Term Paper on "Combined DNA Index System (Codis)"

Term Paper 8 pages (2066 words) Sources: 6 Style: APA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Combined DNA Index System (codis)

Overview of CODIS

Uses of CODIS

CODIS Applications

CODIS Limitations

Future of CODIS


The objective of this work is to explain CODIS, which is the 'Combined DNA Index System'. This work will report on the historical information relating to CODIS and explain its use, applications, limitations, and the predicted and probable future of CODIS and will do so in a manner that the layperson enables the comprehension of the layperson related to CODIS.

CODIS is the abbreviation for the 'Combined DNA Index System'. This database was established by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for storing the profiles of individuals who are convicted offenders that are used in investigations in all U.S. states to assist in solving crimes. CODIS exists in all 50 U.S. states and profile approximately 80,302 individuals documenting biological evidence. This forensic evidence documents unknown offenders as well from evidence gathered at the scene of crimes. All of this information is stored in the CODIS database which is installed in approximately 137 laboratories in 49 states across the nation as well as in the District of Columbia. (Combined DNA Index System, nd)

Estimates from the FBI stats that 67% of rapists who were convicted have committed two or even more sexual assaults that were not detected. (Department of Justice, 2001) There are two approaches in DNA matching which are:

1) direct matching; and 2) kinship matching. (President's DNA Imitative,
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Direct matching makes a comparison of two DNA profiles in order to determine whether they came from the same individual. This type of matching gives consideration to allelic dropout for nuclear DNA and heteroplasmy for mtDNA. Kinship matching, uses the DNA profile in order to make identification of biological relationships. Considered in this type of matching are allelic dropout, or the nuclear DNA of the individual and mutations, or the nuclear and mtDNA. (Ibid; paraphrased)

I. Overview of CODIS

CODIS, the FBI Laboratory's Combine DNA Index System, combines forensic science with computer technology in what is called "an effective tool for solving violent crimes." (Mission Statement & Background, FBI.gov, 2007) This technology allows the federal, state, and local crime labs in information exchange and comparison through electronic means which links all the information in one database relating to crimes and convicted offenders. Beginning in 1990 as a pilot project serving 14 state and local labs, CODIS was enacted by the DNA Identification Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-322) which gives the FBI authority for establishment of a DNA Index System national (NDIS) which became operational in October 1998. CODIS is the database that is distributed on three levels also called 'tiers' which are the: (1) local; (2) state; and (3) national tiers. The local level which is the origination of all DNA profiles, is LDIS. LDIS connects to the SDIS or the state level which then in turn connects on to the national level of CODIS. (Ibid; paraphrased)

CODIS is provided by SAIC through a contract with the FBI under which SAIC "developed and now support forensic science computer systems and reference files that serve FBI and state and local crime laboratories performing DNA analyses." (SAIC, 2007) According to SAIC (2007) CODIS makes the provision of "automated information processing and telecommunications." (2007)

At the time of this 2007 report by SAIC the CODIS system is reported to assist law enforcement agencies in several areas inclusive of: (1) development of leads during investigation of crimes; (2) generation of statistical inference data relating to the frequency of crimes occurrence of a specific profile and within a specific population. (SAIC, 2007) Through using data analyses of great complexity and matching algorithms forensics experts in crime laboratories create DNA profiles and then use these profiles in a search of local, state, and national indexes to find a possible match to a profile with the origin unknown. At the time of this 2007 report CODIS is in use in 174 U.S. locations and more than 18 locations in foreign countries. DNA is the basic building block of the genetics which comprise the individual. This includes a component of practically every cell in the human body with the same DNA being is every cell of the individual. DNA is in human blood, skin, cells, saliva, and other biological material of the individual. DNA is unique to every individual, except in the case of identical twins. DNA evidence can be found and analyzed on evidence that is decades old. (President's DNA Initiative, 2007) the following illustration shows the location of CODIS Laboratories in September 1995.

CODIS Laboratories - September 1995

Source: (Promega, nd)

II. Uses of CODIS

There are several uses of DNA evidence in criminal justice. Some of those uses are the ones as follows provided with a description of each as well.

Solving Cold Cases:

Recent advances in DNA technology make it possible for law enforcement agencies to solve cases that went unsolved in years past. The President's DNA initiative points out the fact that there is evidence that the naked eyes will certainly miss but that may very well be the needed clue in solving a crime.

