providing jobs for new fast-track graduates in 19 Georgia communities, bringing much needed health care services to citizens. With the vast majority of grants awarded to fund nursing education, the partnership will produce 294 registered nurses prepared at the baccalaureate level and 180 nurses prepared at the associate degree level." (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2014 p. 1)

Capstone College of Nursing at the University of Alabama is reported to have "launched a Cooperative Education Program that allows students to alternate full-time study with work in a local hospital. Through this arrangement, students are paid to work full-time at a hospital during their summers and for two spring semesters while upperclassmen. As students gain more training and experience, they advance in their work responsibilities and earn more money." (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2014 p. 1)

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing additionally reports that the University of Miami has an initiative that involves the pursuit of "collaborations with a regional Health Alliance with the goal of graduating more nursing students and improving attrition rates. Through this partnership, the Alliance builds relationships with potential nursing recruits by pairing students with nurses in their system who serve as mentors, offering scholarships, and funding a faculty position to support students at risk. Students have especially enjoyed the mentor-mentee relationship and the chance to learn from an experienced nursing professional." (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2014 p. 1)

Summary and Conclusion

Accomplishing these types of partnerships is time-consuming and requires a great deal of communication and meeting with others in forming the partnerships. The community health promotion initiative requires that the nurse practitioner focus on building these types of partnerships between health care institutions and local schools colleges and universities.

Support of higher levels of attendance in school by students will additionally serve to promote the health of the community since as demonstrated in the literature reviewed in this study, the higher level of educational achievement of the individual supports higher levels of health maintenance due to the greater knowledge of the individual and the community-at-large about how to maintain their health.

Community educational initiatives such as the one related in this study in a community to educate them about clean water is just one of the ways that the nurse practitioner can support health at the community level.

The greatest need in community health promotion is collaboration and cooperation between the nurse practitioner, various actors and stakeholders including schools, colleges and universities.


Using Strategic Partnerships to Expand Nursing Education Programs (2014) American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Retrieved from: http://www.aacn.nche.edu/aacn-publications/issue-bulletin/using-strategic-partnerships

Navarro, AM, wet al (2007) Charting the Future of Community Health Promotion: Recommendations From the National Expert Panel on Community Health Promotion. Preventing Chronic Disease. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from: http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2007/jul/07_0013.htm

Freudenberg, N. And Ruglis, J. (2007) Reframing School Dropout as a Public Health Issue. Recommendations From the National Expert… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Community Health Promotion Initiatives" Assignment:

Assignment 2: Health Promotion Proposal

The purpose of this assignment is to provide the learner an opportunity to design a health promotion proposal specific to your role specialization. Each student will write a scholarly paper that demonstrates graduate school level writing and critical analysis of existing nursing knowledge. The paper will be a minimum of 12 pages and maximum of 15 pages, using APA style.

Choosing Your Topic Review the list of priority areas for health promotion and disease prevention in Healthy People 2020 (http://healthypeople.gov/2020/default.aspx). Next click on the “2020 Topics & Objectives” tab and select a topic for your health promotion proposal. Consider a topic area with a focus that you believe is critical to your role area Nurse Practitioner, . Consult with your faculty member and seek approval prior to starting your paper.

Following approval of your selected topic, you will select a specific objective from Healthy People 2020. For instance, if your topic area was “Older Adults” you may choose the following objective in the “Older Adults” section (click on the objectives tab):

OA–6: Increase the proportion of older adults with reduced physical or cognitive function who engage in light, moderate, or vigorous leisure-time physical activities. Based on this objective you would develop a more specific evidence based intervention such as providing a workshop on exercise for your target population. Or if your topic area was “Adolescent Health”, you may want to focus and develop and intervention on the following objective in the “Adolescent Health” section”

AH–1 Increase the proportion of adolescents who have had a wellness checkup in the past 12 months. Gathering the Evidence Besides the resources available in the topic areas of Healthy People 2020, visit South’s Online Library and conduct a review of literature looking for nursing research related to health promotion and disease prevention in your selected topic area. Also visit reputable internet sources such as the CDC, NINR, AHRQ.


Clearly describes the health promotion/disease prevention problem specific to the target population. Explain how the selected problem applies to advanced practice in the student's role option. Critically analyze the current literature related to interventions that address the problem related to communities from nursing, the sciences, and humanities. Select an appropriate health promotion/disease prevention theoretical framework that applies to the problem. Design an intervention to address the problem in the selected population/setting using appropriate epidemiological, social, and environmental assessments. Design an evaluation plan to measure efficacy of the proposed intervention.

How to Reference "Community Health Promotion Initiatives" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Community Health Promotion Initiatives.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2014, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/community-health-promotion-proposal/8984312. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Community Health Promotion Initiatives (2014). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/community-health-promotion-proposal/8984312
A1-TermPaper.com. (2014). Community Health Promotion Initiatives. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/community-health-promotion-proposal/8984312 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Community Health Promotion Initiatives” 2014. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/community-health-promotion-proposal/8984312.
”Community Health Promotion Initiatives” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/community-health-promotion-proposal/8984312.
[1] ”Community Health Promotion Initiatives”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2014. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/community-health-promotion-proposal/8984312. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Community Health Promotion Initiatives [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2014 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/community-health-promotion-proposal/8984312
1. Community Health Promotion Initiatives. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/community-health-promotion-proposal/8984312. Published 2014. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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