Case Study on "and Analysis of a Particular Approach or Example of Community Development in Practice"

Case Study 12 pages (4061 words) Sources: 24 Style: Harvard

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Community Development in Practice

The term 'community involvement' has actually just recently pertained to play a main role in the discourse of rural development specialists and policy makers. At the exact same time, individuals' analyses of the term and objections of other individuals' analyses have actually increased, and the purposes and outcomes of much involvement in practice have actually been questioned or even knocked (Booth, 2005; Cornwall, 2004). Community involvement as a method has actually become a "buzzword" and at its base has actually become a foundation for each developing job in establishing nations. According to Fung (2002), involvement is the energetic participation of the community, especially the disadvantaged teams such as ladies, kids, senior, handicapped and the poorest of the inadequate, in the choices or decision making, planning, execution, and analysis of their own development tasks. The principle of community involvement nevertheless, has actually stayed a contested surface. This paper focuses on community involvement in development programs and evaluates its significance both in concept and practice. A meaning of development and community involvement will provide a clear idea of the usefulness of the approach. The essay likewise stresses the strengths and weak points of the method with the help of case histories from various areas in developing countries.

The principle of community involvement in development became the typical currency of exchange in development discourse in the 1970s and ever since then, literature on the topic has actually expanded substantially. Exactly what was at first an extreme review of development has fairly rapidly tur
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ned into a staple for development tradition on the planet. The incorporation of the community residents in development tasks has actually become a usual sensation that virtually every company discusses. The principle has surfaced as significantly important after it was recognized that the top-down strategy to development that was in location and that this had significant repercussions in job sustainability terms. For that reason, this brand-new method of community involvement in development has actually been deemed a remedy for the sustainability of jobs at community level (Dzinavatonga, 2008: 01). Community involvement is the energetic procedure by which recipient teams affect the instructions and the execution of a task instead of simply being contacted or getting the share of the task advantages. The recipient teams do this with a view of boosting their well being in regards to earnings, individual development, self-reliance or various other standards they treasure (Theron, 2005:115 -116).

Nghikembua (1996:2 believes that community involvement has to do with "... empowering individuals to mobilize their own abilities, be social stars ... handle their resources, deciding and controlling tasks that influence their lives." Theron (2005b:117) in Wates (2000) concurs that community involvement "... indicates decentralization of choice making and involves self-mobilization and public control of the development procedure."

Nonetheless, despite the fact that the discourse on involvement has actually been extensively accepted as a practical option for the understanding of sustainable development, the quick expansion of the term and its myriad implementations have actually fired up a lot of argument and debate, and functioned as an inspiration for even more crucial analyses of the idea in current times. Additionally, regardless of its broad approval as a beneficial strategy to rural development there still are numerous tasks that are not performed or completed and the blame has actually commonly been moved to absence of financing and various other aspects like inflation as having actually lagged this problem. Issues have actually therefore been raised on the efficiency of community involvement in job sustainability due to the incompatibility of concept and practice.

The meaning of involvement is extremely evasive in development discourse. Considering the intricacy of community involvement, it is required to first of all face the terms "community" and "involvement" and thus clarify the idea of community involvement as a whole. Wates (2000:184) has actually hence specified a "community" as a team of individuals sharing typical interests and living within a geographically specified location. With concerns to 'involvement' Wates (2000:194) specifies it as the act of being associated with something. Makumbe (1996) keeps in mind that participatory development can be provided as a continuum of involvement levels from passive involvement, where contributor or government-initiated concepts are advertised, to energetic involvement where the recipients are associated with all phases of a development task. At this juncture, community involvement includes the stakeholders of a specific development task to be associated with the issue recognition, solution, planning, execution, management, supervision and examination, in addition to discovering options to their issues and problems. In essence, these will produce a sense of ownership of jobs by neighborhood individuals and therefore improve dedication amongst individuals.

The Significance of Planning in Community Development in rural areas

The development of rural areas needs a detailed and holistic method which requires a multi-sectoral effort and a bigger pool of organizations. It includes social, financial, political and ecological procedures which need efficient rural planning. Rural planning is, for those reasons, a crucial requirement for sustainable rural growth. Rural development is multifaceted as it consists of thorough, spatial (physical development), financial and monetary (development planning), farming land use (land use procedures) and natural deposit management (water, ecological, national forests and forestry planning) (PlanAfric; 2000). Nevertheless, efficient rural planning deals with a variety of difficulties.

Rural development is specified by AgriInfo (2011) as a procedure that intends to enhance the standard of lives of individuals staying in the rural areas. It is an incorporated procedure that includes social financial, political and spiritual development of the poorest areas in the society. Chambers (2005) specifies rural development as an approach to make it possible for a particular team of individuals, inadequate rural females, men and kids to have access to life's standard requirements. Rural planning can be specified as a procedure of developing, with research and analysis, a set of objectives, goals and approaches in an offered space or location.