Post-Conviction Testing:

DNA testing is not only for the purpose of conviction but as well has been a method used for exoneration of those who have been falsely accused and are innocent. The handling of DNA, that is, the methods used for collection, preservation and testing of DNA is absolutely critical to successful use in cases whether for the purpose of conviction or exoneration of a crime.

Identification in Incidents with Mass Fatalities:

In response to the need for identification of victims following the September 11, 2001, attack of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York "City the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) which is the agency within the U.S. Department of Justice that conducts research, development and evaluation for the Department, called together experts in order to collaborate relating to support and advice during the efforts of identifying the 2,792 victims. This was a huge undertaking in consideration of the condition of the victims and the length of time the recovery took.

Missing Persons Identification:

CODIS is used in identification of missing individuals which totaled approximately 5.000 at the time of the report of the 'President's DNA Initiative'.

Solving Crimes Relating to Property:

Property crimes are the type of crimes that tend to reoccur and often escalate in terms of violence and unfortunately often are not solved.(Langan and Levin, 1994) Estimates state that "each burglar in the top 10% of burglars commits more than 232 burglaries per year. (Chaiken and Chaiken, 1982) it has been discovered by police departments that DNA from a burglary can be analyzed and often results in the solving of other cases simultaneously. Findings state that biological evidence that is collected from the crime scene of a property crime has the potential to prevent crimes in the future. (President's DNA Initiative, 2007)

DNA and Wildlife Forensics:

Wildlife forensic applications use evidence that has been scientifically analyzed concerning legal issues relating to wild animals whether is be due the animal being a victim or the perpetrator upon a person. The National Fish and Wildlife Forensic Laboratory utilizes DNA for conservation, protection and enhancement of wildlife and plants. Trent University Wildlife Forensic DNA Laboratory utilizes DNA for different wildlife issues.

III. CODIS Applications

Only a few cells may be enough information to make the DNA information useful in a court case. The following chart labeled Figure 2 lists the evidence, the possible location of DNA on the evidence, and the source of DNA that may be a powerful tool in conviction or exoneration of a case.

DNA Evidence, Location on Evidence and DNA Source Evidence

Possible Location of DNA on the Evidence

Source of DNA baseball bat or similar weapon handle, end sweat, skin, blood, tissue hat, bandanna, or mask inside sweat, hair, dandruff eyeglasses nose or ear pieces, lens sweat, skin facial tissue, cotton swab surface area mucus, blood, sweat, semen, ear wax dirty laundry surface area blood, sweat, semen toothpick tips saliva used cigarette butt saliva stamp or envelope licked area saliva tape or ligature inside/outside surface skin, sweat bottle, can, or glass sides, mouthpiece saliva, sweat used condom inside/outside surface semen, vaginal or rectal cells blanket, pillow, sheet surface area sweat, hair, semen, urine, saliva through and through" bullet outside surface blood, tissue bite mark person's skin or clothing saliva fingernail, partial fingernail scrapings blood, sweat, tissue

Source: National Institute of Justice

IV. CODIS Limitations

Stated as a limitation of the use of CODIS is that in mass fatality incidents it is reported that each human remain is likely to match several samples. It is not to say a person would go unidentified but instead the limitation would be that individuals would be identified multiple times. Another limitation that exist with the CODIS system is that contamination or degradation of a sample may inhibit the ability to make a genetic profile. (Cheng, Garofalo, Keung, Li, Nguyen, and Wharton,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Combined DNA Index System (Codis)" Assignment:

Explain CODIS completely (history, use, application, limitations, and future of CODIS) for a layperson. It should include a title page and a reference page (this is additional to the 10-page research paper).

How to Reference "Combined DNA Index System (Codis)" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Combined DNA Index System (Codis).” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/combined-dna-index-system-codis/40320. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Combined DNA Index System (Codis) (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/combined-dna-index-system-codis/40320
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Combined DNA Index System (Codis). [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/combined-dna-index-system-codis/40320 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Combined DNA Index System (Codis)” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/combined-dna-index-system-codis/40320.
”Combined DNA Index System (Codis)” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/combined-dna-index-system-codis/40320.
[1] ”Combined DNA Index System (Codis)”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/combined-dna-index-system-codis/40320. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Combined DNA Index System (Codis) [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/combined-dna-index-system-codis/40320
1. Combined DNA Index System (Codis). A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/combined-dna-index-system-codis/40320. Published 2007. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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