Research Paper on "Communication Theory"

Research Paper 4 pages (1281 words) Sources: 4

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Communication Theory (attribution Theory in Communication)

Communication process involves exchange of information between the sender and the receiver. The sender transmits a message while the receiver decodes the message sent. The key elements of myriad communication models are: the sender, the receiver, the message, the channel or the medium through which the message is conveyed, the context, noise/interference, and feedback (Dimbleby & Burton, 1998). Communication will be considered effective when the receiver fully understands the sender's message. Otherwise the noise that is found along the way shall be deemed to be distractive enough to hinder the effective passing of the message intended from the source to the receiver of the message.

The sender or the source traditionally initiates communication process in a business communication setting. The audience becomes the receiver. The sender and the receiver engage in turn-taking (Heath & Bryant, 2000). This kind of interaction implies that whatever message the sender transmits can affect the sender and vice-versa.

Scenario for the theory

I have in several instances used this kind of approach to judge and condemn colleagues in the office and in the process allowing the attribution of traits hinder my communication at the workplace. For instance there was a time when I needed to leave the office two hours earlier than usual time, yet there was still work to be done. I had to leave since there was something urgent elsewhere I had to attend to. Upon asking my closest workstation colleague to help me clear the remaining task of inventory taking, she was unable to. My presumpti
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on was that it was because she felt jealous that by helping me on that particular day, I would still meet my set target for the day yet am out of office many hours before time, while she has to sit extra hours in the office. What this situation boiled down to was that the following few days, she asked me for the same favor, though her situation was that she was sick, I turned down the request with the reason that she 'never' helps me when I need the help. This situation made me not even to listen to the reasons why she needed my help. This situation escalated further that when we had projects to be done in collaboration, we never had mutual understanding on the sections to be carried out jointly as indicated in the secular but apportioned each person the sections.

In this situation, I can now see that I never considered the amount of work she may have had on her desk or the need for her to walk out of the office in time to attend to the kids from school. This affected the communication process since the message she sent me was distracted by the noise of attribution that I had formed hence never conveyed the intended message. The attribution further acted as noise for other forms of communication that emanated from the administration, hence the external factors came into play to interfere with the communication between the managers and me.

With this awareness, I would manage to control my attribution formation since I will now, henceforth consider more factors than the face value or the easy presumptions that I may deem come from the person's attitude or character. In effort to be objective and not be subject to attribution, I will always ask more questions so that I can understand the other external factors that may be hindering the person from responding in the manner I expected.

Personality in a significant manner affects the application of the attribution theory at work places. There are several cases where attribution is based on the personality of the individual like the shyness, intelligence and arrogance of the person.

Attribution theory application

The attribution theory is a commonly used concept in psychology and communication to explain the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Communication Theory" Assignment:

Hi, the assignment is below. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.

You will write a 3-5 page paper on Communication Theory.


This paper assignment is to help you make a real-world application of the contents of this course and to help you become much more familiar with a theory of your choice by applying one communication theory to your chosen career.

1) Situation - First you must detail a scenario where this theory might be of use. The scenario may be one that you have already experienced personally, or it may be a hypothetical one. Your scenario should involve a small group of people from diverse backgrounds and specific (detailed) context in where the situation occurs. Briefly and clearly (should not take more than one page), discuss the nature of the communication situation:

Who are the parties involved?

Where does the situation happen?

What is the nature of the situation?

Is there a problem that needs to be addressed, or is it a problem created by communication?

2) Theory and Literature Review - Select the theory you feel is most appropriate to use in the situation you have describe. Describe the theory in depth, its origins, and explore the research literature surrounding the theory. You must consult at least 4 scholarly resources.

Briefly explain the theory.

What are the origins of the theory?

What are its basic propositions?

Briefly describe some of the research associated with the theory.

3) Theory Application ***** You have described the scenario and the theory. Now, describe how the theory could be applied to your situation. In your analysis, you should also shortly address and make connections with theories that relate to intrapersonal and interpersonal communication, small group communication, intercultural communication and mass communication.


A few words about structuring your paper:

A good paper is one that is built around a clear structure, so you should outline the main points of your paper before you start writing. It*****s easier to overhaul your outline than it is to overhaul a fully-written paper, so spend some time thinking about the structure of your paper before you launch into the writing.

Your paper should have:

A clear introduction A body (in which you flesh out the situation, theory and literature review, and theory application)

A conclusion (in which you summarize your argument and findings and *****open***** the paper to

consideration of broader themes).


A few words about WRITING your paper:

I require an *****introductory paragraph.***** It must introduce the topic, state the main argument of the paper, set forth the plan by which the paper unfolds, and state the paper*****s conclusion. In brief, after having read the first paragraph, your reader should know precisely what the paper is about, its main claims, how it unfolds, and where it will end up. Write the paper in coherent paragraphs. Each paragraph should flow naturally and logically from the previous paragraph, and on to the next paragraph, following a clear train of analysis. Good writing is clear writing. Write in simple, declarative sentences. Use the active voice.

Feel free to quote from books, articles or experts, but do not waste space with very lengthy

quotations ***** briefly paraphrase these passages instead.

A few words about acknowledging and citing sources:

Every time you use somebody else*****s ideas or words, you must acknowledge the source of the information (unless the information is common knowledge). You may acknowledge these sources by using footnotes, endnotes, or in-text notes. Don*****t get hung up on details of citation style: what really matters is (1) that you cite your sources in such a way

that readers can identify your sources and check your facts, and (2) that you use the same citation style throughout the paper. (When citing Internet sources that do not have printed equivalents, identify the author, document title, Internet address, and the date that you retrieved the document.)

Append a bibliography at the end of the paper, and include all the sources in MLA style that you used in writing the paper.


A few words about submitting your paper:

Your paper must be typed in Word Document in double-space in a normal font (e.g., 12-point Times New Roman), number the pages, put your name and student number on the title page. You should use MLA Style. Your research paper should have a title other than *****Research Paper*****. Try to think of something catchy that interests the reader but also speaks to the themes of the paper.

Your paper should have three major sections:

1) Situation

2) Theory and Literature Review

3) Theory Application.

Use at least 4 scholarly resources (not used in class). References must also be included at the end of your paper under the heading, *****References.*****

How to Reference "Communication Theory" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Communication Theory.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Communication Theory (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Communication Theory. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Communication Theory” 2012.
”Communication Theory”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Communication Theory”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Communication Theory [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Communication Theory. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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