Efficient rural planning could be a time consuming procedure however it is worth it as it includes both the professionals and the community in creating the development plan. Resources are made use of effectively and are accounted for. Planning likewise generates brand-new development concepts by speaking with a multitude of stakeholders. Of relevance is the reality that preparing enables development firms to comprehend the complicated nature of rural areas which are defined by reduced literacy levels, cultural rigidity, large spread of lack of knowledge, poverty and inequality.

Rural development suggests both aspects i.e. better quality of life, in addition to higher social improvement (OCED, 2001). In order to establish rural areas, there is a need for the community to recognize their capacity. Rural areas are not to be viewed as issues; they in reality present financial chances and prospective to contribute favorably to competitiveness, development of micro companies, particular niche markets and the enhancing function of female business owners. Although, farming remains to play a vital job in rural areas, there is enhancement in rural economic climates with diversification of financial tasks. Furthermore, with the intro of market-based reforms, financial pressure on rural areas is anticipated to enhance, including a significant impact on the rural community in increasing farming manufacturing, relief of poverty and recognizing food safety. As such, financial planning is a necessary component as it offers financial choices for markets, financial resources like land, access to micro finance and credit in addition to inputs for farming.

Community established and driven land use planning is an essential means to minimize land use disagreements and enhance the efficient ability of agro-based rural neighborhoods (OCED, 2001). Usual land use in rural land consists of farming, communal grazing locations, burial websites and sometimes land is booked for town development. Land use planning in the rural areas attend to the needs and abilities for cropping land, grazing land, woodlands for wood, charcoal, medications; town sitting of houses and community services, ancestral land and water resources where readily available (Mwanza, 1998). Mentioning of all these uses is affixed to custom-made natives to that specific location. Contrasting land uses are very little as the villagers have moral obligations to these particular land uses. The function of spatial planning is to handle ecological, social and financial alternatives and offer a systematic vision for enhancing human negotiation. Healey (1997) specifies planning as forming locations, therefore forming the alternative in rural areas implies forming them in a way that will not just advertise physical looks however will incorporate the social and financial facets. Vital to spatial planning is spatial information, which needs to be conveniently offered to prepare efficiently.

Land-use planning is created to attain sustainable, appropriate, ample and possible land usage plans in communal lands. More particularly, the task is made to consolidate arable and grazing land, nucleate domestic land for financial service arrangement, develop woodlots, yards and orchards, offer close access to cleanse, potable water and accomplish preservation of resources (PlanAfric, 2000). Every one of which indicate sustainable rural development.

Natural deposit planning or management is an additional vital element in rural planning that will pave the way to… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "and Analysis of a Particular Approach or Example of Community Development in Practice" Assignment:

Case study and analysis of a particular approach or example of community development in practice.

(I will upload some HD essays to be an example for you. Pls take a look at example essays first before you do)

*Please use academic references only not website


All the best to you Thank you so much!


Energisers (adapted from a wide range of sources including)

International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2002, 100 Ways to Energise Groups

Boal, Auigusto 2002 Games for Actors and Non-Actors

McCarthy, Julie 2004 Enacting Participatory Development: Theatre-based techniques

Conversation Cafes

Participatory Workshops

Chambers, Robert 2002 Participatory workshops : a sourcebook of 21 sets of ideas and activities. London: Earthscan.

Pretty, ***** N. et al. 1995 Trainer's guide for participatory learning and action, London: IIED.

International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2001 A Facilitators***** Guide to Participatory Workshops with NGOs/CBOs Responding to HIV/AIDS.

Facilitation skills

Eitington, J 1996 (or most recent edition) The Winning Trainer: Winning Ways to Involve People in Learning, 3rd ed., Gulf.

Vella, ***** 2002 Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach: The power of Dialogue in Educating Adults, Revised Ed., San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Kaner, S. et al. 2007 Facilitators guide to participatory decision-making, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons.

Lydia Braakman & Karen Edwards 2002, The Art of Building Facilitation Capacities A Training Manual, RECOFTC, Bangkok.

International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2002, 100 Ways to Energise Groups: Games to use in workshops, meetings and the community, available as PDF from

---- 2001, A Facilitators Guide to Participatory Workshops with NGOs/CBOs Responding to HIV/AIDS, available as PDF from

Salas, M A et al. 2007 VIPP Visualisation in Participatory Programmes, UNICEF & Southbound. [An earlier version of this wonderful manual is available from]

Svendsen, Dian S. et al. 1998 Facilitation Skills: An Introductory Guide, Lusaka: Project Concern & Social Impact.

