Essay on "Communication Problem Related to Small Group or Organizational"

Essay 4 pages (1342 words) Sources: 4

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Communication Problem Related to Small Group or Organizational Communication

Real world communication problem: Communication issues at the restaurant where I work

Easter Sunday is one of the busiest days for a restaurant. So it was only natural that extra staff should be scheduled to work on that day at the local restaurant where I work. My manager Carmen did not schedule enough additional employees for Easter, and the result was a debacle. There were long waits for food due to a shortage of cooks, and the kitchen struggled to keep pace serving its special holiday menu. There were also not enough servers which resulted in additional backlogs of orders. Even with reservations, there were long waits for tables. The end result was a restaurant full of overworked, unhappy staff and irate customers who received a bad impression of the restaurant.

Miscommunication was evidenced in this problem scenario on several levels. Carmen stated that she had scheduled enough workers but many people cancelled at the last minute, which, according to the employees, was simply not true. Regardless, this indicates a clear failure of downward communication, or the 'horizontal' chain of communication which is supposed to exist between staff members and the organizational leadership. There are few formal controls regarding scheduling: the schedule is simply scrawled on a calendar in the back room, and there is no verification that people have seen any changes, with the exception of the occasional last minute alterations (like someone calling out sick an hour or two before a shift). Because of this haphazard scheduling, there is frequently over and under-staffing, and a lack of
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'tailoring' of staff to the needs of the restaurant at high-priority hours of the day or days of the week.

While Carmen cannot be entirely faulted for the faulty chains of vertical communication that have been instituted at the restaurant, she must accept full blame for how she reacted to the most recent problem. She complained to the owner, Kenneth, about the poor performance of the wait staff and accepted no personal responsibility for her culpability in failing to make sure enough staff were scheduled for an anticipated busy weekend. Even if she cannot be blamed for all of the people who called out sick or did not show up on Easter Sunday, she did nothing to placate the irritated customers. Instead of explaining to them why their food was taking so long or offering free drinks and desserts (common practice when the restaurant makes a major error), she simply ignored the problem.

Carmen's classic strategy in coping with all problems is avoidance -- hoping that it will either go away, or that someone else will 'fix it' for her. Unfortunately, in a restaurant setting where so many independent agents are operating in their own interests, it is necessary to have sustained, coherent leadership: the kind which Carmen does not provide. She can also be quite dismissive for requests for her assistance. During the chaos at Easter, for example, when people asked for help dealing with customers, she said that trying to talk with them or offering them something to placate their frayed tempers was a waste of time and it would distract her from the work she was already doing. Her other favored response is to tell the employee that it is their responsibility to "fix it." This makes people reluctant to ask for her assistance, because she acts as though employees are doing a bad job if they identify problems or even possible solutions. For every problem that employees brought up regarding Easter Sunday, we were given excuses, or outright had our questions ignored.

This type of friction between management and employees is very common in the restaurant industry, I have found. There is often an extreme power differential between managers and employees. Employees often desperately need their jobs as cooks and waiters. Servers in particular are dependent upon managers because they want to be scheduled during the 'good' shifts where they can receive decent tips. They are often forced to… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Communication Problem Related to Small Group or Organizational" Assignment:

Analyze a bona fide communication problem related to a small group or organizational communication (in a company). For this project, you will be assigned to a team whose members will serve as human resource specialists. The paper should include ANALYSIS and SOLUTION with the research and citation of SIMILAR CASES( which is the real world communication problem that can be found below but please do find other similar real world cases as well if there are any) and appropriate COMMUNICATION THEORIES.

Real-world communication problem:

I work for a local restaurant where I have two bosses above me. I have a general manager, lets call her Carmen, and the owner, lets call him Kenneth. For what was anticipated as one of the most busiest days of the year, Easter Sunday, my bosses did not schedule enough employees for the day. As a result, there was a long wait for food, irate customers, and overworked staff.

After the hectic Easter Sunday, when talking to Carmen about the problems we had, she made up excuses. She said she didn*****t go out and speak to the irritated customers because it was a waste of time and it would distract her from the work she was already doing, thus taking her longer to catch up on the work. For every problem that me and the other employee brought up regarding Easter Sunday, we were given excuses, or outright had our questions ignored.

Both Carmen and Kenneth have a tendency of being nice when talking on the phone or face-to-face interaction, however whenever any disciplinary actions need to be addressed or problems/customer complaints need to be given to staff, they rather text message or fax us instead of confronting us to our face. Both have trouble dealing with confrontation.

Use the following communication theories to analyze and create the solutions to the communication problem:


Downward Communication

Power Distance


Sources: At least one source must be a journal or periodical

How to Reference "Communication Problem Related to Small Group or Organizational" Essay in a Bibliography

Communication Problem Related to Small Group or Organizational.”, 2013, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Communication Problem Related to Small Group or Organizational (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Communication Problem Related to Small Group or Organizational. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Communication Problem Related to Small Group or Organizational” 2013.
”Communication Problem Related to Small Group or Organizational”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Communication Problem Related to Small Group or Organizational”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Communication Problem Related to Small Group or Organizational [Internet]. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Communication Problem Related to Small Group or Organizational. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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