Community assets audit

ABCD Institute 2005 Discovering Community Power: A Guide to Mobilizing Local Assets and Your Organizations Capacity, available from Asset-Based Community Development Institute

PRA and PLA (a wide range of sources, but some of the best are)

Kumar, Somesh 2002 Methods for Community Participation: A Complete Guide for Practitioners, London: ITDG.

Pretty, ***** N. et al. 1995 Trainer's guide for participatory learning and action, London: IIED.

International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2006 Tools Together Now: 100 Participatory Tools to Mobilise Communities for HIV/AIDS, available from

Narayanasamy, N. 2009 PRA Principles, Methods and Application, *****.

Slocum, Rachel et al. (eds.) 1995 Power, Process and Participation

Community Organising toolkits

Barefoot Collective 2009 Barefoot Guide to Working with Organisations and Social Change [just google it].

Gubbels, Peter & Koss, Catherine 2000 From the Roots Up.

Capacity building for local NGOs: A guidance manual for good practice

Gender toolkits

Slocum, Rachel et al. (eds.) 1995 Power, Process and Participation

Williams, Suzanne 1994 Oxfam Gender Training Manual

Theatre of the Oppressed drama techniques

Boal, Auigusto 2002 Games for Actors and Non-Actors

McCarthy, Julie 2004 Enacting Participatory Development: Theatre-based techniques, London: Earthscan.


International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2008 Network Capacity Analysis, Workshop Facilitation Guide and Rapid Assessment Guide.

International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2001 Pathways to Partnerships toolkit. Available from

McArdle, Jeremy 1998 Resource manual for facilitators in community development, Volume I & II, Melbourne: Vista (see section on networking).

Other Useful Resources


Community development journal (Full text available online through Monash library)

Community development : journal of the Community Development Society, USA (Full text available online through Monash library)

Development in Practice (Full text available online through Monash library)

Participatory Learning and Action,

available at:

Environment & Urbanization, (Full text available online through Monash library) Excellent source of articles on urban CD & community organising in urban centres of developing world.

Third World Quarterly (Full text available online through Monash library)

Search Indexes & Databases such as Scopus, ProQuest, IngentaConnect (all available through our library website)


International Association for Community Development

Eldis Gateway to Development Information (International Development)

ProventionWeb (Disaster Reduction Community)

the encyclopaedia of informal education

Empowering Communities Participatory Techniques For Community-Based Programme Development


Overview of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)

PRA Tool Box PRA Tool Box

Seattle Community Network Handbook for Mobilizers,

Actionaid*****s Reflect adult learning and social change site


Empowering People: A Guidebook to Participation

Popular Education News


ABCD Institute 2005 Discovering Community Power: A Guide to Mobilizing Local Assets and Your Organizations Capacity, available from Asset-Based Community Development Institute

ActionAid International 1996 REFLECT Mother manual, London: ActionAid. Available at

ActionAid International 1996 REFLECT Mother manual, London: ActionAid. Available at

Afshar, Helen (ed.) 1998 Women and empowerment: Illustrations from the Third World, Hampshire: Macmillan.

Apentiik, C.R.A. & J. Parpart 2006 Working in Different Cultures: Issues of Race, Ethnicity and Identity, in Vandana Desai & Robert B Potter (eds.) Doing Development Research, *****.

Arevalo, M. & Guijt, I. 1998 Participatory monitoring and evaluation, London: IIED.

Arnold, Rick et al. 1991 Educating for a change, Ontario: Between the Lines & Doris Marshall Institute.

Begley, P. 2006 Sojourner adaptation, in Intercultural communication: A reader, Thomson/Wadsworth, pp. 387-393.

Bill Cooke & Uma Kothari 2001 Participation : the new tyranny?

Boal, Auigusto 2002 Games for Actors and Non-Actors

CARE 1999 Embracing Participation In Development: Wisdom From The Field, available from

Carr, Anna 2002 Grassroots and Green Tape: Principles and Practices of Environmental Stewardship, Annandale, N.S.W: Federation Press.

Coover, Virginia et al. 1985 Resource manual for a living revolution, Philadelphia: New Society Publishers.

Core Initiative 2005 CBO/CFO Capacity Analysis: A Tool for Assessing and Building Capacities for High Quality Responses to HIV/AIDS.

Core Initiative 2006 Participatory monitoring and evaluation of community and faith-based programs, pdf.

Cousins, Tessa (1998) Giving space to conflict in training, in The Myth of Community, pp. 58-70.

Darder, Antonia et al. 2003 Critical pedagogy reader.

***** Werner & Bill Bower (1982) Helping Health Workers Learn: A Book of Methods, aids, and ideas for instructors at the village level, Hesperian Foundation, Palo Alto.

DFID 2004 Facilitating Networks - a good practice guide, available from

DFID Sustainable Livelihoods Guidance Sheets,

Estrella, M. et al. 2000 Learning from change : issues and experiences in participatory monitoring and evaluation, London : Intermediate Technology Publications, 2000.

FAO & RECOFTC 2002 Community-based forest resource conflict management: A training Package.

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Gary J. ***** 1995 Ethnobotany: a methods manual

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Gubbels, Peter & Koss, Catherine 2000 From the Roots Up.

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Holcombe, Susan 1995 Managing to Empower: The Grameen Bank*****s Experience of Poverty Alleviation, Zed, London.

International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2001 A facilitators guide to participatory workshops with NGOs/CBOs responding to HIV/AIDS, available at

International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2001 Pathways to Partnerships toolkit. Available from

International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2002 100 ways to energise groups: games to use in workshops, meetings and the community, available at

International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2006 All together now! Community mobilisation for HIV/AIDS, available at

International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2006 Tools Together Now: 100 Participatory Tools to Mobilise Communities for HIV/AIDS, PDF available at

Ira Shor ed. (1987) Freire for the Classroom, Heinemann.

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Kretzmann, John & McKnight, John 1993 Building Communities from the Inside Out: A path towards finding and mobilizing a community*****s assets, Asset-Based Community Development Institute, Evanston IL.

Ledgerwood, Joanna 1999 Microfinance handbook : an institutional and financial perspective, World Bank.

Mackenzie, ***** 1993 On our feet, Supplement to Adult Education and Development, 41.

McArdle, Jeremy 1998 Resource manual for facilitators in community development, Volume I & II, Melbourne: Vista.

McCarthy, Julie 2004 Enacting Participatory Development: Theatre-based techniques, London: Earthscan.

Meredith Minkler & Nina Wallerstein ed (2005) Community organizing and community building for health, 2nd ed., Rutgers Uni Press, New Brunswick.

Mikkelsen, Britha 2005 Methods for development work and research : a new guide for practitioners, Thousand Oaks, Calif.: *****.

Mukherjee, Neela. 2002 Participatory learning and action : with 100 field methods, New Delhi : Concept Pub.

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Peace Corp (1989) Nonformal Education Manual.

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Rubin, Herbert J. & Rubin, Irene S. 2001 (or most reent edition) Community Organizing and Development, 3rd ed., Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Samuel Hickey & Giles Mohan 2004 Participation, from tyranny to transformation? : exploring new approaches to participation in development.

Schech, S. & Haggis, J. 2000 Culture and Development: A Critical Introduction, Blackwell.

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Slocum, Rachel et al. (eds.) 1995 Power, Process and Participation: Tools for Change, London: Intermediate Technology Publications.

Special issue on sustainable livelihoods, Community Development Journal, 38 (3), 2003.

Srinivasan, Lyra 1990 Tools for community participation: A manual for training trainers in participatory techniques, PROWESS/UNDP.

The Partnering Toolbook, 2003. available from

UNDP 1997 Empowering People: A Guidebook to Participation

UNIFEM 2005 Strategic Gender Interventions and Poverty Reduction: Principles and Practice, available as PDF.

Vella, ***** 2002 Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach: The power of Dialogue in Educating Adults, Revised Ed., San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Veneklasen, Lisa & Valerie Miller 2007 A new weave of power, people and politics : the action guide for advocacy and citizen participation, 2nd Ed., Practical Action.

Verhelst, T. & W. Tyndale 2002 Cultures, spirituality and development, in D. Eade (ed) Development and Culture: Selected essays from Development in Practice, Oxfam, Oxford, pp. 1-24.

Verhelst, Thierry G. 1990 No life without roots: culture and development, Zed Books.

Williams, Suzanne 1994 Oxfam Gender Training Manual, Oxford: Oxfam.

World Bank 1998 Participation and Social Assessment Tools and Techniques, compiled by J. Rietbergen-McCracken & D. Narayan, Washington, World Bank. [Available to download from WB website. Very useful sourcebook of techniques]



How to Reference "and Analysis of a Particular Approach or Example of Community Development in Practice" Case Study in a Bibliography

and Analysis of a Particular Approach or Example of Community Development in Practice.”, 2013, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

and Analysis of a Particular Approach or Example of Community Development in Practice (2013). Retrieved from (2013). and Analysis of a Particular Approach or Example of Community Development in Practice. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”and Analysis of a Particular Approach or Example of Community Development in Practice” 2013.
”and Analysis of a Particular Approach or Example of Community Development in Practice”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”and Analysis of a Particular Approach or Example of Community Development in Practice”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. and Analysis of a Particular Approach or Example of Community Development in Practice [Internet]. 2013 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. and Analysis of a Particular Approach or Example of Community Development in Practice. Published 2013. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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